William Russell to star in Brazilian movie with his son Alfred Enoch

Saturday, 27 April 2019 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Thais Aux Pavão from Doctor Who Brasil reports:
Actor William Russell, who lived the 1st Doctor companion Ian Chesterton, is in Brazil to participate on the film Medida Provisória (Provisional Measure) with his son Alfred Enoch (Harry Potter, How To Get Away With Murder) as part of the cast.

The movie is directed by Lazaro Ramos, a renowned actor from Bahia, Brazil who found fame in soap operas and movies. This is his first work as a Director.

In the cast is also Seu Jorge, Brazilian singer/actor who worked with Wes Anderson in The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and recorded its soundtrack, The Life Aquatic Studio Sessions, covering David Bowie songs.

We also have Renata Sorrah, one of the top Brazilian actresses of her time (who also happens to be the face of the "Confused Math Lady" meme).

Shooting of the film is taking place in Rio de Janeiro and Alfred also brought his mother Etheline Enoch, who is Brazilian born, to location.

Lazaro said he couldn't pass on the possibility of inviting Russell over to the movie since this is the first time father and son will work together.

Alfred Enoch said this "has always been my dream. My father is my great reference since always. He was my first teacher. When I told Lazaro we never worked together, that I always wanted it but it never happened, and now that he's 94, I thought I wouldn't have this opportunity. And suddenly he was in and it was beautiful".

William said: "My experience working on this big film which is being made here, people are so nice and kind and very very generous. It makes me feel very happy to be there and to be us, to do anything with them and for them. I hope some of it comes out". He also said his first movie was in the 1950s.

Etheline Enoch also spoke about the film: "As parents, we are very happy that he had this opportunity. And as for me, I'm even happier, since it is in my country. He himself said that he met the cast in January when he was here and he was very excited. That's why he accepted this project and rejected other in America and in Europe".

You can follow the production for this film on the official Instagram account.

A report from filming featuring William, Alfred and Etheline can be viewed (in Portuguese) via the Hugo Gloss Instagram account.

With thanks to: Doctor Who Brasil

FILTER: - Brazil - People - Press

O prisioneiro dos Daleks

Friday, 15 May 2015 - Reported by Chuck Foster
A special event is taking place at the Livraria Cultura in São Paulo, Brazil on 16th May from 4:00pm to tie in with the publication of tenth Doctor novel O prisioneiro dos Daleks - aka Prisoner of the Daleks - originally written by Trevor Baxendale and published in the UK in 2009. The book has been translated by Camila Fernandes and published by Suma das Letras.

The event features reader chats, a special quiz O Elo Mais Forte (The Strongest Link) with four fans battling to prove who's most knowledgeable about Doctor Who, raffles and also the chance to pose with the TARDIS! The event will also celebrate the arrival of Doctor Who on Brazilian television channel TV Cultura, with episodes of the show to be shown during the afternoon.

O prisioneiro dos DaleksO prisioneiro dos Daleks
Written by Trevor Baxendale, translated by Camila Fernandes
Published by Suma das Letras

Uma aventura inédita do Décimo Doutor, interpretado na tevê por David Tennant

O Império Dalek não para de se expandir, e batalhas eclodem em vários sistemas solares. Quando o futuro da galáxia está em jogo, o Doutor se vê a bordo de uma nave próxima à linha de frente, junto a um implacável grupo de caçadores de recompensas.

O Comando da Terra paga a eles por cada Dalek morto, por cada olho entregue como prova. Mas, com a ajuda do Doutor, os caçadores conseguem algo de valor inestimável: um Dalek inteiro, vivo, com os sistemas desarmados e pronto para ser interrogado. No entanto, com os Daleks nada é o que parece e ninguém está a salvo. Quando o jogo virar, como o Doutor sobreviverá ao se tornar prisioneiro de seu maior inimigo?

More details can be found via the Livraria Cultura website. The event is being hosted by Doctor Who Brasil.

FILTER: - Books - Brazil - Tenth Doctor

Doctor Who - The World Tour

Tuesday, 10 June 2014 - Reported by Marcus
Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman are to embark on a World Tour, promoting the upcoming series of Doctor Who, which hits screens this August.

Fans in the UK will have a chance to see the couple at exclusive events in Cardiff and London on 7 August before they jet off, alongside showrunner Steven Moffat, visiting seven cities across five continents in 12 days to take part in a series of media and fan engagements

Peter Capaldi, speaking ahead of the tour, said:
It’s fantastic that so many people across the world love Doctor Who. After eight months solid filming deep in the world of monsters, Jenna and I are thrilled to be heading for the Planet of Fans.
Executive producer and lead writer Steven Moffat added:
I've always thought we'd all be a lot safer if the Doctor conquered the world, instead of the Daleks. Now with Jenna and Peter leading the charge, it looks like it's going to happen. I'll be bringing up the rear to handle the exposition scenes, and maybe carry some bags.
The tour marks the largest ever promotional undertaking in Doctor Who’s 50-year history and will take in Seoul (South Korea), Sydney (Australia) before hitting New York (US) on August 14. It continues to Mexico City (Mexico) and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) where the tour ends on August 19th.

More details of the itinerary will be available soon at www.doctorwho.tv/worldtour as well as reports from the tour as it happens, which fans everywhere will be able to enjoy across social and digital platforms.

BBC Worldwide’s ambition for the brand has grown considerably since the global success of the 50th Anniversary which saw the special episode The Day Of The Doctor broadcast simultaneously in 98 countries and in over 1500 cinemas across the world, setting a new record for event cinema in its first three days on general release.

FILTER: - Special Events - USA - Australia - USA - UK - South Korea - Mexico - Brazil

Mark Gatiss to tour Brazil

Friday, 28 February 2014 - Reported by Marcus
Doctor Who actor and writer Mark Gatiss will be visiting Brazil in March in a special publicity tour for BBC Worldwide to talk about British drama including his work on Doctor Who and Sherlock.

Gatiss, who is the co-creator and executive producer of Sherlock which has sold to over 200 territories across the world, has been invited to speak at the prestigious Rio Content Market – an annual industry event for producers, TV content buyers and commissioners in Latin America. At the conference, he will be giving a presentation on his career in British drama with a focus on Sherlock and also An Adventure in Space and Time – the drama about the genesis of Doctor Who which he wrote and produced last year as part of the brand’s 50th Anniversary celebrations. He will also talk about his work writing for and acting in various episodes of the sci-fi series. The event will be hosted by TV journalist Liv Brandao and Brazilian stage director Claudio Botelho.

As part of the tour, Gatiss will also be meeting fans at two events specially organised by BBC Worldwide. The first will be a screening of The Empty Hearse – the opening episode of the latest series of Sherlock, written by Gatiss and in which he stars alongside Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock’s brother Mycroft Holmes. The screening will take place at Livraria Cultura (Cine Victoria) in Rio de Janeiro on Friday 14th March at 7pm. As part of the event, Mark will take part in a Q and A and signing session with fans.

The second event will take place at Livraria Cultura (Shopping Iguatemi) in Sao Paulo at 7pm on Saturday 15th March. Fans will have the opportunity to ask questions about Mark’s work on Doctor Who, Sherlock and the recent drama An Adventure in Space and Time. He will also take part in a limited signing of Sherlock and Doctor Who merchandise. Further details of both events and how to obtain tickets will be released soon on doctorwho.tv Details of the venues can be found at livrariacultura.com.br.

Commenting on the forthcoming tour Mark Gatiss says:
It’s fantastic that British TV is being enjoyed all across the world and I’m really looking forward to meeting Brazilian Doctor Who and Sherlock fans!
Sherlock and Doctor Who have both seen notable growth in Latin America in the last year, with a huge number of fans engaging with both shows on social media. The official Sherlock Facebook page has seen an 80% increase in the number of Brazilian fans in the last year and the Doctor Who page a 54% increase – the highest for any country in the world. Both series air on BBC HD and BBC Entertainment in Brazil, which are pay-TV channels wholly owned and operated by BBC Worldwide. They are also both available on Netflix Latin America.

FILTER: - Brazil