Twice Upon A Time cinema outing for Denmark

Thursday, 30 November 2017 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Twice Upon A Time in Danish cinemas (Credit: BBC Worldwide/Kino)Denmark is the latest country to be added to the list of those showing this year's Christmas Special on the big screen, with the ticket sales site Kino now listing details about the presentation:

Dette års Doctor Who Christmas Special-afsnit bliver et fler-Doktor-eventyr med the Doctor (Peter Capaldi) og den allerførste Doctor (David Bradley).

I afsnittet, som hedder “Twice Upon A Time”, medvirker også Pearl Mackie som følgesvenden Bill Potts og Mark Gatiss som en soldat fra Første Verdenskrig - indtil videre kun kendt som ‘The Captain’. Som tidligere omtalt bliver dette Peter Capaldis farvel til serien.

Udover selve det særlige Christmas Special-afsnit vil der være en overraskelse på lærredet, som er guf for alle Whovians.

The presentations take place in the usual CinemaxX København, CinemaxX Aarhus and CinemaxX Odense on 26th December (4pm), 27th December (6:30pm) and 31st December (midday). Full details on how to book can be found via their website.

Denmark cinema have played host to the last few Christmas adventures with the Doctor, as well as the current Doctor's debut and a 3D outing for his first series finale!

FILTER: - Cinema - Denmark - Series Specials - Special Events

The Return of Doctor Mysterio to be shown by CinemaxX in Denmark

Monday, 5 December 2016 - Reported by Chuck Foster
The Return of Doctor Mysterio in Danish Cinema (Credit: BBC Worldwide)Danish cinema goers can also enjoy The Return of Doctor Mysterio on the big screen, as CinemaxX announce the Christmas Special will be shown in their Odense, Aarhus and Copenhagen cinemas on Boxing Day at 1:30pm, with an additional showing on the 28th December at 6:30pm.


BBC Worldwide og CinemaxX er stolte over at kunne præsentere biografpremieren på det nye Doctor Who Juleafsnit: The Return of Doctor Myterio.

Begivenheden inderholder den komplette timelange episode samt to ekslusive bonus-dokumentarer; "The Doctor: A New Kind of Hero", som giver et blik ind i Doctor Who's bud p en moderne superhelt, og "Doctor Who Extra: The Return of Doctor Mysterio", som omhandler tilblivelsen af dette års juleafsnit. Både stjernerne Peter Capaldi og Matt Lucas samt seriens executive producer og hovedforfatter Steven Moffat medvirker.

Følg Doktoren, spillet af Peter Capaldi, når han slår sig sammen med en målrettet journalist, spillet af Charity Wakefield ('Wolf Hall', 'The Player'), og en superhelt, som skal frelse New York fra en dødelig trussel fra rummet.

Juleafsnittet, som er skrevet af Steven Moffat, har også Justin Chatwin ('Orphan Black', 'Shameless') som Grant på rollelisten, sammen med Matt Lucas ('Alice in Wonderland', 'Bridesmaids'), Adetomiwa Edun ('Lucifer', 'Bates Motel'), Aleksander Janovic og Logan Hoffman.

The cinema chain previously showed last year's special, The Husbands of River Song, as well as the 50th Anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor, Deep Breath, and Series Eight finale Dark Water/Death in Heaven in 3D.

FILTER: - Cinema - Denmark - Series Specials

The Husbands of River Song to be shown in Danish cinemas

Tuesday, 1 December 2015 - Reported by Chuck Foster
The Doctor and River Song (Credit: BBC/Simon Ridgway)Cinemaxx in Denmark have confirmed that they will show this year's Doctor Who Christmas Special, The Husbands of River Song, on Saturday 26th December, with two showings at 4:45pm and 7:00pm in their Copenhagen, Odense and Aarhus cinemas.

As well as the hour long special the performances will also include an additional thirty minutes of bonus material: though unconfirmed at the time of writing it is expected that this will be the Alex Kingston interview and behind-the-scenes footage that has already been announced for the US screenings of the Special on the 28th/29th December.


Traditionen tro får alle Whovians også i år en ekstra julegave! ’Doctor Who’ er nemlig klar med sin Christmas Special 2015 –og som noget ganske særlig får du her i 2015 en enestående chance for at se dette særlige afsnit på det store lærred!

Det er juledag og the Doctor gemmer sig fra pynt og julesamler på en fjern menneske-koloni. Men heldigvis styrter et rumskib ned, og der er atter bud efter den kære doktor, som i samarbejde med River Songs hold kaster sig ind i en vild og hektisk jagt på tværs af galaksen.

Vil Nardole overleve? Og hvornår finder River Song ud af hvem the Doctor er? Alt dette og mere til vil blive afsløret, når the Doctor kaster sig ud i et rumeventyr af de helt store, som omfatter galaktiske superskurke og en destination, som the Doctor har forsøgt at undgå i rigtig lang tid…

Udover afsnittet, der er 60 minutter langt, vil der være 30 min. særlige ekstraoptagelser, der fordeles før og efter afsnittet, og som kun kan opleves i biografen, så husk at blive siddende til efter rulleteksterne.

Cinemaxx have previously shown The Day of the Doctor, Deep Breath and the 3D version of Dark Water/Death in Heaven in their cinemas.

FILTER: - Cinema - Denmark - Series Specials - Special Events

Dark Water/Death in Heaven 3D cinema outing for Denmark

Thursday, 13 August 2015 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Denmark is the latest country to have scheduled the 3D version of the Series 8 finale Dark Water & Death in Heaven in cinemas. The two episodes, plus the Series 9 preview, will be shown at Cinemaxx cinemas in Copenhagen, Odense and Aarhus on the 16th September (two showings at 6:00pm and 8:45pm).

Doctor Who: Dark Water and Death in Heaven 3D - poster (Credit: BBC)Er du fan af den udødelige engelske tv-serie 'Doctor Who'? Så er du det, man kalder en “whovian”, og der er godt nyt til dig! BBC og CinemaxX fortsætter deres samarbejde, når de onsdag den 16. september blænder op for en 3D-visning af de dramatiske sidste to afsnit af seriens sæson 8 samt en aldrig før vist "prequel" til sæson 9's første afsnit. Udover det bliver doktoren selv, Peter Capaldi, og den kvindelige hovedrolle, Clara, spillet af Jenna Coleman, interviewet af skuespiller Wil Wheaton.

'Doctor Who' er en institution i britisk kultur og er blevet kult i det meste af den vestlige verden. Serien blev skabt i 1963 og kørte uafbrudt indtil 1989. I 1996 blev den forsøgt genoplivet, men først i 2005 lykkedes det, og den nuværende serie kører altså nu på 9. sæson.

Selve figuren, som bare omtales som The Doctor, er et tidsrejsende rumvæsen i menneskekrop, en såkaldt Time Lord fra planeten Gallifrey. Han flygtede i en TARDIS tidsmaskine - "Time and Relative Dimension In Space" - som er en kamæleon-maskine, der kan påtage sig diverse lokale objekters udseende. Men på grund af en fejl i TARDIS' "kamæleon-kredsløb" ligner tidsmaskinen nu og for evigt en blå, engelsk politiboks - et af de ikoniske billeder fra serien.

Denmark joins the United States (Fathom Events) and Canada (Front Row Centre Events/Cineplex Entertainment) in presenting the episodes in 3D in cinema.

The episodes are not currently planned to be shown in the United Kingdom, with a quote from BBC Worldwide to Sci-Fi Bulletin stating: “Due to the number of events taking place for Doctor Who this year including the Symphonic Spectacular and the Doctor Who Festival, we decided against showing the episodes in UK cinema."

The 3D special is expected to be released on Blu-ray in North America on 22nd September:
Doctor Who: Dark Water / Death in Heaven 3D - Blu-ray  (Credit: BBC Worldwide)Doctor Who’s eighth season drew to a close with an epic 2 part finale. The Doctor finally comes face to face with the mysterious Missy, who has been laying the groundwork for a dastardly scheme. Left with no other choice, old friends must unite against old enemies as the Cybermen terrorize the streets of London. Own the thrilling conclusion to the record-breaking season – now combined into one spectacular feature-length 3D extravaganza!

Special Features:
  • Deleted scene
  • An exclusive prequel scene to season 9
  • An interview with Steven Moffat, Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman discussing the latest season, and what’s next for Doctor Who
A release of the story in the UK and other regions has yet to be announced (it is currently unknown if the North American version will be region-free).

FILTER: - Cinema - Denmark - Series 8/34 - Special Events

Deep Breath in Denmark cinemas

Wednesday, 6 August 2014 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Peter Capaldi as the Doctor (Credit: BBC/Adrian Rogers)Danish cinema chain CinemaxX have announced that they will be showing series premiere Deep Breath in their Odense, Aarhus and Copenhagen theatres on Saturday 23rd August at 7:45pm.

Denmark's local time is one hour ahead of the United Kingdom's, which makes the above time effectively 6:45pm; however, the exact time in cinema should be clarified once tickets are on sale, from tomorrow (Thursday) at 4:00pm via the CinemaxX website. Update: the cinema website for the event cites 19:45.

There has been no news at present as to when the usual Doctor Who broadcaster DR might transmit the episode on television.

FILTER: - Cinema - Denmark - Premiere Events - Series 8/34

Denmark showing for Day of the Doctor

Friday, 1 November 2013 - Reported by Marcus
The Day of the Doctor - Promotional Poster (square) (Credit: BBC/Adrian Rogers)Fans in Denmark will be able to see the 50th Anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor, at one of three special showings at the CinemaxX cinema chain.

The episode will be shown on the evening of 23rd November at branches in Odense, Aarhus and the capital Copenhagen.

The showings were announced yesterday following mail and internet campaigns from fans in the country. National Danish TV channel DR3 has just completed screenings of seasons 5 to 7 of the new series.
Thanks to Steen Schapiro

FILTER: - Day of the Doctor - Denmark