Production Designer's Notebook for Auction

Saturday, 31 August 2013 - Reported by Marcus
The personal notebook of Tristan Peatfield is being auctioned for charity.

Tristan Peatfield was the production designer on Doctor Who for two episodes in 2010, Amy's Choice and The Lodger, covering the gap between the departure of Ed Thomas and the arrival of Michael Pickwoad.

The item is a 14cm x 21cm black covered "Guildhall" notebook, which contains notes on a number of productions on which Peatfield worked, including at least 13 pages dedicated to Doctor Who. It includes text, designs and drawings in pencil by Peatfield and his colleague Peter McKinstry, including the original design for the "Lodger TARDIS" console and "Amy Pond, TARDIS Pilot".

The notebook is offered on behalf of Peatfield to raise money for The Isabella Peatfield Memorial Fund, a charity raising money for children's projects in Sri Lanka. Tristan and Kim Peatfield's daughter Isabella died in the country on Boxing Day 2004, the youngest British victim of the Indian Ocean Tsunami.

The ebay listing is now live and the auction runs for the next nine days.

FILTER: - Production - Charities - Auctions

DWAS Charity Auction for Blood Cancer Research

Saturday, 20 April 2013 - Reported by Chuck Foster
The Doctor Who Appreciation Society is currently running a charity auction in aid of Blood Cancer Research:

Philip Jessett was a keen Doctor Who fan throughout his life and for a number of years helped to run the Cardiff DWAS local group. Philip sadly died of Leukaemia not too long ago and his family has bequeathed his Doctor Who collection to the Doctor Who Appreciation Society.

Some of the charity auction items (Credit: DWAS)
Some of the charity auction items (Credit: DWAS)

By agreement with Phllip's mother Paula, the items in the collection are now available to bid on via our eBay site. 100% of each item's sale price will be donated (via eBay's charity partner Missionfish) to Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research.

The full list of items that are available can be found via DWAS's eBay auction page.

(with thanks to Paul Winter/DWAS)

FILTER: - Charities - Auctions

Bonhams Auction Results

Thursday, 13 December 2012 - Reported by John Bowman
The Entertainment Memorabilia auction held at Bonhams in London yesterday saw items from Doctor Who and its spin-off series fetch thousands of pounds, with the star item being the Nissan Figaro driven by Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith in The Sarah Jane Adventures going for £6,000 - the top end of its estimate.

Various costumes and props from Doctor Who, The Sarah Jane Adventures, and Torchwood went under the hammer but not everything was sold. A TARDIS exterior panel, listed as having been supplied by the BBC to the firm that made the title sequence for Sylvester McCoy's inaugural series as the Doctor, was withdrawn from the auction, having had an estimate of £400-500, and autographed scripts from Revelation of the Daleks, which had an estimate of £500-600, failed to sell.

The auction was held at Bonhams' Knightsbridge saleroom.

Full results of related auction items - sale price includes premium (estimate in brackets)

LotDescriptionSold for (£)
118Daleks - Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D. poster625 (500-700)
143Planet of the Spiders original scripts875 (1,200-1,500)
144SV7 costume from The Robots of Death2,500 (2,000-3,000)
145Revelation of the Daleks autographed scripts for episodes 1 and 2Failed to sell (500-600)
146Remembrance of the Daleks autographed OB schedule187 (250-300)
148Foam shark model from A Christmas Carol875 (1,000-1,500)
150TW: Scale corpse model from Countrycide250 (200-300)
151TW: Captain Jack Harkness's coat 2,125 (700-900)
152TW: Jack's safe door312 (500-700)
153TW: Jack's bedroom hatch door250 (300-400)
154TW: Martha Jones' costume from Reset625 (300-500)
155TW: Gwen Cooper's costume from Meat312 (500-700)
156SJA: Sarah's costume from Invasion of the Bane1,250 (500-600)
157SJA: Two "Slab" costumes from Warriors of Kudlak350 (250-300)
158SJA: Eve's costume from The Mad Woman in the Attic250 (200-250)
159SJA: Androvax costume from Prisoner of the Judoon and The Vault of Secrets450 (300-400)
160SJA: Clyde Langer costumes (15)500 (350-400)
161SJA: Shansheeth part costume from Death of the Doctor687 (250-300)
162SJA: Two Mister Dread costumes from The Vault of Secrets200 (250-300)
163SJA: Sarah's car (1991 Nissan Figaro two-door Targa Coupe)6,000 (4,000-6,000)

FILTER: - Doctor Who - Torchwood - Sarah Jane - Auctions

Children in Need: Auction results

Wednesday, 21 November 2012 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Pudsy WhoAs reported last week, a few Doctor Who-related items were donated for auction on behalf of Children in Need; all items have now completed off, raising the following for the charity:

It is still possible to donate to the charity via the BBC website:
Donate here!

FILTER: - Charities - Auctions

Bonhams: Entertainment Media Auction

Tuesday, 20 November 2012 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Bonhams have now released the catalogue for their next Entertainment Media Auction, which once again contains a number of items related to Doctor Who and its spin-offs. The usual assortment of costumes and props are available to bid upon, which also includes costumes worn by John Barrowman and Elisabeth Sladen in their respective roles as Jack and Sarah. Other highlights include a TARDIS phone panel, SV7's costume from The Robots of Death, original paperwork from Planet of the Spiders, Revelation of the Daleks and Remembrance of the Daleks, and Sarah's car from The Sarah Jane Adventures.

Lot No: 147 - Doctor Who: A 'Tardis' panel (1987)Lot No: 147 - Doctor Who: A 'Tardis' panel (1987)

In blue-painted wood with white lettering Police Telephone Free For Use Of Public Advice And Assistance Obtainable Immediately Officers And Cars Respond To Urgent Calls Pull To Open (29x36.5cm).

According to information from the vendor, this was supplied by the BBC to CAL, the company that animated the 'Doctor Who' title sequence for the 24th Series in 1987. Oliver Elms, the BBC graphics designer who story-boarded the sequence, sent the Tardis panel to CAL to be used as part of the design process. From the livery and typeface, this is a 1980s-style door sign.

Estimate: £400-500, €500-630, $640-800
Lot 143: Doctor Who - The Planet Of The Spiders: A group of original scriptsLot 143: Doctor Who - The Planet Of The Spiders: A group of original scripts

From March-May 1974, comprising rehearsal scripts for Episodes 1-5, and camera scripts for Episodes 3-6, with some annotations, together with a statement confirming provenance.

This story was the last to feature Jon Pertwee as the Doctor, ending with his transformation into Tom Baker. These scripts were obtained from a member of the Special Effects team.

Estimate: £1,200-1,500, €1,500-1,900, $1,900-2,400
Lot No: 144 -SV7 costume -  Doctor Who/Tom Baker: The Robots of Death, 1977Lot No: 144 - SV7 costume - Doctor Who/Tom Baker: The Robots of Death, 1977

An S.V.7 costume, comprising: a jacket, with quilted silver lamé sleeves, and plain cotton body, inscribed in black ink inside 'Miles Fothergill' ; a pair of three quarter length quilted silver lamé trousers, inscribed 'M.F.', together with a helmet, believed to be latter of coloured fibreglass, accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.

Estimate: £2,000-3,000, €2,500-3,800, $3,200-4,800
Lot No: 151 - Torchwood, 2006 - 2011: Captain Jack Harkness costumeLot No: 151 - Torchwood, 2006 - 2011: Captain Jack Harkness costume

A full length RAF blue Great Coat, double breasted with domed gilt RAF-style buttons with raised wings and crown motif and Group Captain epaulettes, well worn with simulated bullet holes to each sleeve, labelled in the inside jacket pocket Angels, handwritten in blue ink John Barrowman, April '06, with attached BBC stocknumber

Estimate: £700-900, €880-1,100, $1,100-1,400
Lot 156: The Sarah Jane Adventures, Series 1 Pilot - Invasion of the Bane: complete Sarah Jane Smith 'Hero' costumeLot 156: The Sarah Jane Adventures, Series 1 Pilot- Invasion of the Bane: complete Sarah Jane Smith 'Hero' costume

Comprises: maroon coloured velvet 'Karen Millen' coat with beige coloured stitching; a black and brown stripe dress of cotton/ lycra mix; cerise pink 'Karen Millen' cardigan with grey coloured pearlised buttons; a pair of maroon coloured tights and a pair of flat 'Bally' black knee high 'pony skin' boots, each with BBC asset number and label attached, boots size 37 (6)

Estimate: £500-600, €630-750, $800-950
Lot No: 163 - The Sarah Jane Adventures, 2007 - 2011: Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith Sarah Jane's car - A 1991 Nissan Figaro Two-Door Targa CoupÃLot No: 163 - The Sarah Jane Adventures, 2007 - 2011: Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith Sarah Jane's car - A 1991 Nissan Figaro Two-Door Targa Coupé

This is the second registration to feature in the show, but remained Sarah Jane's vehicle until the series ended in 2011.

Estimate: £4,000-6,000, €5,000-7,500, $6,400-9,500

The auction takes place at the Knightsbridge auction room on 12th December 2012.

Full list of auction items related to Doctor Who and its spin-offs

LotDescriptionEstimate (£)
118Daleks Invasion 2150AD poster500-700
143Planet of the Spiders original scripts1200-1500
144SV7 costume from The Robots of Death2000-3000
145Revelation of the Daleks autographed scripts for episodes 1,2500-600
146Remembrance of the Daleks autographed OB Schedule250-300
147Police Box panel400-500
148Foam shark model from A Christmas Carol1000-1500
150TW: scale corpse model from Countrycide200-300
151TW: Captain Jack Harkness coat700-900
152TW: Jack's safe door500-700
153TW: Jack's bedroom hatch door300-400
154TW: Martha Jones costume from Reset300-500
155TW: Gwen Cooper costume from Meat500-700
156SJA: Sarah's costume from Invasion of the Bane500-600
157SJA: two "Slab" costumes from Warriors of Kudlak250-300
158SJA: Eve's costume from The Mad Woman in the Attic200-250
159SJA: Androvax costume from Prisoner of the Judoon and The Vault of Secrets300-400
160SJA: Clyde Langer costumes (15)350-400
161SJA: Shansheeth costume from Death of the Doctor250-300
162SJA: two Mister Dread costumes from The Vault of Secrets250-300
163SJA: Sarah's car (1991 Nissan Figaro two-door Targa Coupe)4000-6000

FILTER: - Doctor Who - Torchwood - Sarah Jane - Auctions

Children in Need: win Matt Smith's handprints!

Friday, 16 November 2012 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Each year a variety of items from celebrities and programmes have been donated for auction to raise money for Children in Need, and Doctor Who is no exception.

Matt Smith's hand cast, from The Doctor Who Experience. Auctioned for Children in Need 2012This year sees one of the three casts made of Matt Smith's handprints for The Doctor Who Experience back in October donated for the charity; the item is available to bid upon via Ebay until 6:09pm on Monday - at the time of writing the current bid is £510.

Other Doctor Who related items include Matt Smith's autograph, and signed Pudsey Bears by David Tennant and John Barrowman.

You can find a full list of items for auction via the BBC's Children in Need Ebay page.

Last year the Doctor's costume raised £50,000 for the charity.
Donate here!

FILTER: - Matt Smith - Charities - Auctions

Bonhams Auction Results Announced

Sunday, 8 July 2012 - Reported by John Bowman
A poster from the second Dalek film fetched £425 when it was auctioned in London.

The quad poster promoting the 1966 movie Daleks – Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D. had been given an estimate of £300 to £400 in the run-up to the Entertainment Memorabilia sale held at Bonhams in Knightsbridge last Tuesday.

The auction also saw costumes from two David Tennant-era Doctor Who stories sell for sums above their estimates, while another Tennant-era one went for less.

Two Roboform costumes from The Runaway Bride, pictured below left, went for £1,000 (estimate: £400 to £500). One of the outfits is believed to have been worn by Tennant's Doctor as a disguise costume during the episode. A maid's costume from Tooth And Claw, pictured below centre, sold for £225 (estimate: £100 to £150), while a Slab guard costume from Smith and Jones, pictured below right, fetched £237 (estimate: £300 to £400).

FILTER: - UK - David Tennant - Auctions

Bonhams To Auction Poster And Costumes

Thursday, 7 June 2012 - Reported by John Bowman
A Dalek film poster and costumes from three David Tennant-era Doctor Who stories are coming up for auction in London next month.

The Entertainment Memorabilia sale is taking place at Bonhams in Knightsbridge on Tuesday 3rd July, starting at 1pm.

The quad poster, measuring 40in x 30in (105cm x 76cm), is for the 1966 film Daleks – Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D. and has an estimate of £300 to £400.

The first costume lot going under the hammer is made up of two Roboform costumes from The Runaway Bride, pictured below left, with one of them believed to have been worn by Tennant's Doctor as a disguise costume during the episode. Each outfit comprises a black hooded cape of wool, with Velcro fastening and split side seam, together with a black wool jacket/coat, the costume attributed to Tennant having a pair of black loafer shoes and a black leather effect belt with large buckle, the other with belt only. These have an estimate of £400 to £500, which will be taxable.

The next outfit is a maid's costume from Tooth And Claw, pictured below centre, comprising a black cotton dress, with button front with lace-effect collar and cuffs, together with a fine net and lace belted apron. It carries an estimate of £100 to £150.

Finally, there is a Slab guard costume from Smith and Jones, pictured below right, which has an estimate of £300 to £400 and comprises a two-piece black leather biker-type outfit, the leather jacket with geometric detail to top of sleeves with a pair of trousers, both labelled 'Hein Gericke', the jacket with label inside inscribed 'Matt', together with a pair of leather gauntlet/gloves and a black cotton T-shirt.

All of the costumes appear to be the same as the ones that were included in the Entertainment Memorabilia auction held by Bonhams last December, where the Roboform costumes sold for £437, the maid’s costume for £400, and the Slab guard costume for £225.

Pre-sale viewings will be held on Friday 29th June (9am to 4.30pm), Sunday 1st July (11am to 3pm), Monday 2nd July (9am to 4.30pm), and the day of the auction itself (9am to 11am).

FILTER: - UK - David Tennant - Auctions

Life Imitates Art

Thursday, 23 February 2012 - Reported by John Bowman
It's said that truth is stranger than fiction, and in a case of life imitating art (in more ways than one), two iconic paintings with very close connections to Doctor Who have been hitting the headlines.

Firstly, one of Edvard Munch's four versions of The Scream - which was a major influence on the design of Series 6 monster The Silence - is to be exhibited in the UK before being auctioned in the USA by Sotheby's.

It will be on display in London from 13th April and in New York from 27th April, with the auction taking place on 2nd May, when it is estimated it could fetch more than £50m ($80m).

This version - dated 1895 and the only one to still be in private hands - is a pastel and is in the original frame that was hand-painted by the Norwegian artist. It also includes a poem by Munch explaining what inspired his masterpiece.

The Scream is reckoned to be the second-most recognisable image in art and popular culture after the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci - and by a funny coincidence another version of that particular masterpiece has also been causing a huge stir in the art world.

The globally famous portrait - also titled La Gioconda - was a major plot point of the Season 17 story City of Death. Now a copy of the picture - reckoned to have been painted by one of Leonardo's apprentices at the time of the original - has been restored and displayed at the Prado Museum in Madrid, where it will stay until 13th March, after which it will be moved and hung next to Leonardo's original at the Louvre in Paris for an exhibition.

As reported previously, photographic portraits of David Tennant and Karen Gillan can still be seen in the Hot Scots exhibition at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh. This display runs until 1st April.

Tennant is also among the actors featured in backstage theatre photographer Simon Annand's exhibition The Half at the Idea Generation Gallery in Chance Street, London. The display takes its name from the half-hour before curtain-up, when actors are left by themselves to focus on the performance ahead of them. Also pictured at the gallery are Michael Gambon, Carey Mulligan, and Mark Gatiss. The exhibition opens tomorrow and runs until 8th April, with the opening times 10am to 6pm Mondays to Fridays and midday to 5pm Sundays.

FILTER: - USA - UK - Karen Gillan - Exhibitions - David Tennant - Miscellaneous - Auctions

Bonhams Auction Results

Friday, 16 December 2011 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Yesterday saw Bonham's Entertainment Memorabilia auction take place, in which a range of costumes from 21st Century Doctor Who were available to bid upon, originating from Angels The Costumiers, plus the preliminary artwork for the 1964 The Dalek Book and a spaceship prop from Battlefield.

The Battlefield spaceship (#154a) reached its estimate of £5000, but the surprise sale of the auction turned out to be the Clockwork Droid costume (#162), estimated at £400 but also going for £5000!

Unsurprisingly the Doctor's costumes all performed well at the auction, well in excess of their estimates: John Smith's teacher costume (#173/£1500/£2125); John Smith's suit (#174/£600/£938); John Smith's pyjamas (#175/£600/£1125); John Smith's coat/hat/scarf (#176/£400/£1250); and the Doctor's wedding outfit from The Big Bang (#191/£1800/£2625).

Other items that far exceeded their original estimates include: The Dalek Book artwork (#154/£700/£1500), William Shakespeare's costume (#166/£500/£1625), Martha's maid costume (#167/£400/£1000), Rosita's costume (#184/£350/£1375), Van Gogh's costume (#188/£450/£1250), and Dorium's costume (#185/£350/£1375).

The final prices of the items are listed below, which is inclusive of the Buyer's premium.

LotDescriptionEstimate (£)Final Price
154Preliminary artwork for The Dalek Book (1964)500-7001500
154aSpaceship model from Battlefield4500-50005000
155Doctor Constantine costume from The Empty Child400-500813
156Adherent of the Repeated Meme costume from The End of the World250-300750
157Partial Sycorax costume from The Christmas Invasion350-400563
158Sisters of Plenitude tunic from New Earth200-300875
159Maid's costume from Tooth and Claw100-150400
160The Host cloak from Tooth and Claw150-200475
161Guardian monk's robes from Tooth and Claw200-300438
162Clockwork Droid costume from The Girl in the Fireplace300-4005000
163Two Roboform costumes (one pos worn by Tennant) from The Runaway Bride400-500437
164A Slab guard costume from Smith and Jones300-400225
165Lilith's nightdress and slippers from The Shakespeare Code150-250325
166William Shakespeare's costume from The Shakespeare Code400-5001625
167Frank's costume from Daleks in Manhattan500-600400
168Tallulah's costume from Daleks in Manhattan150-200688
169Laszlo's human and pig slave costumes from Daleks in Manhattan300-400475
170Two Pig Slave costumes from Daleks in Manhattan250-300500
171Mr. Diagoras's costume from Daleks in Manhattan200-300438
172Solomon's costume from Daleks in Manhattan250-300250
173John Smith's Teacher costume from Human Nature1000-15002125
174John Smith's suit from Human Nature500-600938
175John Smith's pyjamas from Human Nature400-6001125
176John Smith's overcoat/hat/scarf from Human Nature300-4001250
177Martha's maid costume from Human Nature300-4001000
178Baines's costume from Human Nature200-300625
179Lucy/Jenny/Rocastle costumes from Human Nature300-4001063
180Futurekind Chieftain costume from Utopia400-500600
181Lucius Petrus Dextrus's costume from The Fire of Pompeii300-400375
182Quintus and Lucius costumes from The Fires of Pompeii400-500688
183UNIT Trooper part costume from The Sontaran Strategum200-300563
184Rosita's costume from The Next Doctor250-3501375
185Four Smilers costumes from The Beast Below400-5001500
186Four Winders part costumes from The Beast Below250-350813
187Guido's costume from The Vampires of Venice600-700unsold
188Vincent Van Gogh's costume from Vincent and the Doctor350-4501250
189Dorium Maldovar's costume from The Pandorica Opens250-3501375
190Rory's Wedding outfit from The Big Bang400-600688
191The Doctor's Wedding Guest outfit from The Big Bang1200-18002625

FILTER: - Auctions