Moments in Time: a new series begins filming...Bookmark and Share

Friday, 18 July 2014 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Moments in TimeIt was ten years ago today that director Keith Boak first called "Action!" to commence filming on a new series for a long-running, award-winning television programme that hadn't been in front of cameras in the United Kingdom for almost fifteen years. With Doctor Who having been confined for many years within literature, audio and online adventures - and one US-based TV movie pilot that had failed to lead to anything further - it wasn't difficult for many fans to feel that the show would never return to full production, even with the assurances from the BBC since 2003 that it would indeed be coming back to television soon - seeing would be believing...

Considering the intense media coverage of the casting of the new Doctor and his companion, filming itself started with minimal fanfare. Its new star Christopher Eccleston was hidden away in the depths of the Cardiff Royal Infirmary out of sight of public scrutiny; however, fandom ensured that even such an inauspicious beginning would be marked, and reports were soon appearing on Doctor Who News (in its earlier, "Outpost Gallifrey" incarnation!) documenting anything and everything to be witnessed from "Day One" ...

Dave Shuttleworth:

After looking at the streets listed as this week's locations on the news page, I popped in to the Cardiff Visitor Centre, in Working Street. I figured there was no harm in asking whether or not they could confirm that Doctor Who was going to be filmed outside their premises and, sure enough, not only are the crew using the street, they're using the visitor centre itself as a location, together with the pub next door (Toad @ the Exhibition).

The two premises are part of the same building - the old city library - and are being used as a police station. I went into the Toad for lunch (not bad and reasonably priced!) and got chatting to the girls behind the bar. They're getting ready to let the Doctor Who crew use half the pub on Tuesday night from 7pm (the rest will be open to the public) and are quite excited about the prospect.

From there I walked out to the old Cardiff Royal Infirmary, which is a wonderfully ramshackle example of gothic decay - a great location! In the area at the front of the building was a group of about eight or ten extras, dressed as soldiers - camouflage gear, red berets and heavy rifles - together with one man dressed in a smart military uniform, with a cap (from the military police vehicle I spotted later, I would guess they might be 'Redcaps' but I didn't recognise the insignia on the berets, which was sort-of T-shaped metal badge - perhaps a figure with arms outstretched?).

There were various film crew types wandering about and an awful lot of lighting/equipment vans and other lorries. Circling the site, there were lots of temporary 'BBC Wales' signs and I asked one of the chaps what was going on (I'm sure my pretence of 'not being all that interested' didn't fool him for a moment!) and he said: "It's the first day of filming on the new series of Doctor Who."

Back round at the front of the building, some set dressing was going on at the hospital gates - a big 'metal' arch, painted black, with 'ALBION HOSPITAL' in gold letters, which were being dirtied down. From the safety of the other side of the road I watched for a while (I was desperate not to run the slightest risk of getting in the way or annoying anyone and it's a very public place, so what the hey?) then went off to the cinema for a couple of hours.

When the film was over I couldn't resist popping back for another look! By this time (around 4pm) there were a handful of police vehicles (basic markings - stripes and lettering, blank insignia - so not a specific force, apart from one that had 'MILITARY POLICE' on its bonnet. Maybe extra decals will be added later?) and the armoured car. Round the back of the infirmary were four extras, dressed as police wearing tactical gear (black combat stuff).

Filming at Cardiff Royal Infirmary, 18 Jul 2004. Photo: Dave ShuttleworthFilming at Cardiff Royal Infirmary, 18 Jul 2004. Photo: Dave ShuttleworthFilming at Cardiff Royal Infirmary, 18 Jul 2004. Photo: Dave ShuttleworthFilming at Cardiff Royal Infirmary, 18 Jul 2004. Photo: Dave ShuttleworthFilming at Cardiff Royal Infirmary, 18 Jul 2004. Photo: Dave ShuttleworthFilming at Cardiff Royal Infirmary, 18 Jul 2004. Photo: Dave ShuttleworthFilming at Cardiff Royal Infirmary, 18 Jul 2004. Photo: Dave ShuttleworthFilming at Cardiff Royal Infirmary, 18 Jul 2004. Photo: Dave Shuttleworth
Photos by Dave Shuttleworth

Paul Mount:

I managed to position myself surreptitiously near the main gates to the Hospital (renamed Albion Hospital) where a scene with a reporter was being rehearsed/filmed. I saw the material being played back on DV Playback equipment (thus ending the film/DV argument, I guess) and it consisted of the reporter uttering dialogue indicating that "Nobody is confirming if the body is alive or dead. Whitehall are saying nothing. The body has been brought here to Albion Hospital, the nearest hospital to the river. The roads are closed, the hospital has been evacuated." There was some reference to a General Asquith, the body being human or alien and then the roads were closed again as a scene of a military police car and an ambulance driving through the gates was recorded. The general area was 'decorated' with London-style bus stops, one of which, I noticed as I walked right past it, was bearing a London street map the familiar red circle-style London Underground symbol.

The area was literally packed with people - technicians, production crew etc, presumably Keith Boak directing from the concourse area inside the gates. There were loads of black-clad police officers brandishing machine guns, the tank had been moved nearer the gates and there were quite a few other vehicles and extras in military uniform. I caught a quick glimpse of the script in the hands of one technician and while I couldn't get close enough to have a good look I could clearly see dialogue and reference to one character speaking - Jackie.

Filming at Cardiff Royal Infirmary, 18 Jul 2004. Photo: Rob StradlingFilming at Cardiff Royal Infirmary, 18 Jul 2004. Photo: Rob StradlingFilming at Cardiff Royal Infirmary, 18 Jul 2004. Photo: Rob StradlingFilming at Cardiff Royal Infirmary, 18 Jul 2004. Photo: Rob StradlingFilming at Cardiff Royal Infirmary, 18 Jul 2004. Photo: Rob StradlingFilming at Cardiff Royal Infirmary, 18 Jul 2004. Photo: Rob StradlingFilming at Cardiff Royal Infirmary, 18 Jul 2004. Photo: Rob StradlingFilming at Cardiff Royal Infirmary, 18 Jul 2004. Photo: Rob Stradling
Photos by Rob Stradling

The scenes above were ultimately for Aliens of London, but a couple of days later the media finally caught up on events with widespread coverage of filming outside Howell's Department Store and Queen's Arcade in the town centre for Rose, including BBC News coverage live from outside the store, and more fans gathering to catch a glimpse of "their" show coming back to life for the 21st Century ...

David Shaw:

The Autons are back! After reading the tip-offs on Outpost Gallifrey (thanks), I travelled the 150 miles to Cardiff yesterday (Tues 20th July) with my 6-year-old daughter, Emma, in the hope of experiencing a bit of the magic of Dr Who's return. We found the Working Street/St. John Street location quite easily, and wandered past the production team vans at 5.30pm. Emma was delighted to spot a familiar group of shop-dummy props in the back of one of the trucks, clearly indicating the return of the Autons! The street was then dressed to resemble 1950s(?) London; props were positioned: a red telephone box, Underground sign, red post box, London bus stop, gaslamps, two industrial metal dustbins and an Evening Standard headline display announcing "Proper rigmarole" (a la Web Of Fear). The sign of the "Sneakers" sports shoe shop was removed and replaced with a fictional "Classic Bride" pink shopfront. Wedding gowns arrived for the dummies as well as "C.B." logo stickers for the shop windows. We were excited to realise that it would be the scene of an Auton breakout, as glaziers arrived to fit temporary glass windows! The exterior of the Toad @ The Exhibition pub was transformed into a police station, with new signs, an information board and a blue "police" lamp. We had followed two traditional 1950s-style London buses from the motorway into Cardiff earlier in the afternoon and were amazed to see them turn up in the Dr. Who street. In fact there was a range of vehicles: fire engine, Royal Mail lorry, Evening Standard van, two black London taxis and the two buses. We tried to keep out of the way and were allowed to wander up and down the street until after 8pm. A few of the workers spoke to us in a friendly manner, and no-one asked us to move away. As darkness fell, the area was closed off by the Police with "do not cross" tape, and some extras dressed as firemen arrived. We heard a few rehearsals and shouts of "Quiet please!" as some minor scenes were filmed. Since it was now 9.30 pm and it seemed likely that the main filming would not take place until the middle of the night, we left. We returned at 5am this morning, however, as dawn was breaking to find the clear-up in full swing. Significantly, there was shattered glass all over the pavement in front of the "Classic Bride" shop, and we watched as the props were systematically removed (all the vehicles had already gone). The Auton shop dummies were piled up in the street and then all props were put back into the trucks. Emma had a fantastic time - Dr Who is definitely back!

Filming at Queen's Arcade, 20 Jul 2004. Photo: Gareth PriceFilming at Queen's Arcade, 20 Jul 2004. Photo: Gareth PriceFilming at Queen's Arcade, 20 Jul 2004. Photo: Gareth PriceFilming at Queen's Arcade, 20 Jul 2004. Photo: Gareth Price
Photos by Gareth Price

Anna Roberts:

Just got back from Cardiff city centre. I stayed for about half an hour from 10 pm on. ... When I was there, they were filming outside the entrance to Queen's Arcade using it as the entrance to a shopping centre. Again, it had been dressed to look like London, with an Underground sign by the entrance. It had also been prettified a bit with a couple of new, small iron lamp posts, but otherwise they didn't seem to have changed any of the shop fronts... There were assorted vehicles about the area, including two red London buses (the Routemaster type - one was route 74 to Putney Heath for those who really like their details), a couple of black cabs, an Evening Standard van, post van, and what seemed to be a small fire engine. Plus a massive crane to light the scene. RTD was in attendance and they were filming a couple of scenes with a female actress, who was wearing blue trackie bottoms with what looked like Adidas stripes, a pink top/jumper and a blue denim jacket. She was also carrying a blue, sequined denim handbag, a mobile phone and a white A4 piece of paper/envelope. The scene consisted of the actress (likely NOT Billie Piper) walking across the road talking on her mobile, while a couple of the vehicles drove past and the best part of a dozen normally dressed extras carrying shopping bags milled about. I could hear most of the dialogue, and following a line about where are you, she was talking to somebody she referred to as darling (boyfriend). As best I can remember the dialogue it was "I can't hear you, the signal's breaking up. I'm just going to do some late night shopping." Gripping, huh? A second scene was quickly rehearsed where the same actress ran back out of the shopping centre followed by a tightly packed group of the same extras marching oddly. I have a suspicion that this might have been put on for the benefit of the audience though as the crew then broke for a meal without filming it. Hope that keeps your appetites whetted.

Ten years on, and as filming continues apace on Peter Capaldi's first series there has been no diminishing of fan and media interest in the development of the show, and modern social media services such as Twitter now provide a rich source of both fan and public experiences of the Doctor Who production out and about. The new Doctor's willingness to pose for photos with the public between takes has led to widespread interest whenever they are on the streets - yesterday being no exception when the TARDIS and its usual occupants were spotted on Queen Street, Cardiff during the morning (and duly featured by the Daily Mail). With the expectation of London featuring prominently for filming next week, the popularity of production will no doubt continue unabated (filming last took place in the capital for the 50th Anniversary special, The Day of The Doctor, and Trafalgar Square was 'besieged' by spectators!).

FILTER: - Moments in Time - Production - Series 1/27

BBC Worldwide apologises again to Doctor Who team for leaksBookmark and Share

Thursday, 17 July 2014 - Reported by John Bowman
BBC Worldwide issued another apology today to the Doctor Who cast and production crew following the recent leaks of scripts and episodes from the forthcoming Series 8.

In total, five scripts and the first six episodes in an unfinished form ended up on an FTP (file transfer protocol) site at BBC Worldwide's office in Miami that members of the public could access, causing the corporation serious embarrassment. The blunder has led to disciplinary action being taken.

In an update statement, which also thanked fans for their efforts to stop the material spreading, the BBC's commercial arm said today:
We would like to thank Doctor Who fans everywhere for their amazing efforts in helping us contain the recent leaks.

The mistake was damaging and resulted in the exposure of five scripts and the first six unfinished episodes from Series 8 on a publicly accessible FTP site. While there is still a risk that this leak will result in more of this content emerging, so far the impact has been contained to a limited amount of this material through a combination of fans' efforts and the plan that we put in place using new technology and internal manpower to limit any illegal activity.

We would particularly like to thank the fansite moderators and Doctor Who devotees who have actively protected the programme.

BBC Worldwide has taken this issue extremely seriously and disciplinary action has been implemented as a result of the incident.

Our sincere apologies again to Steven Moffat, the cast and production team who toil long hours to make the show in Cardiff, the BBC, and of course the fans who expect so much better.
It also said sorry earlier this month, when it became apparent that the five scripts had leaked online, issuing a statement to that said in part:
We deeply regret this and apologise to all the show's fans, the BBC and the cast and crew who have worked tirelessly making the series.

FILTER: - BBC Worldwide - Series 8/34

Doctor Who World Tour: London screening at the BFIBookmark and Share

Thursday, 17 July 2014 - Reported by Chuck Foster
World Tour (London)The British Film Institute have announced that, as part of the Doctor Who World Tour, they will be showing the series premiere Deep Breath on the big screen on 7th August at 6:30pm, followed by a Q&A session featuring members of the cast and crew.

Tickets for the event are expected to be in high demand, and will be allocated by ballot. Members of the public can apply for up to two tickets via the BFI website until 8:30pm on 20th July (there is a separate application page for members who can request tickets at a discounted rate).

The evening follows on from the afternoon world premiere of the episode at Cardiff's St David's Hall, and forms part of the BFI's Sci-Fi: Days of Fear and Wonder season.

FILTER: - BFI - Series 8/34 - Special Events - UK

SPACE confirms broadcast time for Deep BreathBookmark and Share

Tuesday, 15 July 2014 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Canadian broadcaster SPACE have now confirmed that they will be showing the series premiere Deep Breath at 8:00pm Eastern time (5:00pm Pacific).

The currently confirmed broadcasts for the episode are:

United KingdomBBC One23 Augusttime tbc
GermanyFOX23 August9:00pm (European)
United StatesBBC America23 August8:00pm (Eastern)
CanadaSPACE23 August8:00pm (Eastern)
AustraliaABC124 Augusttime tbc

It has also been indicated that BBC Worldwide's Entertainment channels will also broadcast the premiere close to its UK debut, though this has yet to be confirmed. Certainly, the Doctor Who World Tour is taking in the Asia Pacific and Latin America regions, with the latter regularly reminding its viewers of the launch date via their Facebook page.
Doctor Who premieres 23 August 2014 (Credit: BBC Worldwide (Latin America))

FILTER: - Canada - Series 8/34

The Classic Doctor Who DVD CompendiumBookmark and Share

Monday, 14 July 2014 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Full details of the forthcoming The Classic Doctor Who DVD Compendium are now available, with the book due to be published on the 4th August 2014:

The Classic Doctor Who DVD Compendium (Credit: Wonderful Books)THE CLASSIC DOCTOR WHO DVD COMPENDIUM
The complete guide to every DVD release of the original 'classic' series of Doctor Who

August 2014 sees the publication in print and ebook of THE CLASSIC DOCTOR WHO DVD COMPENDIUM, a guide to the entire range on DVD of the show's original run from 1963 to 1996.

When the range began in 2000 many Doctor Who adventures were still being issued on fuzzy old VHS. But the DVDs were on a whole new level unmatched in archive television releases before or since. Not only did they offer the superior picture quality and playback flexibility of the then-burgeoning medium; not only were the episodes digitally restored from the best surviving source materials to bring them back to (or even exceed) their original broadcast quality; but they also included an increasingly sophisticated range of additional features that examined the programme's production and legacy.

THE CLASSIC DOCTOR WHO DVD COMPENDIUM chronicles every detail of the range. It's part buying guide for those new to or still collecting the discs, helping them compare releases and select which one they want to get next, and part catalogue for long-time buyers whose collection is complete, enabling them to quickly find any item to watch again. The book provides summaries of the stories, without giving away spoilers for those yet to see the episodes; connections to other adventures to help viewers decide what to buy or watch next; outlines of the restoration techniques used for each release; and more comprehensive descriptions of every extra than can be found elsewhere.

There are also five appendices covering supplementary releases of Classic Who episodes and related programmes; a full list of items hidden on the discs as easter eggs and how to find them; details of the DVDs' releases in other countries; and more. Plus to help collectors find specific contents, there are multiple indexes cataloguing the more frequent extras, key participants in the audio commentaries, recurring features, and a full index of contributors to the special features.

Whether you're only just discovering the long history of Doctor Who's original incarnation or have been a fan and collector for years, THE CLASSIC DOCTOR WHO DVD COMPENDIUM is the ultimate companion to the complete DVD range, celebrating the most comprehensive and detailed release of a television series there has ever been.

Paul Smith is the author and designer of last year's "Time and Space Visualiser: The Story and History of Doctor Who as Data Visualisations", which presents a wealth of information about the show in a unique way using eye-catching graphs and charts. He also produced "The Wonderful Book of Dr Who 1965", a tongue-in-cheek look at the early days of the series in a modern style.

THE CLASSIC DOCTOR WHO DVD COMPENDIUM by Paul Smith is due to be published on 4 August 2014. Available print-on-demand from Amazon (436 pages, 6x9in), or as an ebook.

FILTER: - Books - Classic Series - Blu-ray/DVD - Merchandise

Doctor Who World Tour: South Korea detailsBookmark and Share

Monday, 14 July 2014 - Reported by Chuck Foster
BBC Worldwide have now released details about the forthcoming Doctor Who World Tour's arrival in South Korea:

World Tour (Seoul)The twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi and the Doctor’s on-screen companion, played by Jenna Coleman will land in Korea on 9th August and will spend the day with Korean fans and media.

The fan event will take place at IFC mall in Seoul on the 9th and will start with a special fan screening of the new season's first episode. After the screening, Peter and Jenna will meet with Korean Doctor Who fans. The fan meeting will take place at 5.00pm at the atrium of the mall and is open to all.

To celebrate the Korea stop of Doctor Who: The World Tour, there will be competitions where fans can win tickets to the screenings that will take place in multiple cinemas. More information about these competitions will be released later this week. Fans can follow doctorwho_kor on twitter for details.

FILTER: - Series 8/34 - South Korea - Special Events

Doctor Who World Tour: Australia detailsBookmark and Share

Monday, 14 July 2014 - Reported by Chuck Foster
BBC Worldwide have released details about the forthcoming Doctor Who World Tour's arrival in Australia:

World Tour (Sydney)Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi and his onscreen companion Jenna Coleman (Clara Oswald) will be live on stage at the State Theatre, Sydney for a one-time-only fan event on Tuesday 12th August.

Following on from last year's smash-hit 50th anniversary celebrations for Doctor Who, BBC Worldwide is thrilled to be bringing the stars of the show to Australia as part of a major global tour to launch the latest series and introduce fans to the new Doctor.

Join the stars for an exclusive Q&A hosted by long-time Doctor Who fan, Adam Spencer, and be the first in Australia to see Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor with a special screening of the feature-length premiere episode of the new series. Fans will also be given the opportunity to put some of their own questions to the stars.

Helen Pendlebury, Head of Live Entertainment, BBC Worldwide Australia & New Zealand, said:
Australia has some of the most passionate Doctor Who fans in the world and we are delighted to offer them access to the Twelfth Doctor and his companion when they visit Sydney as part of Doctor Who: The World Tour.
Tickets will be available for general sale through Ticketmaster from 11.00am on Monday 21st July.

Doctor Who: The World Tour will begin in Cardiff, Wales on 7th August, before heading to London, Seoul (South Korea), Sydney (Australia), New York (US), Mexico City (Mexico) and finishing in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) on 19th August. (world tour video introduction)

FILTER: - Australia - Series 8/34 - Special Events

Full Doctor Who trailer releasedBookmark and Share

Sunday, 13 July 2014 - Reported by Chuck Foster
The first, full trailer for the forthcoming series of Doctor Who has now been released by the BBC. The minute long trailer was broadcast on BBC One during the half-time interval for the World Cup Final at 8:57pm.

FILTER: - Leading News - Series 8/34 - UK

Deep Breath leaks onlineBookmark and Share

Saturday, 12 July 2014 - Reported by Marcus
Radio Times is reporting that a rough cut of Deep Breath, Peter Capaldi's first episode of Doctor Who, is available on pirate websites.

The leak follows the release of several scripts of episodes onto the internet due to a security breech on a server in the BBC Worldwide office in Miami. Although video material was accessible on the servers it was originally thought that no material had been accessed. It is now believed the leaked episode comes from the same source. Although complete in duration, the episode in question lacks several effects shots and has a place holder title sequence.

A BBC spokesperson told
This is part of BBC Worldwide's ongoing security investigation into leaked unfinished Doctor Who materials. This content is currently being removed and originates from the same Miami server disabled last week, it is not a new issue. We'd like to thank the amazing Doctor Who fans who are continuing to keep fansites and social media spoiler-free.
Showrunner Steven Moffat was asked about the script leak at the London Film & Comic Con on Saturday where he described the leak as horrible, miserable and upsetting for Doctor Who team.

FILTER: - BBC Worldwide - Series 8/34

Ray Lonnen 1940-2014Bookmark and Share

Saturday, 12 July 2014 - Reported by Marcus
Photo: Ray Lonnen/TwitterThe actor Ray Lonnen has died at the age of 74.

Ray Lonnen played Gardiner, an officer aboard the Earth battle cruiser, in the 1973 Doctor Who story Frontier in Space.

Away from Doctor Who he appeared in many British television dramas over the years, including The Bill, Midsomer Murders, Crossroads, Budgie the Little Helicopter, Rich Tea and Sympathy, Harry's Game, Z Cars, Coronation Street and Jackanory.

The actor died on Friday after a three year long fight with Cancer

He was married to the actress Tara Ward, who announced his death on twitter.

FILTER: - Classic Series - Obituary