The Ninth Doctor and Rose back together for Audio Adventures

Saturday, 15 February 2025 - Reported by Marcus
Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper (Credit: Oliver Bowring / Big Finish)

Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper are returning to the roles of the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler in a brand-new series of full-cast Doctor Who audio dramas from Big Finish

The Doctor and Rose want you to come with them!

Back to the Powell Estate, where the Doctor’s past returns to haunt him, and out into the universe where enemies old and new are waiting...

In 2005, Eccleston and Piper took a whole new generation of Doctor Who fans on the trip of a lifetime into time and space.

Twenty years later, the trip continues, as they’re set to star in a brand-new series of twelve, hour-long, full-cast audio adventures, due to be released from August 2025.

The news was announced to a packed hall at the world's premier Doctor Who convention, Gallifrey One in Los Angeles.

Christopher Eccleston said:

I am so happy to be back recording more adventures for the NinthDoctor with Billie. I don't think my Doctor exists without Rose. He's a 'one man, one companion' kind of alien. We've explored him on his own at Big Finish, as a loner. But there's resilience bravery and a deep empathy for Billie as Rose, that's why I do this. They complete each other.

Billie Piper added:

I can’t think of a better time for Rose to reunite with her first Doctor than now. Twenty years after she first ran into the TARDIS and towards adventure, here we are again, me and Chris, ready to have fun facing the universe – and the monsters – together.

Producer Matt Fitton said:

Twenty years after the Ninth Doctor and Rose burst onto our screens, Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper are back with that brilliant dynamic – the Doctor showing Rose the universe, and Rose showing him the best of humanity.

Across 12 episodes, slotting neatly into that 2005 series, we have more Jackie Tyler, more Powell Estate, plus friends and enemies old and new through time and space. Our writers have done an amazing job recapturing the spirit of that very special season, and Chris and Billie have embraced these scripts with delight and gusto. They're having a blast, back on that trip of a lifetime – and they sound fantastic!

Big Finish listeners can now pre-order Doctor Who – The Ninth Doctor Adventures, starting at £9.99 per story (download to own) or £11.99 (download to own + collector’s edition CD) exclusively from

Please note: the collector’s edition CDs are strictly limited to 1,500 copies each and will not be repressed. A complete series multibuy bundle of all twelve releases is also available to pre-order at the discounted price of £102 (download to own) or £126 (download to own + collectors edition CD), again exclusively from the Big Finish website.

FILTER: - Big Finish - Ninth Doctor

The Thirteenth Doctor adventures to continue with Big Finish

Saturday, 13 July 2024 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Jodie Whittaker and Mandip Gill (Credit: Oliver Bowring)

Big Finish Productions, in partnership with BBC Studios, have announced a new series of twelve, hour-long, full-cast audio adventures with Jodie Whittaker reprising her role as the Thirteenth Doctor alongsider Mandip Gill as Yasmin Khan.

Jodie Whittaker said: 

“I’m over the moon to be joining Big Finish for more adventures in the TARDIS. Recording the Thirteenth Doctor and Yaz is a really lovely thing to revisit. One of the things Mandip and I used to love on Doctor Who was getting in, doing a new episode and meeting a brand-new cast. I just can’t wait to step back into the boots, pull on the coat and get cracking. One thing’s for sure, it’s going to be brilliant.

Mandip Gill added:

Doctor Who has been a huge part of my career and personal life and I am looking forward to seeing how I can further enrich my character through this exhilarating series. To be able to work with Jodie again is a dream come true, we have such a special friendship, I’m sure the recordings will be filled with laughter.

Big Finish’s Chairman, Jason Haigh-Ellery said:

This year Big Finish is celebrating its 25th anniversary of producing full-cast Doctor Who audio drama – so, when we were granted the licence to create new stories set during the Thirteenth Doctor’s era, we immediately set to work. 

I am delighted that the inimitable Jodie and Mandip have decided to return to their roles with us and I’m excited to welcome them to Big Finish. Alongside our two other forthcoming series for the Fugitive Doctor (played by Jo Martin) and the Master (played by Sacha Dhawan), 2025 has never looked brighter for the Thirteenth Doctor and her fam.

Big Finish’s Creative Director, Nicholas Briggs added:

Jodie and Mandip were so welcoming to me when I worked on set with them in the TV show, so I’m looking forward to repaying the compliment. They’re lovely people and they’re full of enthusiasm for this project.


The new adventures will be available to pre-order at a discounted price from the Big Finish site, either individually or as a complete set. The series is expected to be released from July 2025.

FILTER: - Jodie Whittaker - Thirteenth Doctor - Big Finish

Two Lost Fourth Doctor Stories from Big Finish

Tuesday, 10 January 2023 - Reported by Marcus

Audio publisher Big Finish has confirmed that two unmade Doctor Who stories, starring Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor, will be released later this year.

In these audio adaptations, revisiting missing 1975 Fourth Doctor stories, Tom Baker stars alongside Sadie Miller (as Sarah Jane Smith) and Christopher Naylor (as Harry Sullivan).

Doctor Who and The Ark unveils the original script for The Ark in Space — before it was extensively rewritten by the series’ then-script editor, Robert Holmes.

In Daleks! Genesis of Terror, listeners can hear Terry Nation’s first draft for episode one of the iconic TV story, Genesis of the Daleks, with Nicholas Briggs reading the original stage directions.



Duration: 120 minutes approx.

Released: June 2023, exclusively from the Big Finish website.

Director: Samuel Clemens
Adapted by: Jonathan Morris
Written by: John Lucarotti
Producer / Script Editor: Simon Guerrier
Senior Producer: David Richardson
Executive Producer: Jason Haigh-Ellery, Nicholas Briggs

A space station orbiting Earth has lain dormant for 8,476 years. Its systems are clogged with dust, so the human crew kept frozen in cryogenic storage have never woken up.When the Doctor, Sarah and Harry arrive to resuscitate the sleepers, they discover something else on board. A small, golf-ball like object gives Harry an electric shock, and has a more sinister impact on the awakening crew. Soon, the Doctor and his friends are battling to save the space station — and Earth — from a ravenous puffball!

Now you can hear the original version of the story that became TV classic The Ark in Space, adapted by Jonathon Morris from the scripts by John Lucarotti.


Duration: 120 minutes approx.

Released: May 2023, exclusively from the Big Finish website.

Director: Samuel Clemens
Written by: Terry Nation
Producer / Additional dialogue by: Simon Guerrier
Senior Producer: David Richardson
Executive Producer: Jason Haigh-Ellery, Nicholas Briggs

In a paved garden outside time, the Doctor is presented with an awful prophecy: the conquest of all time by the Daleks. To prevent this terrible fate, the Time Lords have decided on a radical course — to weaponise time themselves and destroy the Daleks before they were ever created. And they want the Doctor to carry out this extraordinary task!

Soon, he and his companions Sarah and Harry are on the battle-ravaged planet Skaro, where a war has been raging for centuries. The war is now waged by teenagers using the last surviving weapons. Everything is desperate. But the Kaled’s chief scientist has a new weapon that he thinks might just change everything…

 A full cast bring to exhilarating life Terry Nation’s original draft for what became the first episode of Genesis of the Daleks — voted by readers of Doctor Who Magazine to be the greatest Doctor Who story of all time!


As a bonus extra, BBC broadcaster and journalist Samira Ahmed also interviews Philip Hinchcliffe - Doctor Who's producer at the time. 

Producer Simon Guerrier said:

The Daleks! Genesis of Terror script is largely the same basic story [as seen on TV] but with some key differences that are really striking – which I won't spoil here! This has been thrilling to work on and quite unusual.“Normally, we’d adapt the original scripts to make them work on audio. But here the actors worked from the pages Terry Nation typed himself, which we’ll include with the story so you can read them yourself!

“For Doctor Who and The Ark, we've worked from the original scripts written by John Lucarotti, which are very different from what ended up on TV. The script editor at the time, Robert Holmes, effectively rewrote it from scratch. But there's a ghost of the original in what made it to TV. Plus, Doctor Who and The Ark includes one of the best cliff-hangers ever!”

Adapter Jonathan Morris added:

This is the chance to hear a Doctor Who story from the writer of [the TV stories] Marco Polo, The Aztecs, and The Massacre. It’s a story that was presumed to be completely lost and it paved the way for one of the all-time classics, The Ark in Space.It has the same basic setting, and a couple of similar set-pieces, but it’s otherwise a very, very different story. Even if you think you know what it’s about from summaries given in behind-the-scenes guides you don’t know it at all. It is a strange and wild ride along a road not taken.”


Doctor Who – The Lost Stories: Doctor Who and The Ark is available to pre-order for just £14.99 (collector’s edition CD box set + download) or £12.99 (download only) from

Daleks! Genesis of Terror can also be pre-ordered from £10.99.



FILTER: - Big Finish

The Ninth Doctor Meets the Sea Devils for Big Finish

Wednesday, 28 September 2022 - Reported by Marcus
Hidden Depths (Credit: Big Finish)

Big Finish Productions has released details of their latest full-cast audio dramas for the Ninth Doctor, due for release in November 2022. 

Following their recent return in Doctor Who’s Legend of the Sea Devils, the aquatic monsters are back once again in the box set’s opening audio adventure. But this time they’re in space!   

The Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) also meets the first woman awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and faces a furniture store with a difference with Liv Chenka (Nicola Walker) and Tania Bell (Rebecca Root).  

Doctor Who — The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Hidden Depths is now available to pre-order for just £24.99 (collector’s edition CD box set + download) or £19.99 (download only) from

Alternatively, Big Finish listeners can save money by pre-ordering all four volumes of The Ninth Doctor Adventures series two in a bundle from just £78.  

The star-packed guest cast list includes Jeremy Swift (Ted Lasso, Downton Abbey), Olivier Award winner Jamie Parker (Becoming Elizabeth, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child), Sasha Behar (Coronation Street, Foundation), Diana Quick (Doctor Who: Scream of the Shalka, Brideshead Revisited), Nicholas Briggs (Doctor Who) and Yasmin Mwanza (Spider-Man: Far from Home).  

Sometimes things lurk below the surface which only the Doctor can see… 

  From a moon with poison seas, to a 19th century health spa, even somewhere as everyday as a furniture store on a Sunday afternoon - there are always hidden depths and unseen dangers to uncover!  

The three adventures in this box set are as follows:  

The Seas of Titan by Lizbeth Myles  

Out on Saturn’s moon, Titan, an outpost all-but-forgotten by Earth struggles on against the odds. 

As the Doctor joins explorers deep in the methane seas, they discover a hidden civilisation. But will the Sea Devils prove to be the colony’s salvation or its final destruction?  

Lay Down Your Arms by Lisa McMullin  

1864. Instead of relaxing at the Bad Homburg Spa, its visitors are fighting. And Bertha Kinzky, housekeeper to Alfred Nobel, is appalled. Perhaps the mysterious Herr Schmidt can help? 

Soon, Bertha is contending with aliens, as well as her mother’s matchmaking, as she and the Doctor try to keep the peace.  

Flatpack by John Dorney  

Liv Chenka and Tania Bell are spending Sunday afternoon on that most traditional of couple activities. Furniture-shopping! 

But just how long has London’s newest Flatpack store been open? Who is its mysterious manager? And is it even Sunday? Liv is about to run into a very old friend…  

Christopher Eccleston (Credit: Big Finish)

Producer David Richardson said:

Sea Devils in space! We know from the Eleventh Doctor’s era that the Silurians were a space-faring species and now we find a colony of Sea Devils off-world, in the seas of Titan’s largest moon. What a glorious concept. And the Doctor is about to discover that human-Sea Devil relations are no less fractious away from Terra Firma…


Doctor Who — The Ninth Doctor Adventures triple LP vinyls can be ordered at £35.99 each or £132 for the bundle of all four albums and are strictly limited to a pressing of 1,000 per volume.  

Please note: the vinyl editions do not include any behind-the-scenes extras. However, listeners purchasing vinyl LP editions will receive a download of the story automatically and be given access to the CD edits as a bonus download. Episodes will be edited specifically for the vinyl format, presented as 2 episodes, one on each side, each with opening and closing music.

All pre-orders of the vinyl will also receive the behind-the-scenes extras as a bonus download.  

Products are sold in £ sterling on Big Finish’s website but will be converted to local currency upon checkout.  All the above prices include the special pre-order discount and are subject to change after general release.

From November 2022, new pre-order prices will also be put in place. 

FILTER: - Big Finish - Ninth Doctor

Billie Piper and Camille Coduri reunited for Big Finish

Monday, 18 April 2022 - Reported by Marcus
Rose Tyler’s Other Worlds (Credit: Big Finish)
Big Finish has revealed story details and cover artwork for Rose Tyler’s latest adventures across parallel universes in The Dimension Cannon –Other Worlds, due for release in October 2022.
Billie Piper returns in three full-cast audio dramas, set in the aftermath of the 2006 Doctor WhoTV story Doomsday, as Rose continues her search for the Doctor alongside her mum Jackie Tyler (Camille Coduri) and the conspiracist Clive Finch (Mark Benton).
Rose Tyler:The Dimension Cannon —Other Worlds is now available to pre-order as collector’s edition box sets (on CD + download for just £19.99) or digital download only (for just £16.99),  from
Rose Tyler continues her mission to find the one person who can stop the stars going out and save the multiverse.
Each jump takes Rose to an Earth under threat -parallel worlds, which means other versions of friends and family too. Time is running out, but Rose won’t stop until she finds the Doctor...
The three multidimensional adventures in this box set are as follows:
  • Saltwater by Alison Winter
    Rose finds an Earth under threat, as something steals the salt from the oceans. As global tensions escalate, Rose wants to make those in charge listen, and finds an ally in the shape of another Clive...
  • Now is the New Dark by AK Benedict
    On an Earth where science never advanced from the Dark Ages, Rose and Clive find themselves under suspicion.Someone is killing the Melancholics, but apparently there’s a Doctor here who can help...
  • The Rogue Planet by Emily Cook
    Rose finds herself closer to home than ever –but she’s in for a shock. Meanwhile, Jackie is a hit on daytime TV and Clive is a professor, but nobody seems to realise how much danger the world is in
Camille Coduri said:Camille Coduri / Billie Piper (Credit: Big Finish)
I’m so hugely excited to be back recording with Billie Piper. It’s just always such a joy. I love her beyond life itself. To getto play our old roles again together in another adventure is brilliant fun. I think fans better get their seatbelts on. The stories are rip-roaring and a lot of unexpected things will happen. There’s joy, comedy, pathos, sadness, and huge drama. Get ready for the ride
Mark Benton added:
I was so pleased when Big Finish got in touch to say they were doing more of The Dimension Cannon. Every time I get to play Clive again is a real surprise. Coming back is like coming home. It’s such great fun to record. This new series is exciting, it’s funny, and it’s very different. We had a blast doing it from start to finish.
Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon Volume 2 —Other Worlds is now available to pre-order for just £19.99 (as a 3-disc collector’s edition CD box set + download) or £16.99 (download only), exclusively from the Big Finish website.
Big Finish listeners can save money by buying volumes two and three of Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon together in a bundle for £38 (as a CD + download) or £33 (download only)

FILTER: - Big Finish

Big Finish Licence Extended to 2030

Friday, 10 December 2021 - Reported by Marcus
Credit: Big Finish

Big Finish Productions, in association with BBC Studios, has confirmed that its licence to make original Doctor Who and spin-off audio adventures has been extended until 31 March 2030.  

For more than two decades, Big Finish has been producing high-quality, full-cast audio drama featuring characters from the worlds of Doctor Who. The first, The Sirens of Time, was released in July 1999 and, since then, over a thousand new adventures have been released on collector’s edition CD, digital download or vinyl LP.   

This year, the company was awarded a Guinness World Record for the longest-running science fiction audio play series, in recognition of the achievements of its Doctor Who range. 2022 will see the release of a raft of new ‘classic era’ box sets (starring original series actors Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann) plus new adventures for the Ninth and Tenth Doctors (played by Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant respectively).  

Big Finish also produces the spin-off audio drama series Torchwood, Class, The Diary of River Song, Jenny – The Doctor’s Daughter, The War Doctor Begins, The War Master, UNIT, The Year of Martha Jones, Peladon, The Lone Centurion, The Robots, and The Lost Stories, plus a range of audio novels

Jan Paterson, Director of Books and Audio at BBC Studios, said:.  

Our partnership with Big Finish has been going for over 20 years. Over this time the team there has created the most extensive range of original Doctor Who audio dramas and readings, working with the original casts. This renewal of our long-term licence secures our partnership to allow Big Finish to create fantastic new adventures for the Doctors and their friends for many more years.

 Jason Haigh-Ellery, Big Finish Chairman and Co-Executive Producer, added:

We are very grateful to the BBC for once again placing their faith in Big Finish and extending our license into another decade – this time up to 2030. This allows us to really plan ahead and create long term story lines and character development not just for the Doctors and the companions but also for new series and elements that we can’t talk about yet! We are excited about the next decade and the adventures we are going to create in the TARDIS for us all to enjoy together.

 Nicholas Briggs, Big Finish Creative Director and Co-Executive Producer said:

This rather lovely licence extension from the BBC for us to continue making Doctor Who audio drama until 2030 takes me past my official retirement date — although I have no plans to retire from anything. I look forward to working with Big Finish’s great creative team and our colleagues at BBC Studios for many years to come!

All the above Doctor Who titles and more are available to own from the Big Finish website at  


Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs (Big Finish)

FILTER: - Big Finish

Paul McGann and Colin Baker join Doctor Who: Peladon

Friday, 3 December 2021 - Reported by Marcus
Peladon (Credit: Big Finish)

Colin Baker, Alex Kingston, Bonnie Langford, and Paul McGann star in January 2022’s special Doctor Who Audio box set from Big Finish Productions.  

The Sixth and Eighth Doctors, Mel and River Song join multiple time and space travelers visiting the legendary mining planet of Peladon in four brand new full-cast audio adventures.

The release sees the return of David Troughton as King Peladon, returning to the role he first played on television 50 years ago. 

He is joined by familiar friends and foes, plus some new faces, including Alpha Centauri (Jane Goddard), Queen Thalira (Deborah Findlay), Queen Minaris (Sara Powell), Chancellor Barok (Jason Watkins), Helais (Liz White), Arla (Meera Syal) and the Ice Warriors (Nicholas Briggs).  


Journey to Peladon, member world of the Galactic Federation and home to intrigue and adventure. With each passing generation, the toll of industrial exploitation and deadly political games is taking its toll on the planet. Can the Doctor and his allies guide the course of history towards a hopeful future? Or is Peladon's fate in the lap of the gods? 


Doctor Who – Peladon is now available to pre-order as a collector’s edition box set (on CD at £24.99) or a digital download (at £19.99), exclusively from the Big Finish website



FILTER: - Big Finish - Audio

The Ninth Doctor vs the Cybermen!

Tuesday, 30 March 2021 - Reported by Marcus
Christopher Eccleston (Credit: Big Finish / Joe-lee Coupe)

Christopher Eccleston’s Ninth Doctor will encounter some old friends and foes in the forthcoming volumes of Big Finish’s Doctor Who –The Ninth Doctor Adventures.

The Ninth Doctor will soon face off against one of his greatest enemies –the Cybermen, as voiced by Nicholas Briggs.

The final episode of volume three, due for release in November 2021, features one of the menacing Mondasian monsters on the set of Fritz Lang’s celebrated 1927 motion picture, Metropolis.

Writer John Dorney said:

“I know everyone was very keen for the Ninth Doctor to have an encounter with the Cybermen, and as they were the only Doctor and monster I hadn’t written for at Big Finish, I was very keen to be the one to write it! It was a real honour getting to script their meeting... particularly as it gave me the chance to dive into my love for the movies and write a bit of a celebrity historical.”

In volume four, due for release in February 2022, the Doctor is reunited with Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, as played by Jon Culshaw, in an adventure that takes the Time Lord to the Firth of Forth.

Writer Roy Gill said:

“The Brigadier is an iconic character from the Classic Series, whereas the Ninth Doctor arrives at the very forefront of the New Series. They may initially seem very different, but there’s an interesting connection: both forthright and deeply decent, they’ve been through conflict and arestill fighting for what’s right... It was a privilege to write their first meeting for Big Finish.”

Producer David Richardson added:

“It’s been so enjoyable creating a whole new era for the Ninth Doctor, and I think the scripts really succeed in defining that bold new start. We are talking the Ninth Doctor pre-Rose. These are the adventures some time after his regeneration, travelling alone, starting to discover himself after all that time being the War Doctor.”

Doctor Who fans worldwide can now pre-order all four volumes of The Ninth Doctor Adventures, which are available in three formats –collector’s edition CD, digital download or limited edition gatefold triple LP vinyl –exclusively from the Big Finish website at

FILTER: - Big Finish - Ninth Doctor

Big Finish Win Audie Award

Tuesday, 23 March 2021 - Reported by Marcus
Hattie Morahan, Rebecca Root, Tom Price, Paul McGann,  Nicola Walker, Tony Whitmore (Credit: Big Finish)

Big Finish has won the Best Audio Drama award at the Audie Awards 2021 with the Eighth Doctor story Doctor Who: Stranded 1

The Audie Awards is the premier awards program in the United States, recognising distinction in audiobooks and spoken-word entertainment, with a prestigious annual awards ceremony which took place last night.  

Big Finish Creative Director, Nicholas Briggs said:

It’s particularly gratifying that Stranded 1 has received this award, as it represents some of the most ground-breaking work produced in our Doctor Who range. It puts the Doctor in an entirely new context with a group of new and exciting characters

Producer David Richardson, script editor Matt Fitton and director Ken Bentley have done wonders with this strand of stories, with really strong sound design from Benji Clifford and great music from Jamie Robertson.

Doctor Who: Stranded 1 opens with the Eighth Doctor, Liv Chenka and Helen Sinclair seeking refuge in Baker Street after the TARDIS has gone. Stranded in one time and place, the Doctor and his friends face their greatest challenge yet: living one day after another, in 2020 London. 

David Richardson, the producer of Stranded, said of the win:

I’m so absolutely thrilled to see Stranded recognised with this very prestigious award. It’s a project close to my heart – those actors! Those scripts! All magically woven together by director Ken Bentley, sound designer Benji Clifford and musician Jamie Robertson. It felt very special to me throughout the whole production process, and it feels even more special now. What an honour!

Details of all the finalists and winners at this year’s Audio Awards can be found here:  


Christopher Eccleston's Ninth Doctor Audio Adventures

Saturday, 9 January 2021 - Reported by Marcus
Ravagers (Credit: Big Finish)

Cover artwork and story titles for the first volume of Big Finish Doctor Who – The Ninth Doctor Adventures starring Christopher Eccleston are unveiled today.

Due for release in May 2021, Doctor Who – The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Ravagers is a full-cast audio drama box set comprising three fantastic stories all written by Big Finish’s Creative Director, Nicholas Briggs.

Joining Christopher Eccleston on his first audio odyssey through time and space are Camilla Beeput as Nova, a galley chef from the Sphere of Freedom enlisted by the Doctor to stop a dastardly plan, and Jayne McKenna as Audrey, the oldest gamer in Freedom City (although there may be more to her than meets the eye).

Doctor Who – The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Ravagers is now available for pre-order exclusively at the Big Finish website (, from just £19.99. The stories included in this first volume are as follows:

  1. Sphere of Freedom
  2. Cataclysm
  3. Food Fight

Christopher Eccleston said;

It was lovely coming back to play the role again, due to Nicholas's writing. I was surprised at how very quickly I seemed to recall the choices I made fifteen years ago. It was an odd experience; the Ninth Doctor's still hanging around.

Nicholas Briggs added:

It’s been an honour working with Chris again – it’s truly thrilling to hear him in studio, inhabiting the Ninth Doctor like he'd never been away! Writing and directing Doctor Who stories never gets old for me, and I’m so excited for people to hear what we’ve been up to.

It's been a delight to kick off The Ninth Doctor Adventures series with Chris, and I know that my fellow writers and directors are cooking up some great stuff for the next box set.”


Doctor Who fans worldwide can now pre-order all four volumes of The Ninth Doctor Adventures, which are available in three formats – collector’s edition CD, digital download or limited edition gatefold triple LP vinyl – exclusively from the Big Finish website.

Big Finish listeners can save by pre-ordering a bundle of the entire series for just £88 (as a collector’s edition box set) or £78 (as a download).

Doctor Who – The Ninth Doctor Adventures triple LP vinyls are strictly limited to a pressing of 1,000 per volume, and can be pre-ordered at £35.99 each, or £132 for the bundle of all four albums, again exclusively at the Big Finish website ( Please note: the vinyl editions do not include any behind-the-scenes extras.


Please note that Big Finish is currently operating a digital-first release schedule. The mail-out of collector’s edition CDs and limited edition vinyl LPs may be delayed due to factors beyond our control, but all purchases of this release unlock a digital copy that can be immediately downloaded or played on the Big Finish app from the release date.

FILTER: - Big Finish - Audio