The Woman Who Fell to Earth - Press ReviewsBookmark and Share

Monday, 8 October 2018 - Reported by Marcus
The Woman Who Fell to Earth: The Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) (Credit: BBC/BBC Worldwide (Sophie Mutevilian ))Press reaction to the new season of Doctor Who is overwhelmingly positive with Jodie Whittaker winning many plaudits for her first full episode as the Thirteenth Doctor

The Independent led the praise for the lead actress's performance. " After all the hype, hyperbole and inevitable internet hate, she acquits herself wonderfully in her full-length debut. Whittaker is a force of breezy nature – rambunctious, quirky but with a reassuringly familiar aura of Gallifreyan uncanniness."

The Guardian loved the interaction between the main characters. "The new Doctor and her team – 19-year-old Ryan, his old schoolmate turned police probationer Yasmin, and Ryan’s step-grandfather Graham (Tosin Cole, Mandip Gill and Bradley Walsh respectively) – have heart and soul, and are set against a comforting background of West Yorkshire women – especially Ryan’s nan – talking common sense as alien life and electrical pulses erupt around them."

Whittaker was also praised by the Telegraph who said the actress shined in a flawed but fun Doctor Who debut. "There has been a depressingly predictable knee-jerk backlash to a time-travelling, body-regenerating extraterrestrial with two hearts having the temerity to be female but this debut adventure barrelled straight past such quibbles. After mere minutes of the Doctor’s arrival – crashing through the roof of a train in Sheffield, having fallen from the Tardis at the climax of the Christmas special – you stopped noticing"

Digital Spy was sure Jodie Whittaker's Doctor is going to be everybody's new hero, and noted how her sex is irrelevant. "For all the buzz, positive and negative, that surrounded Whittaker's casting as the first female Doctor, what her first few scenes make abundantly clear is how unimportant the character's gender really is. It's completely and utterly incidental, a point which 'The Woman Who Fell to Earth' makes not through words – the transition from old to new is discussed no more here than it has been in previous Doctor's debuts – but through actions."

Den of Geek says series 11 premiere finds Doctor Who in rude health. "Whittaker certainly makes an impact in her opening scene - quite literally, as she falls through the roof of the train and meets her new companions. The script cleverly wastes no time in having her do some proper ‘Doctor business’ - fending off an alien, casually dismissing a death in favour of the mystery at hand and persuading police officer Yas not to call for reinforcements. Whittaker shines pretty quickly in these scenes, and has every bit of the quiet intensity of her predecessors."

Variety felt the episode fulfilled a difficult brief. "Striking the right balance has been a tall order for any new Doctor and showrunner to take on, as several pairs have done over the last decade, but the level of difficulty this particular team had to master is arguably the highest yet. That’s why it’s so impressive that “The Woman Who Fell to Earth” is, for the most part, an extremely typical episode of “Doctor Who."

NPR loved the characterisation of The Doctor "With her rich Northern accent (the actress was born in Yorkshire), Whittaker's Doctor isn't posh or effete — no bow ties or fezzes for her. Instead, she radiates pragmatism (if pragmatism is a thing that can radiate) and a decidedly middle-class, we're-all-in-this-together enthusiasm."

Finally, the Los Angeles Times says Doctor Who returns in thrilling fashion. "The new Doctor has both authority and energy; she is playful yet mature, a little mad but not manic, funny and agile and perhaps will turn out a shade less judgmental than some of her predecessors. Chibnall has given Whittaker a lighter brief: “I’m the Doctor,” she declares, “sorting out fair play throughout the universe.” And later, in that soft Yorkshire accent, “Sometimes I see things that need fixin’ and do what I can.”

The Doctor Who News review can be found on our reviews site.

FILTER: - Broadcasting - Jodie Whittaker - series 11/37 - Thirteenth Doctor

First Look at the The Woman Who Fell To EarthBookmark and Share

Saturday, 29 September 2018 - Reported by Marcus
The BBC have released the first full clip from the upcoming series of Doctor Who

FIRST LOOK: Episode 1 | The Woman Who Fell To Earth

The new series begins on Sunday 7th October.

FILTER: - series 11/37 - Thirteenth Doctor

The Thirteenth Doctor - Volume 0Bookmark and Share

Wednesday, 26 September 2018 - Reported by Marcus
Doctor Who returns to television screens next month, and to mark this long-awaited event, Titan Comics are publishing The Thirteenth Doctor Vol. 0, the ultimate celebration of The Doctor’s many, many lives and a special primer ahead of Titan’s new ongoing Thirteenth Doctor comic book series this autumn.

It's said that your life flashes before your eyes when you die: as the Doctor regenerates from his Twelfth incarnation to her Thirteenth, she relives memories from her many lives, showcasing unseen adventures from EVERY version of the Doctor.

Written by award-winning Doctor Who alumni Richard Dinnick and illustrated by Giorgia Sposito (Independence Day, Charmed, Wonderland) amongst a host of fantastic artists including fan-favorite Mariano Laclaustra, this is a perfect beginner's guide and a brilliant tribute for long-term fans to enjoy.

Thirteenth Doctor - Volume 0

Writer: Richard Dinnick
Artist: Giorgia Sposito, Mariano Laclaustra and various
Cover: Claudia Iannicello

They say that before you die, your life flashes before your eyes... and the Doctor has lived a lot of lives!

The ultimate Doctor Who celebration, a perfect beginner's guide and a brilliant tribute for long-term fans! As the Doctor regenerates into her Thirteenth form, she relives unseen adventures from every single one of her past lives – with a host of brilliant artists including Giorgia Sposito and Claudia Ianniciello!
Thirteenth Doctor - Volume 0 - Cover A (Credit: Titan )Thirteenth Doctor - Volume 0 - Page 1 (Credit: Titan )Thirteenth Doctor - Volume 0 - Page 2 (Credit: Titan )Thirteenth Doctor - Volume 0 - Page 3 (Credit: Titan )Thirteenth Doctor - Volume 0 - Page 5 (Credit: Titan )Thirteenth Doctor - Volume 0 - Page 6 (Credit: Titan )Thirteenth Doctor - Volume 0 - Page 7 (Credit: Titan )

FILTER: - Comics - Thirteenth Doctor

The Thirteenth Doctor arrives in SheffieldBookmark and Share

Monday, 24 September 2018 - Reported by Marcus
The thirteenth doctor arrives in Sheffield (Credit: BBC/ Ben Blackall)

The Thirteenth Doctor, as played by Jodie Whittaker, has arrived in Sheffield for the press screening of the new series later today.

The event is preceded by a red carpet parade of stars from the show, attened by some lucky fans who won tickets in a public ballot.

The first episode The Woman Who Fell to Earth, was filmed in the city. More pictures from the red carpet event will be released later today.

FILTER: - Jodie Whittaker - Press - series 11/37 - Thirteenth Doctor

New Thirteenth Doctor BooksBookmark and Share

Friday, 21 September 2018 - Reported by Marcus
BBC Books have revealed the covers for three brand new Doctor Who adventures this autumn…

The Good Doctor by Juno Dawson  (Credit: BBC Books)
The Good Doctor by Juno Dawson

An original novel featuring the Thirteenth Doctor as played by Jodie Whittaker, with her new friends, Yasmin, Ryan and Graham

For a Good Doctor there's only one rule: first do no harm.

Juno Dawson is the international bestselling author of ten titles for young adults. She is a columnist at Glamour UK, Attitude Magazine and a key LGBTQ activist with Stonewall.
Molten Heart by Una McCormack (Credit: BBC Books)
Molten Heart by Una McCormack

An original novel featuring the Thirteenth Doctor as played by Jodie Whittaker, with her new friends, Yasmin, Ryan and Graham

You never know what you’ll find beneath the surface.

Una McCormack is a New York Times bestselling author. She has written two Doctor Who novels featuring the Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory: The King's Dragon and The Way Through the Woods.
Combat Magicks by Steve Cole (Credit: BBC Books)
Combat Magicks by Steve Cole

An original novel featuring the Thirteenth Doctor as played by Jodie Whittaker, with her new friends, Yasmin, Ryan and Graham

How do you win a battle when the dead fight on?

Steve Cole is a best-selling original comedy, fantasy and adventure writer, Steve’s work includes a broad range of books, most recently the Secret Agent Mummy series for younger readers, Stop Those Monsters! Much in demand for his energetic performances at events, Steve has featured at sci-fi and Doctor Who conventions from London to Los Angeles.

FILTER: - BBC Books - Thirteenth Doctor

Titan Reveals Thirteenth Doctor Comic Launch DetailsBookmark and Share

Tuesday, 28 August 2018 - Reported by Marcus
Thirteenth Doctor #1 - Cover A - Babs Tarr (Credit: Titan )Titan Comics and BBC Studios have revealed launch details for Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor #1

The new comic featuring the Thirteenth Doctor will feature variants from leading artists including Babs Tarr (Batgirl, Motor Crush), Sarah Graley (Rick and Morty), Katie Cook (Adventure Time), Ariela Kristantina (Mata Hari), and Paulina Ganucheau (Zodiac Starforce).

This Autumn, join the Thirteenth Doctor in a fresh new series of comic adventures, featuring an array of new faces - including the Doctor herself. Taking control of the TARDIS for this regeneration is an amazing new team: Eisner-nominated writer Jody Houser (Stranger Things, Mother Panic, Faith, Spider-Man), illustrator Rachael Stott (Doctor Who, Motherlands), and colorist Enrica Angiolini (Warhammer 40,000).

The new comic series sees the Doctor return in her most thrilling incarnation yet – played by Jodie Whittaker (Broadchurch) - and travels the cosmos with three brand new friends: Graham (played by Bradley Walsh), Yasmin (Mandip Gill), and Ryan (Tosin Cole). Readers can look forward to experiencing mind-blowing challenges and dynamic stories through space and time in the pages of the upcoming new comic series.
Writer Jody Houser said
I love the hope of Doctor Who. Anyone can have an adventure. No matter how old you are, there are still amazing things to discover in the universe. Exploring what makes our new Doctor tick, and what makes this regeneration unique as compared to the previous incarnations, is what I’m really looking forward to doing in the new series.
Titan’s is celebrating this debut issue by launching thirteen variant covers, including art covers by Doctor Who fan-favorite artist Alice X. Zhang, series artist Rachael Stott, Babs Tarr (Batgirl, Motor Crush), Sanya Anwar (Assassin’s Creed), Paulina Ganucheau (Zodiac Starforce), Sarah Graley (Rick and Morty), Ariela Kristantina (Mata Hari) and Katie Cook (Adventure Time).

Plus, a photo cover, a cosplay variant and a Doctor Puppet variant by Alisa Stern – creator of the Doctor Puppet Youtube series.

Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor #2 will feature covers by Paulina Ganucheau and Rachael Stott, as well as a photo cover.

Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor #1 is part of Titan Comics' larger plans for the Thirteenth Doctor in 2018, including; Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor Vol. 0 – which sees the Doctor relive memories from her many incarnations, showcasing unseen adventures from EVERY version of the Doctor; and Doctor Who Comics Day on November 24 – where fans and stores unite to celebrate everything Doctor Who.

Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor #1 is released this Autumn.

Thirteenth Doctor #1 - Cover B (Credit: Titan )Thirteenth Doctor #1 - Cover C - Alice X Zhang (Credit: Titan )Thirteenth Doctor #1 - Cover D - Rachael Stott (Credit: Titan )Thirteenth Doctor #1 - Cover E - Sanya Anwar (Credit: Titan )Thirteenth Doctor #1 - Cover I _ Katie Cook (Credit: Titan )Thirteenth Doctor #1 - Cover J - Doctor Puppet (Credit: Titan )Thirteenth Doctor #1 - Cover K - Cosplay (Credit: Titan )

FILTER: - Comics - Thirteenth Doctor

Comic-Con Panel With Jodie WhittakerBookmark and Share

Tuesday, 24 July 2018 - Reported by Marcus
The BBC has released a recording of the full Doctor Who panel at this year's Comic-Con International at San Diego.

The panel featured new Doctor Jodie Whittaker alongside two of her Doctor Who co-stars Tosin Cole, and Mandip Gill as well as showrunner Chris Chibnall and Executive Producer Matt Strevens.

FULL Comic-Con Panel | Doctor Who

FILTER: - Jodie Whittaker - Thirteenth Doctor

The Women Who LivedBookmark and Share

Tuesday, 24 July 2018 - Reported by Marcus
Doctor Who: The Women Who Lived (Credit: BBC Books)This September, BBC Books will publish Doctor Who: The Women Who Lived, an illustrated collection of inspiring tales of the women of Doctor Who. It will be the first official book published to accompany the new series, celebrating Jodie Whittaker’s debut as the Thirteenth Doctor.

Written by Christel Dee, former presenter of Doctor Who: The Fan Show, and Simon Guerrier, the book will feature more than 75 inspiring tales of remarkable women of the Whoniverse, both real and imagined. From historical figures such as Agatha Christie and Queen Victoria to fan favourites like Bill Potts and River Song, each woman has made a unique contribution to the world of Doctor Who. Whether they’re facing down Daleks or thwarting a Nestene invasion, these women don’t hang around waiting to be rescued – they roll their sleeves up and get stuck in. Scientists and soldiers, queens and canteen workers, women from outlandish science-fiction and those steeped in real history, they don’t let anything hold them back.

Illustrated throughout with specially-commissioned artwork by a team of female artists – including Gwen Burns, Valentina Mozzo, Sonia Leong, and more – the book also features new companion Yasmin, and an extended entry on the Doctor herself.

Albert DePetrillo, BBC Books Publishing Director, says
We thought long and hard about which book would start our publishing programme for Jodie Whittaker’s first series of Doctor Who – and Christel and Simon’s book is the perfect choice. It’s bold and fresh in its approach, it makes a strong statement, it’s beautifully written, and stunning in its design. It represents everything we love about Doctor Who, and we couldn’t be happier to be publishing The Women Who Lived on the BBC Books list.
Christel Dee says
With Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor arriving this autumn, we thought this would be the perfect time to reflect upon the wealth of incredible female characters from Doctor Who’s 55 year history – because there are so many! We hope the stories in this book will inspire a whole new generation of fans and existing fans too.
Simon Guerrier says
We hope this offers a fresh perspective on the history of Doctor Who, a chance to celebrate the richness of past episodes as well as looking forward to the series’ exciting future. I thought I knew Doctor Who backwards, but we discovered loads of new things in our research for the book.
Doctor Who: The Women Who Lived: Amazing Tales for Future Time Lords will be published on 27th September in hardback, priced £16.99.

Doctor Who: The Women Who Lived (Credit: BBC Books)Doctor Who: The Women Who Lived (Credit: BBC Books)Doctor Who: The Women Who Lived (Credit: BBC Books)

FILTER: - Books - Thirteenth Doctor

Thirteenth Doctor figurine rangeBookmark and Share

Wednesday, 11 July 2018 - Reported by Marcus
Thirteenth Doctor Vinyl (Credit: Titan)BBC Studios have revealed the first of the new toy ranges for Doctor Who Season 11. Ahead of San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC), this is the first-look of the new Thirteenth Doctor figurines.

Doctor Who licensee Titan have produced two limited-edition 6.5” vinyls collectibles for S11: one 6.5" Thirteenth Doctor TITAN, and one 6.5" Thirteenth Doctor Kawaii TITAN, both of which will be debuting at SDCC 2018 at BBC AMERICA booth #4129 and Titan Entertainment booth #5537.

Remaining TITANS post-SDCC will be available to buy after the close of Comic-Con from Hot Topic & the BBC Shop in the US and from Forbidden Planet in the UK. Pre-order for these potential store purchases opens after the close of San Diego Comic-Con on Monday 23rd July 2018.

From Funko, The Thirteenth Doctor Pop! and The Thirteenth Doctor Rock Candy will be available to see at SDCC 2018 on the BBC AMERICA booth #4129 and the Funko booth #5341/5347, and in retail in both the US and UK this autumn. A new Doctor also means a new costume and Her Universe is debuting the Thirteenth Doctor’s fashionable rainbow striped top, long coat, and blue trousers, which will be available at SDCC at Her Universe booth #1321 and later in the autumn at Hot Topic stores.

Away from SDCC, UK Master Toy Licensee Character Options has unveiled its brand new Doctor Who figure, the first 10” figure of the Thirteenth Doctor, played by Jodie Whittaker.

The new, highly detailed 10”/26cm fully articulated, collectible figure comes dressed in real fabric high-waisted culottes, rainbow striped dark blue shirt and coat. The figure also comes with the Doctor’s essential Sonic Screwdriver accessory.

Alasdair Dewar, Character Options’ Director of Product Development commented:
The new 10 inch Adventure Figure is a fantastic addition to the range. Made even better by the use of 3D scan data. The likeness is absolutely fantastic and along with the scaled fabric clothing kids and collectors alike will enjoy this bigger sized figure to play without display ... and ... it’s by sheer chance perfectly in scale with our 2006 12 inch Doctor Who range
Rikesh Desai, Licensing Director at BBC Studios, says;
As the UK Master Toy Licensee for Doctor Who, Character Options consistently produce great toys for the brand. The new Thirteenth Doctor figure is no exception; the attention to detail, real clothes and quality of the product make it a great collectible for fans of all ages.
The new figure will be available from August, for more information visit

BBC AMERICA will hold a panel at SDCC on Thursday, 19th July at 11:45am PT in Hall H, introducing the Thirteenth Doctor, played by Jodie Whittaker. Marking a new era for the legendary Time Lord, Whittaker will be joined on the panel by two of her Doctor Who co-stars, Tosin Cole and Mandip Gill, who play Ryan and Yasmin, as well as award-winning series showrunner Chris Chibnall (Broadchurch) and executive producer Matt Strevens (An Adventure In Space And Time). BBC AMERICA will also have additional exclusive Doctor Who merchandise from BBC Shop available at booth #4129.

Thirteenth Doctor Kawaii (Credit: Titan)Thirteenth Doctor figurine (Credit: Her Universe)Rock Candy (Credit: Funko)Pop Vinyl Thirteenth Doctor (Credit: Funko)Thirteenth Doctor (Credit: Character Options)

FILTER: - Character - Thirteenth Doctor

Christmas Episode Confirmed?Bookmark and Share

Thursday, 5 July 2018 - Reported by Marcus

The first indication that Doctor Who will have a Christmas episode this year has come thanks to an entry on the CV of the programme's editor.

Doctor Who will return this autumn with a special 65-minute episode, followed by nine 50 minute episodes. Until now there has been no indication as to whether the production team would be making an extra episode to be shown at Christmas.

However, an entry in the online CV of Edel McDonnell, an editor on the programme, indicated he will be working on a Christmas special to be directed by Wayne Yip, who previously directed the twelfth Doctor episodes The Lie Of The Land and Empress Of Mars.

Production Guide

FILTER: - Production - Thirteenth Doctor