Bonham's Auction Items

Thursday, 24 November 2011 - Reported by Chuck Foster
The next Entertainment Memorabilia auction at Bonhams takes place on the 15th December, and features a range of costumes from the 21st Century series of Doctor Who offered via Angels The Costumiers - including several of the Doctor's outfits. There are also a couple of 'classic' items, with the preliminary artwork for 1964's The Dalek Book and a spaceship prop from Battlefield.

Lot No: 173 - Doctor Who - Human Nature/ The Family Of Blood, 2007

David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor: A three-piece suit, shirt and tie, being the principle character costume, worn during the sequence where the Doctor is hiding under the persona of the Teacher John Smith, the brown tweed suit, with orange and black coloured thread, comprising jacket, waistcoat and trousers, bearing 'Total Look Costumes' label inside, together with a white cotton shirt with removable collar and a brown bow-tie with circular motif, together with a black teachers cape, with inscribed label inside 'Smith', a square academic hat (mortarboard), of black cotton, and a pair of black leather boots.

The suit part of this lot features during the Dance sequence onward, and in the promotional photographs for the episode. The cap and gown feature during the school sequences. The label inside is typical of modern BBC television labelling.

Estimate: £1,000-1,500, €1,200-1,800
Lot No: 174 - Doctor Who - Human Nature/ The Family Of Blood, 2007

David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor: A three-piece suit, worn during the sequence where the Doctor is hiding under the persona of the Teacher John Smith, comprising a grey/ blue tweed suit with brown/ cream plastic buttons, together with a brown paisley type tie, all items bearing 1980s Morris Angel & Sons Ltd. labels.

Estimate: £500-600, €590-700
Lot No: 175 - Doctor Who - Human Nature/ The Family Of Blood, 2007

David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor: The Doctors sleepwear - a pair of pyjamas and a dressing gown, worn during the sequence where the Doctor is hiding under the persona of the Teacher John Smith, the pyjamas of cream coloured cotton with blue pinstripe, with wide and narrow stripe, the dressing gown of checked brown wool mix fabric, with red rope edging and details to cuffs and sleeves, together with a pair of slippers

Estimate: £400-600, €470-700
Lot No: 176 - Doctor Who - Human Nature/ The Family Of Blood, 2007

David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor: A grey/brown 3/4 length overcoat, hat and scarf, featured during the outdoor scenes, the coat of tweed with large plastic buttons, with black masking tape applied over interior label; a grey and orange wool scarf, with a black trilby type hat, of black fabric with synthetic trim, together with a pair of red cotton pyjamas featured in the scene where the Doctor is an old man.

Estimate: £300-400, €350-470
Lot No: 191 - Doctor Who - The Big Bang, 2010

Matt Smith as The Eleventh Doctor: A complete Wedding guest outfit, comprising: a black satin 'Opera' type collapsible top hat, in original box, with black ribbon trim; a black tail coat, of wool with satin effect collar; a white waffle type waistcoat; a white shirt with waffle type front together with matching collar and bow-tie; a cream coloured silk scarf with tasselled edge; a pair of black tuxedo trousers, with matching braces and a pair of black size 10 men's shoes, together with the original costume returns bag.

Estimate: £1,200-1,800, €1,400-2,100

Lot No: 154 - Doctor Who: The original preliminary design artwork for 'The Dalek Book'

Watercolour and gouache on paper, unsigned, mounted on board, 11½ x 15 inches (29 x 38cm)

Estimate: £500-700, €590-820
Lot No: 155 - Doctor Who: original spaceship model from 'Battlefield'

Well-detailed, removable top section with internal electric wiring, on stand, with certificate of authenticity approximately 51cm (20in) diameter

The ship is classed as an 'Organic Spaceship' in this episode. It lies on the bottom of Lake Vortigern containing the body of King Arthur, apparently in suspended animation, and his sword Excalibur. The ship is made from different materials including metal, resin and fibreglass. The ship was used for underwater shots - the 'blow hole' where a stream of bubbles emanates at one point is clearly visible. This can be operated by a switch. This was one of two models made, the other model was blown up.

Estimate: £4,500-5,000, €5,300-5,900

Full list of auction items related to Doctor Who

LotDescriptionEstimate (£)
154Preliminary artwork for The Dalek Book (1964)500-700
154aSpaceship model from Battlefield4500-5000
155Doctor Constantine costume from The Empty Child400-500
156Adherent of the Repeated Meme costume from The End of the World250-300
157Partial Sycorax costume from The Christmas Invasion350-400
158Sisters of Plenitude tunic from New Earth200-300
159Maid's costume from Tooth and Claw100-150
160The Host cloak from Tooth and Claw150-200
161Guardian monk's robes from Tooth and Claw200-300
162Clockwork Droid costume from The Girl in the Fireplace300-400
163Two Roboform costumes (one pos worn by Tennant) from The Runaway Bride400-500
164A Slab guard costume from Smith and Jones300-400
165Lilith's nightdress and slippers from The Shakespeare Code150-250
166William Shakespeare's costume from The Shakespeare Code400-500
167Frank's costume from Daleks in Manhattan500-600
168Tallulah's costume from Daleks in Manhattan150-200
169Laszlo's human and pig slave costumes from Daleks in Manhattan300-400
170Two Pig Slave costumes from Daleks in Manhattan250-300
171Mr. Diagoras's costume from Daleks in Manhattan200-300
172Solomon's costume from Daleks in Manhattan250-300
173John Smith's Teacher costume from Human Nature1000-1500
174John Smith's suit from Human Nature500-600
175John Smith's pyjamas from Human Nature400-600
176John Smith's overcoat/hat/scarf from Human Nature300-400
177Martha's maid costume from Human Nature300-400
178Baines's costume from Human Nature200-300
179Lucy/Jenny/Rocastle costumes from Human Nature300-400
180Futurekind Chieftain costume from Utopia400-500
181Lucius Petrus Dextrus's costume from The Fire of Pompeii300-400
182Quintus and Lucius costumes from The Fires of Pompeii400-500
183UNIT Trooper part costume from The Sontaran Strategum200-300
184Rosita's costume from The Next Doctor250-350
185Four Smilers costumes from The Beast Below400-500
186Four Winders part costumes from The Beast Below250-350
187Guido's costume from The Vampires of Venice600-700
188Vincent Van Gogh's costume from Vincent and the Doctor350-450
189Dorium Maldovar's costume from The Pandorica Opens250-350
190Rory's Wedding outfit from The Big Bang400-600
191The Doctor's Wedding Guest outfit from The Big Bang1200-1800

(with thanks to John Bowman)

FILTER: - Auctions

Children in Need: Auction Totals

Tuesday, 22 November 2011 - Reported by Chuck Foster
The auction of the Doctor's clothes to raise money for Children in Need has now ended, with the winning bid donating £50,000 to the charity!

Final bids on other related items in the auction included:
  • £1,800 - signed Pudsey Bear by Matt Smith
  • £361.87 - signed Pudsey Bear by John Barrowman
  • £62.00 - signed artwork of Tommy by Anjli Mohindra
  • £151.00 - signed artwork of Shansheeth by Anjli Mohindra
  • £72.00 - signed artwork of The Empty Planet by Anjli Mohindra
  • £56.55 - signed artwork of Anjli by Tommy Knight
  • £158.00 - signed artwork of Odd Bob by Tommy Knight
  • £95.87 - signed artwork of The Groske by Daniel Anthony
  • £620.00 - signed Soulless mask from Torchwood: Miracle Day
Donate here!

FILTER: - Charities - Auctions

Children in Need: The Doctor's Auction

Saturday, 19 November 2011 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Last night the Doctor put up his clothes for auction to raise money for Children in Need; the costume is available to bid on here, and at the time of writing has currently reached £22,100!

Other related items in the auction include signed Pudsey Bears by Matt Smith (currently £1,600) and John Barrowman (£240.50), plus signed artwork by the Sarah Jane Adventures cast with Tommy, Shansheeth and The Empty Planet by Anjli Mohindra, Anjli and Odd Bob by Tommy Knight, and The Groske by Daniel Anthony.

You can watch the Doctor's appeal (and the trailer for The Doctor, The Widow And The Wardrobe) below:

The Doctor on Children in Need, BBC, via YouTube

Donate here!

FILTER: - Specials - Charities - Auctions

Arts For Hearts Auction: Final Week

Wednesday, 28 September 2011 - Reported by Chuck Foster
This week sees the final items of Doctor Who artwork up for auction by Arts For Hearts, the proceeds of which are donated to the Great Ormond Street Hospital to held fund research into organ transplants.

Concept artist Peter McKinstry has donated two A2 prints of K9, both of which have been signed by the artist and the voice of K9, John Leeson. Also up for auction is a page of original comic artwork from Doctor Who Adventures by John Ross

You can bid on the two K9 prints (one, two) and the John Ross artwork via Ebay.

(with thanks to Ian Stacey)

FILTER: - Special Events - Auctions

Arts For Hearts Auction

Sunday, 26 June 2011 - Reported by Chuck Foster
An auction of Doctor Who artwork will be taking place on the 11th July, the proceeds of which are to help fund research by the heart transplant team at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Art for Hearts heave gathered together a variety of works from artists including Lee Binding, Anthony Dry, Colin Howard, Alister Pearson, Peter McKinstry, John Ross and Adrian Salmon; there are also ink caricatures featuring and signed by Steven Moffat, David Tennant and Donald Tosh.

Examples of the artwork can be seen on the Art For Hearts blog along with more details on the auction, and the pieces themselves are currently on display at Orbital Comics in London.

National Transplant Week runs from 4th-10th July.
(with thanks to Ian Stacey)

FILTER: - Special Events - Auctions

Doctor Who items in Bonhams Auction

Saturday, 11 June 2011 - Reported by Chuck Foster
A variety of items from the classic series of Doctor Who have been listed by Bonhams for their forthcoming Entertainment Memorabilia auction, taking place in Knightsbridge on 29th June 2011 from 1:00pm.

Lot 111: Jon Pertwee's Inverness cape, in charcoal herringbone, frock with matching striped lining, black velvet collar, five buttons and three pockets, capelet with blue braid edging and purple lining, with background information including a copy of the Radio Times, 20-26 November 1993, the front cover featuring Pertwee wearing the cape.

This was worn on-screen for the 30th anniversary episode, Dimensions In Time, and can be seen on the cover of the Dr. Who Annual, 1996, in Jon Pertwee's autobiography, the Dr. Who Magazine and several BBC videos. It was originally purchased at the Longleat auction in August 1996, which included a number of items from Jon Pertwee's widow. The cape was Lot 64 in the auction.

Estimate: £4,000-5,000, €4,600-5,700
Lot 111A: A rehearsal script for Dr Who And The War Games, for rehearsals May 1969.

Episode Seven, with related memo, cast/set list and twenty-five numbered, mimeographed pages, some annotated.

Estimate: £200-300, €230-340
Lot 112: A TARDIS key, originally constructed in plastic board, moulded in silicon and finally cast in grey-coloured resin, with central symbol of the Pydonian seal, with chain, together with a statement of authenticity from The Model Unit, confirming this was one of several made for the 1988 season, starring Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor, key 6.5cm (2½in) long.

Estimate: £2,500-3,000, €2,900-3,400
Lot 113: a collection of thirty four re-release film posters, 1965 and 1966.

Re-release version British one-sheets for Dr Who and the Daleks (x6), Daleks Invasion Earth 2150 AD (x28), all rolled, 27 x 41 inches, (34).

Estimate: £200-300, €230-340
Lot 114: 'Mona Lisa' painting from City Of Death, oil on panel, 57 x 72.5cm (22¼ x 28½in)

Featured in the Tom Baker story broadcast in 1979, this is one of six such paintings produced. According to information received, this particular painting hung in the Dr. Who production office during the 1980s.

Estimate: £1,000-1,200, €1,100-1,400
Lot 115: A miniature TARDIS model, created for exhibition purposes, of painted board, with plastic paper-backed windows, and plastic casing to light, having internal electrical workings (plug removed), height 5ft, width 15 inches.

Estimate: £150-200, €170-230
Lot 116: costumes from Resurrection Of The Daleks, 1984, prison guard/prison ship uniforms, comprising a black fabric/vinyl Dalek trooper's cap; a white medical boiler suit, neck inscribed in ballpoint Robert Goodman, badge to right sleeve, with belt; a helmet, fibreglass/plastic, interior foam padding, mesh front; a khaki boiler suit with maching belt and felt cap, neck inscribed in ballpoint Mike Vinden, Operational badge (and old Bonhams label) to right sleeve.

Estimate: £300-400, €340-460
Lot 117: costumes from Resurrection Of The Daleks, 1984, prison guards/prison ship uniforms, comprising: a helmet, fibreglass/plastic with interior foam padding and mesh grill; an orange boiler suit, neck inscribed in ballpoint Kevin O'Brien, right sleeve with Maintenance badge to right sleeve, with belt and felt cap; two similar khaki boiler suits with Operational badge to sleeve, with belts, one inscribed John Adam Baker, the other Sneh Gupta; and a red, yellow, black and grey quilted vinyl jacket, shoulders with metal rings, with black belt.

Estimate: £300-400, €340-460
(with thanks to "Alyd")

UPDATE - The hammer prices were as follows:

Jon Pertwee's cape: £4,800
War Games script: £420
Dalek film posters: £660
City of Death Mona Lisa: £2,400
TARDIS model: £900
Resurrection of the Daleks costumes (Lot 116): £1,320
Resurrection of the Daleks costumes (Lot 117): £1,140

NB: No price was given for the TARDIS key. It is unknown if this means it failed to sell.

FILTER: - Auctions

Doctor Who stars lend a hand to charity

Wednesday, 23 February 2011 - Reported by Harry Ward
Stars from Doctor Who have designed candle holders to be auctioned for the ILLUMINATE Campaign, an offshoot of The Cure Parkinson's Trust. The auction on eBay began yesterday and will finish at 7.00 pm on Friday 4th March 2011.

Peter Davison (the fifth Doctor and Bernard Cribbins (Wilfred Mott) have both designed an image to be used on a candle holder. Also in the auction are hand signed photos by Davison and Katherine Jenkins (Abigail Pettigrew, A Christmas Carol).

Other celebrities who have appeared in Doctor Who and have designed a candle holder for the auction are Harry Lloyd (Jeremy Baines / Son of Mine, Human Nature / The Family of Blood), Roy Hudd (Max Miller, Pier Pressure, Big Finish Audio), Louise Minchin (Newsreader, Torchwood: Children of Earth), Julia Sawalha (Emma, The Curse of Fatal Death, Red Nose Day parody episode), who has signed a photo, and Ricky Gervais, who appeared as a slug-like monster alongside David Tennant as the tenth Doctor in a scene in Extras - The Special.

Britain’s favourite celebrities have personally designed these 34 candle holders, which will be auctioned on eBay for 10 days starting 7pm on 22nd FEBRUARY 2011. Only one candle holder of each design has been made … making each of them truly unique.

These top quality, bone china candle holders, are made in Stoke on Trent and filled with 100 hour white wax. They are approximately 75mm in diameter and 92mm tall and come in a specially made presentation box. The design has been kiln-fired onto the candle holder, during the manufacturing process, to make it permanent. Remember - the items for auction here are truly unique - only one of each design exists.

Additionally we are auctioning 10 hand signed photographs sent to us by celebrities in response to our appeal for support. Included with every item is a Certificate of Authenticity signed by The Cure Parkinson’s Trust’s Managing Director.

If you decide not to bid for a candle holder, perhaps you might donate to The Cure Parkinson’s Trust instead? By donating to the Cure Parkinson’s Trust you are investing in the hope of a future without Parkinson’s.

FILTER: - Bernard Cribbins - Charities - Auctions - Peter Davison

National Doodle Day 2011

Saturday, 12 February 2011 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Friday 11th February saw the launch of National Doodle Day 2011, the eighth event organised by the charities Epilepsy Action and The Neurofibromatosis Association. As with last year, a number of doodles from stars associated with Doctor Who join others to help raise money to help those afflicted by those illnesses.

This year two Doctors have submitted illustrations, Peter Davison and Christopher Eccleston, with companion entries from Bernard Cribbins and Freema Agyeman. Other guest stars from the show include Matt Baker, Jeremy Bulloch, Brian Cant, Martin Clunes, Graham Cole, Michael Gambon, Sarah Greene, Felicity Kendal, Harry Lloyd, Geoffrey Palmer, Nigel Planer, Paul O'Grady, Russell Tovey, Zoe Wannamaker, and Don Warrington. It is also possible to vote for your favourite celebrity doodle.

Doodles from previous years can be purchased on t-shirts and other items in support of the charities from PhotoBox; last year included items from Catherine Tate and Elisabeth Sladen, with previous years including Colin Baker and Louise Jameson.

The auction is currently running on Ebay, and a full list of the celebrity doodles are available on the National Doodle Day website.

FILTER: - Charities - Auctions

Bonhams Auction Items Sold

Monday, 20 December 2010 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Wednesday saw the latest Entertainment Memorabilia Sale take place at Bonhams; the auction included three items from the classic series of Doctor Who, the results of which are given below:

Lot 101: a black jacket worn by Jon Pertwee

Estimate: £3,000-£4,000
Sold for: £3,240

Lot 102: a script from Resurrection Of The Daleks

Estimate: £200-£300
Sold for: £240

Lot 103: a Sea Devil Costume from Warriors of the Deep

Estimate: £800-£1,200
Sold for: £2,280

For more details on the lots, see our original article on the auction.

FILTER: - Auctions

GT Auction for Terrence Higgins Trust

Thursday, 9 December 2010 - Reported by Chuck Foster
GT Magazine are currently holding an auction to raise money for the Terrence Higgins Trust. A number of Doctor Who related items are featured in the auction, including signed posters of Matt Smith and Karen Gillan, a signed picture of Katherine Jenkins from A Christmas Carol, and a signed Eleventh Doctor Crash Set, plus signed photos including Matt Smith's from Christopher and his Kind. More items are expected to be added in the next couple of days.

You can find an auction list on Ebay here, via the gtnakedauction account.

FILTER: - Auctions