Dark Water/Death in Heaven 3D cinema showings in RussiaBookmark and Share

Thursday, 20 August 2015 - Reported by Josiah Rowe
Russian "art collective" and distributor of international films CoolConnections has announced that on September 15 and 16, Russian cinemas will be showing Doctor Who's Series 8 finale Dark Water & Death in Heaven in 3D, as well as the Series 9 preview. Locations and times have not yet been announced. The episodes will be shown in English, with Russian subtitles.
Doctor Who: Dark Water and Death in Heaven 3D - Russian poster (Credit: BBC) «Доктор Кто» возвращается на экраны кинотеатров. Специальные показы финальных серий 8-го сезона «Темная вода» и «Смерть на небесах» теперь в 3D!

А также:
– Эксклюзивный приквел к 9-му сезону, «Медитация Доктора» (The Doctor’s Meditation)
– Интервью с Питером Капальди и Дженной Коулман, взятое актером сериала «Теория большого взрыва» (The Big Bang Theory , 2007) Уилом Уитоном

У загадочной Мисси свои планы на жителей планеты Земля, и теперь Доктор вынужден сделать непростой выбор. На улицы Лондона выходят киберлюди, старые друзья объединяются против старых врагов, а Доктор предстает в новой и необычной для себя роли. Впереди – трудное испытание, и чтобы преодолеть его, придется пойти на жертвы.

Показ «Доктор Кто: Тёмная вода / Смерть на небесах» проходит в рамках фестиваля «Британские сериалы в кино»

"Doctor Who" returns to cinema screens. A special screening of the final episodes of the 8th series, "Dark Water" and "Death in Heaven", now in 3D!

— Exclusive prequel to the 9th series, "The Doctor's Meditation"
— Interview with Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman, by "Big Bang Theory" actor Wil Wheaton

The mysterious Missy has her own plans for the people of planet Earth, and now the Doctor must make a difficult choice. Cybermen walk the streets of London, old friends unite against an old enemy, and the Doctor appears in a new and unusual role. Ahead, a difficult test, and to overcome it, sacrifices must be made.

The showing of "Doctor Who: Dark Water / Death in Heaven" is presented as part of the festival "British Television Series in the Cinema".

In 2013, Russian cinemas joined the international simulcast of the 50th anniversary special The Day of the Doctor.

Dark Water and Death in Heaven are also being shown in 3D in cinemas in the United States (Fathom Events), Canada (Front Row Centre Events/Cineplex Entertainment) and Denmark (Cinemaxx Cinemas). There are no plans to present the episodes in UK cinemas.

FILTER: - Cinema - Russia - Series 8/34 - Special Events

Dark Water/Death in Heaven 3D cinema outing for DenmarkBookmark and Share

Thursday, 13 August 2015 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Denmark is the latest country to have scheduled the 3D version of the Series 8 finale Dark Water & Death in Heaven in cinemas. The two episodes, plus the Series 9 preview, will be shown at Cinemaxx cinemas in Copenhagen, Odense and Aarhus on the 16th September (two showings at 6:00pm and 8:45pm).

Doctor Who: Dark Water and Death in Heaven 3D - poster (Credit: BBC)Er du fan af den udødelige engelske tv-serie 'Doctor Who'? Så er du det, man kalder en “whovian”, og der er godt nyt til dig! BBC og CinemaxX fortsætter deres samarbejde, når de onsdag den 16. september blænder op for en 3D-visning af de dramatiske sidste to afsnit af seriens sæson 8 samt en aldrig før vist "prequel" til sæson 9's første afsnit. Udover det bliver doktoren selv, Peter Capaldi, og den kvindelige hovedrolle, Clara, spillet af Jenna Coleman, interviewet af skuespiller Wil Wheaton.

'Doctor Who' er en institution i britisk kultur og er blevet kult i det meste af den vestlige verden. Serien blev skabt i 1963 og kørte uafbrudt indtil 1989. I 1996 blev den forsøgt genoplivet, men først i 2005 lykkedes det, og den nuværende serie kører altså nu på 9. sæson.

Selve figuren, som bare omtales som The Doctor, er et tidsrejsende rumvæsen i menneskekrop, en såkaldt Time Lord fra planeten Gallifrey. Han flygtede i en TARDIS tidsmaskine - "Time and Relative Dimension In Space" - som er en kamæleon-maskine, der kan påtage sig diverse lokale objekters udseende. Men på grund af en fejl i TARDIS' "kamæleon-kredsløb" ligner tidsmaskinen nu og for evigt en blå, engelsk politiboks - et af de ikoniske billeder fra serien.

Denmark joins the United States (Fathom Events) and Canada (Front Row Centre Events/Cineplex Entertainment) in presenting the episodes in 3D in cinema.

The episodes are not currently planned to be shown in the United Kingdom, with a quote from BBC Worldwide to Sci-Fi Bulletin stating: “Due to the number of events taking place for Doctor Who this year including the Symphonic Spectacular and the Doctor Who Festival, we decided against showing the episodes in UK cinema."

The 3D special is expected to be released on Blu-ray in North America on 22nd September:
Doctor Who: Dark Water / Death in Heaven 3D - Blu-ray  (Credit: BBC Worldwide)Doctor Who’s eighth season drew to a close with an epic 2 part finale. The Doctor finally comes face to face with the mysterious Missy, who has been laying the groundwork for a dastardly scheme. Left with no other choice, old friends must unite against old enemies as the Cybermen terrorize the streets of London. Own the thrilling conclusion to the record-breaking season – now combined into one spectacular feature-length 3D extravaganza!

Special Features:
  • Deleted scene
  • An exclusive prequel scene to season 9
  • An interview with Steven Moffat, Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman discussing the latest season, and what’s next for Doctor Who
A release of the story in the UK and other regions has yet to be announced (it is currently unknown if the North American version will be region-free).

FILTER: - Cinema - Denmark - Series 8/34 - Special Events

Peter Capaldi In Conversation (The Civic, Auckland, November 2015)Bookmark and Share

Thursday, 30 July 2015 - Reported by Chuck Foster
There are still tickets available to see Peter Capaldi live in conversation at The Civic, Auckland, New Zealand, taking place on the 24th November 2015.

Peter Capaldi in Conversation (Credit: The Civic, Auckland)Peter Capaldi in Conversation
The Civic, Auckland, 24th November 2015 at 7:30pm

Peter Capaldi in Conversation is a special one-time-only Doctor Who event, hosted by Adam Spencer, in which Peter will reveal how he approaches the role of the Doctor, with footage and stories from behind the scenes of the world’s longest running sci-fi television series.

He’ll take questions from the audience and give them an insight into what life is like inside the TARDIS. As well as discussing the unique perspective he brings to the role of the Doctor, a style that is direct, humorous and increasingly vulnerable, Peter will also share some of the adventures he’s had both in his role as the Doctor and throughout his career.

This will be the first time ever a current Doctor has visited New Zealand and, with a limited number of seats available, fans are advised to purchase their tickets early to avoid missing out.

Peter Capaldi in Conversation takes place at the Civic Theatre, Auckland for one night only on Tuesday 24 November 2015.

FILTER: - New Zealand - Peter Capaldi - Special Events

3D Cinema Event for the USBookmark and Share

Wednesday, 29 July 2015 - Reported by Marcus
Doctor Who fans in the United States will get a chance to relive the climax of series 8 with a special 3D screening, in selected movie theatres, of last year's two part finale, Dark Water / Death in Heaven.

The event, organised by BBC Worldwide North America and Fathom Events will see the return of Doctor Who to the big screen for just two nights in a special theatrical event. In the two-part finale, the Doctor comes face-to-face with the mysterious Missy, and an impossible choice looms. With Cybermen on the streets of London, old friends unite against old enemies, and the Doctor takes to the air in a startling new role.

Doctor Who: Dark Water/Death in Heaven, will be presented in RealD™ 3D and Dolby Atmos sound (where available) on September 15 and 16 at 7:30 p.m. (local time), just before the launch of Series Nine on BBC America the following Saturday.

The event will feature The Doctor’s Meditation — a special prequel scene to the first episode of Season 9 — and an exclusive interview with Doctor Who stars Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman, hosted by Wil Wheaton (Big Bang Theory, Star Trek: Nemesis).

At present there are no plans for the event to be screened in UK Cinemas. BBC Worldwide told Sci-Fi Bulletin
Due to the number of events taking place for Doctor Who this year including the Symphonic Spectacular and the Doctor Who Festival, we decided against showing the episodes in UK cinema.
It is expected that the two episodes will be released on Blu-ray in 3D at the end of September.

Tickets for Doctor Who: Dark Water/Death in Heaven in 3D can be purchased online starting Friday, July 31 by visiting FathomEvents.com, or participating theatre box offices. The event will be shown throughout the U.S. in approximately 700 movie theatres through Fathom’s Digital Broadcast Network.

FILTER: - Series 8/34 - Special Events - USA

Mark Gatiss Joins Sydney Festival LineupBookmark and Share

Friday, 24 July 2015 - Reported by Marcus
Mark Gatiss has joined the team appearing at the Austrailan version of the Doctor Who Festival taking place this November.

The actor and writer will join current Doctor Peter Capaldi and writer and executive producer Steven Moffat at the Festival in Sydney on the 21st & 22nd November. At the event Gatiss will host a special writers’ master class, where fans will be given the opportunity to ask questions about how a Doctor Who script is crafted, as well as hearing the techniques behind the art of dramatic scriptwriting and how to get work published.

The BAFTA award-winning Real SFX team, led by Danny Hargreaves, will also be appearing, offering festival attendees the chance to witness first hand some of the spectacular effects seen in Doctor Who such as explosions and fireballs, elemental and atmospheric effects, mechanical rigs and pyrotechnics. Interactive sections of the demonstration will also offer audiences the chance to participate in the action.

Mark Gatiss, like Steven Moffat, is one of the few writers to have written for all four Doctors in the modern revival of Doctor Who (Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi). Gatiss was also the writer and executive producer of An Adventure in Space and Time, a 90-minute dramatisation of the genesis of the series.

Gatiss is the co-creator and executive producer of Sherlock, which he stars in as Sherlock’s brother Mycroft Holmes. Audiences will also recognise him from his recent acting roles as Stephen Gardiner in the critically acclaimed Wolf Hall and as Tycho Nestoris in Game of Thrones. He was also part of the comedy troupe The League of Gentlemen, where he both wrote and appeared on screen.

Mark Gatiss says:
Watching Doctor Who as a child made me want to become a writer and actor - I used to jot down ideas in my school exercise book. Doing it for real for the past ten years and four Doctors is a dream come true. At the Doctor Who Festival you can come and hear the stories behind my stories.
Along with Mark Gatiss and the special effects team, festival attendees will be given the opportunity to show off their best Doctor Who-themed outfits with a Cosplayers’ Showcase. A Doctor Who expert will judge the costumes, with a special prize awarded to the best-dressed fan.

Fans can also test their knowledge in two separate quizzes, with the chance to win an array of prizes. The fan challenge offers fans of all ages a chance to test their knowledge of the series, whilst the Doctor Who Quiz provides the ultimate challenge, with in-depth questions on the Doctor, his adversaries and the many adventures he’s had through space and time.

To date the festival includes the following, with more talent and activities to be announced shortly:
  • Q&AS -see the writers and cast from the series as they talk about how to make an idea become reality on a series as big and bold as Doctor Who.
  • PHOTO AND AUTOGRAPH OPPORTUNITIES – A limited number of opportunities for photos and autographs with selected talent.
  • WRITERS’ MASTERCLASS – ask Mark Gatiss how a Doctor Who script is crafted and discover the techniques behind the art of dramatic scriptwriting and how to get work published.
  • SFX DISPLAY - witness first-hand some of the spectacular effects seen in the series such as explosions and fireballs, elemental and atmospheric effects, mechanical rigs and pyrotechnics.
  • WARDROBE DEPARTMENT – a fantastic exhibition of costumes and props.
  • COSPLAYERS’ SHOWCASE- fans can showcase their impressive Doctor Who-themed outfits with a special prize awarded to the best dressed.
  • DOCTOR WHO QUIZ – this is the ultimate Doctor Who quiz, where fans can show off their in-depth knowledge of the Doctor, his adversaries and the many adventures he’s had through space and time.
  • THE FAN CHALLENGE - Fans young and old can battle it out and test their Doctor Who knowledge.
The Doctor Who Festival will be held at the Hordern Pavilion and the Royal Hall of Industries on the 21st and 22nd November. Tickets can be purchased at Ticketek

FILTER: - Australia - Special Events

Cinema outing for The Magician's ApprenticeBookmark and Share

Wednesday, 22 July 2015 - Reported by Chuck Foster
A screening of the first episode of the new series, The Magician's Apprentice, will be taking place at the Filmhouse Cinema in Edinburgh as part of the Guardian's Edinburgh International Television Festival on 27th August 2015.

Doctor Who at the Edinburgh International Television Festival (Credit: BBC)The Magician's Apprentice
27th August 2015, 8:30pm
Starring Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman, Michelle Gomez
Directed by Hettie Macdonald, 45 minutes

Exploding with epic and thrilling adventures, don't miss the opportunity to see the opening episode of BBC One's new Doctor Who series 'The Magician's Apprentice', written by Steven Moffat, produced by Peter Bennett and directed by Hettie Macdonald.

The screening will be followed by a Q&A with guests to be announced later.

The event has sold out, but details can be found via the cinema website.

FILTER: - Cinema - Series 9/35 - Special Events

Meet the Cast-Event: Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman in BerlinBookmark and Share

Sunday, 19 July 2015 - Reported by Pascal Salzmann
Apple Event (Credit: Melanie Jäggle)Last Friday, Jenna Coleman and Peter Capaldi visited Berlin for a Q&A in the Apple Store. Fans could reserve a seat for free via the Apple Store App or the Apple Store website. Around 250 fans were lucky to get access to the event, as reservations were quickly gone.

Those who were there cheered and clapped excitedly when the two actors entered the stage. Hosted by US-born German TV presenter Steven Gätjen, the two stars of Doctor Who revealed that they are a bit jetlagged, as they just have been at Comic Con, then L.A. and now Berlin. This did not stop them from making jokes about Peter always looking for food, getting wet from disinfection liquid while filming at a power plant or more jokes about food.

It was also revealed that one of the upcoming stories in Series 9 will be "very much like a horror movie" with many "scares and thrills" and an "extraordinary direction". Peter praised the director, saying that it takes very special skills to film a horror movie.

When being asked about a possible return of Caecillius, the character Peter Capaldi portrayed in the Series 4 episode The Fires of Pompeii, he carefully told the audience that this might actually happen in Series 9. "Or not", Jenna added.

The complete Q&A will be available on iTunes for free at a later point.

Earlier that day, Doctor Who News had the chance to interview Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman. Read the complete interview here.

UPDATE: The Q&A is now up on iTunes. Download it here.

FILTER: - Germany - Jenna Coleman - Peter Capaldi - Special Events

Doctor Who Stars support Save the ArcticBookmark and Share

Tuesday, 14 July 2015 - Reported by Marcus
Exhibition launch at Waterloo underground station showing photographs of celebrities by Andy Gotts . The celebrities are wearing T-shirts designed by Vivienne Westwood. (Credit: Andy Gotts MBE/Greenpeace)A new exhibition has opened in London featuring stars from Doctor Who supporting the Greenpeace Save the Arctic campaign.

Peter Capaldi, David Tennant, John Hurt and Jenna Coleman are just some of the 60 celebrities captured by award-winning photographer Andy Gotts in his Save the Arctic public photography exhibition.

The exhibition features a collection of stars all wearing a Vivienne Westwood’s Save the Arctic t-shirt. It is situated in London Underground’s Waterloo Station where it takes over of the entire advertising space along escalators running up to the London HQ of the oil company Shell, which is due to start drilling in the Arctic this month, and which Greenpeace is campaigning against.

Peter Capaldi talked about why he supported the campaign
We know this planet is a fragile one. Yet we stand and watch as the Arctic shrinks. We watch the home of Polar bears and whales and walruses disappear before our eyes. The time has come to stop watching. We must act.
John Hurt, who played The War Doctor in the 50th Anniversary story added
The Arctic is one of the last great pristine ecosystems, a safe haven for endangered species and home to Indigenous Peoples whose lifestyle has survived in harmony with nature for thousands of years. This is now all under threat. It’s time to act.
Other Doctor Who actors taking part include Kylie Minogue, Olivia Colman, Simon Pegg, Lily Cole and Maisie Williams who has been signed up for Series 9.

Greenpeace UK’s Executive Director John Sauven said:
Behind the 60 famous faces in this collection, there are millions more rising up to demand Arctic protection. The global movement to defend the Arctic is snowballing – with seven million people already calling for its protection
The exhibition runs in the Waterloo Underground station, York Road exit, until Sunday 26 July.

David Tennant models a Vivienne Westwood-designed t-shirt for the Save the Arctic collection, shot by celebrity photographer Andy Gotts MBE. (Credit: Andy Gotts MBE/Greenpeace)Sir John Hurt models a Vivienne Westwood-designed t-shirt for the Save the Arctic collection, shot by celebrity photographer Andy Gotts MBE (Credit: Andy Gotts MBE/Greenpeace)Peter Capaldi models a Vivienne Westwood-designed t-shirt for the Save the Arctic collection, shot by celebrity photographer Andy Gotts MBE (Credit: Andy Gotts MBE/Greenpeace)Jenna Coleman models a Vivienne Westwood-designed t-shirt for the Save the Arctic collection, shot by celebrity photographer Andy Gotts MBE (Credit: Andy Gotts MBE/Greenpeace)
Kylie Minogue models a Vivienne Westwood-designed t-shirt for the Save the Arctic collection, shot by celebrity photographer Andy Gotts MBE (Credit: Andy Gotts MBE/Greenpeace)Maisie Williams models a Vivienne Westwood-designed t-shirt for the Save the Arctic collection, shot by celebrity photographer Andy Gotts MBE (Credit: Andy Gotts MBE/Greenpeace)Olivia Colman models a Vivienne Westwood-designed t-shirt for the Save the Arctic collection, shot by celebrity photographer Andy Gotts MBESimon Pegg models a Vivienne Westwood-designed t-shirt for the Save the Arctic collection, shot by celebrity photographer Andy Gotts MBE (Credit: Andy Gotts MBE/Greenpeace)Lily Cole models a Vivienne Westwood-designed t-shirt for the Save the Arctic collection, shot by celebrity photographer Andy Gotts MBE (Credit: Andy Gotts/Greenpeace)

FILTER: - People - Special Events

Michelle Gomez and Ingrid Oliver confirmed for DW FestivalBookmark and Share

Monday, 13 July 2015 - Reported by Marcus
BBC Worldwide has announced that Michelle Gomez and Ingrid Oliver will be joining Peter Capaldi and Steven Moffat at the official Doctor Who Festival, which will take place at ExCeL, London, on the 13th, 14th and 15th November 2015. The Festival will offer fans an exclusive and interactive glimpse into how the inimitable world of Doctor Who is created.

The BBC have also confirmed that photo opportunities* will be available with Peter Capaldi, Ingrid Oliver and Michelle Gomez, plus the opportunity to have a photo taken on the set from Series 9. NB: Photos opportunities are subject to availability and will need to be purchased in advance of the Festival via the website.
In a weekend event like no other, television fans of all ages will be invited to see how one of the UK’s most-loved television programmes is created. Ticket holders will be able to discover the inspiration behind the Doctor’s recent adversaries, the imagination required to create whole new worlds and the ingenuity that goes into designing and making the beautiful backdrops that give Doctor Who its unique look. This Festival is a must-attend event for die-hard Doctor Who fans and for those who want to learn more about television production, with many, many more exciting announcements to come.
Included in the ticket price price
  • THEATRE SHOWS –see the writers and cast from the series as they talk about how to make an idea become reality on a series as big and bold as Doctor Who.
  • WARDROBE DEPARTMENT – a display of costumes and props from the series.
  • COSPLAYERS SHOWCASE - fans can showcase their impressive Doctor Who-themed outfits.
  • THE FAN CHALLENGE! –fans young and old can test their knowledge of Doctor Who.
  • DRAMA SCHOOL - the techniques and secrets that the cast learn when filming Doctor Who.
  • OFFICIAL MERCHANDISE - the official fan shopping area.
  • PRODUCTION VILLAGE – a chance for fans to understand what it takes to film a scene in Doctor Who.
  • PHOTO OPPORTUNITIES - an opportunity for fans to purchase an individual photograph with the current cast members appearing.
Further information and monthly newsletters are available from doctorwhofestival.com

As announced last week Doctor Who Festival will also be coming to Australia a week after on 21st-22nd November 2015. Peter Capaldi and Steven Moffat will also be attending the Australian event.

FILTER: - Festival - Special Events

Doctor Who Festival for AustraliaBookmark and Share

Friday, 26 June 2015 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Hot on the heels of the Doctor Who Festival in London comes another for Sydney, Australia:

Doctor Who Festival - Australia, 21-22 November 2015 (Credit: BBC Worldwide)BBC Worldwide Australia & New Zealand is delighted to announce the first ever official Doctor Who Festival in Australia, which will take place in Sydney at the Royal Hall of Industries & the Hordern Pavilion on Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd November 2015. The Doctor Who Festival will be attended by the Twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi and lead writer and executive producer Steven Moffat with more talent announced in due course. Fans of all ages will be able to celebrate the heritage and magic of the show with exclusive access to props, costumes and talent from both in-front-of and behind the camera.

A week after the Doctor Who Festival in London, Australian fans will have the chance to hear from key cast members in a series of onstage talent Q&A’s, with limited photo and autograph opportunities available. A series of interactive workshops with Doctor Who’s resident creative team will give visitors the chance to learn about the television production process and what it takes to be a Doctor Who monster. Fans can also test their knowledge for the chance to win some great prizes in the ultimate Doctor Who Quiz, and get some exclusive Doctor Who merchandise.

This festival is a must-attend for Doctor Who fans, with more exciting announcements to come.

And in a first for New Zealand fans, Peter Capaldi will then head to Auckland, New Zealand on the 24th November for an intimate evening with fans. Venue and ticket details for this will be announced in due course.

Peter Capaldi says:
Being unveiled as Doctor Who in Sydney at last year's world tour, and meeting the fantastic Australian fans was such a cosmic, life changing experience that I'm thrilled to be coming back for a full weekend of Time Lord mania.

The Festival includes:
  • Q&AS -see the writers and cast from the series as they talk about how to make an idea become reality on a series as big and bold as Doctor Who.
  • PHOTO AND AUTOGRAPH OPPORTUNITIES – A limited number of opportunities for photos and autographs with selected talent.
  • WARDROBE DEPARTMENT – a fantastic exhibition of costumes and props.
  • DOCTOR WHO QUIZ –Hosted in a traditional themed setting, fans will have the chance to test their knowledge for the chance to win some great prizes.


  • General $195.00
  • TARDIS $365.00
  • Concession General $99.00
  • Concession TARDIS $265.00
(all tickets are subject to a processing fee of 1.95% + transaction fee)

The general ticket includes one day entry to the festival, access to three separate theatre shows to see the cast and writers, festival lanyard, show planner and all of the above. TARDIS tickets will have all inclusions of a general ticket plus best seats in house for theatre sessions, exclusive access to TARDIS lounge with two free drinks and a Doctor Who goodie bag with merchandise to the value of $110.00.

To sign up for pre-sale tickets, or for further information head to: https://www.doctorwho.tv

Tickets can be purchased at Ticketek
Twitter: #DWFestAu

Pre-sale tickets available from 11am on 1st July
Tickets on general sale from 11am on 6th July

FILTER: - Australia - New Zealand - Peter Capaldi - Special Events - Steven Moffat