Knock Knock - AI:83Bookmark and Share

Monday, 8 May 2017 - Reported by Marcus
Knock Knock: Monster (Credit: BBC/BBC Worldwide (screen grabs))
Doctor Who - Knock Knock had an Audience Appreciation or Ai figure of 83

The Appreciation Index in an indication of how much viewers enjoyed the episode. It is based to the reactions of a selected panel of viewers, who rate the episode shortly after transmission.

83 is considered a good score, roughly similar to the scores achieved by the last series of the show,

The highest score for the evening on the two main channels was achieved by Casualty on BBC One which scored 85.

FILTER: - Ratings - Series 10/36 - UK

New Eleventh Doctor ComicBookmark and Share

Monday, 8 May 2017 - Reported by Marcus
This week sees the latest release in the Titan series featuring the Eleventh Doctor

Doctor Who : The Eleventh Doctor Year Three #5

Writer: James Peaty
Artist: I.N.J Culbard
Cover A: Arianna Florean Cover B: Photo Cover C: LINKED SET OF FOUR By Ryan Hall Cover D: Leandro Casco

The Ood return in this special issue entitled "Time of The Ood!"
Eleventh Doctor 3_5 Cover A (Credit: Titan / Arianna Florean) Eleventh Doctor 3_5 Cover B (Credit: Titan) Eleventh Doctor 3_5 Cover C (Credit: Titan / Ryan Hall) Eleventh Doctor 3_5 Cover D (Credit: Titan / Leandro Casco) Eleventh Doctor 3_5 Preview 1 (Credit: Titan) Eleventh Doctor 3_5 Preview 2 (Credit: Titan) Eleventh Doctor 3_5 Preview 3 (Credit: Titan) Eleventh Doctor 3_5 Preview 4 (Credit: Titan)

FILTER: - Comics - Eleventh Doctor

Australian overnight ratings for Knock Knock & final ratings for SmileBookmark and Share

Monday, 8 May 2017 - Reported by Adam Kirk
Knock Knock has debuted in Australia, averaging 417,000 viewers in the five major capital cities. The story was the second highest rating ABC drama of the day and the twelfth highest rating program of the day overallThese ratings do not include iview, regional or time-shifted viewers. The binaural edition of Knock Knock, with enhanced sound, is also now available on ABC iview.

Meanwhile, including time-shifted viewers, Smile averaged 574,000 consolidated viewers in the five major capital cities. With 110,000 extra viewers it was the highest time-shifted program of the day (the second highest time-shifted program had 104,000 extra viewers) and the eighth highest rating program of the day overallThese ratings do not include iview or regional viewers.

FILTER: - Australia - Broadcasting - Ratings - Series 10/36

New Audio Torchwood Series from Big FinishBookmark and Share

Sunday, 7 May 2017 - Reported by Marcus
Torchwood Series 5 (Credit: Big Finish) Big Finish has announced that Torchwood will be back for a brand new series of audio adventures with Torchwood: Aliens Among Us...

The new series, revealed at the DWAS convention The Capitol II, will follow the events of Miracle Day, and will see the Torchwood team reunited. Captain Jack, Gwen and Rhys will be joined by new characters co-created and overseen by series creator Russell T Davies.

In this series, Captain Jack and Gwen Cooper have restarted Torchwood in Cardiff, home of the original Torchwood Three. But it's in a very different Cardiff. Something terrible's happened to the city. With every day getting darker, will Torchwood need to adopt a whole new approach?

Producer of Torchwood Season 5, James Goss, talked about the new Torchwood team and Russell T Davies’ involvement.
Russell's been wonderfully involved in the continuation of Torchwood. We came up with some characters and ideas and he very kindly, very politely said 'Marvellous, but no. Howabout...?'. And that's what lead to Jack and Gwen being joined by Mr Colchester (Paul Clayton), Ng (Alexandria Riley), Tyler (Jonny Green) and the enigmatic Orr (Sam Béart). Who are they? What part do they have to play in the future of Torchwood? And can they save Cardiff from an invasion that's already been lost?

This is an ambitious series for Big Finish - an entire season of Torchwood! There are some great scripts by some new writers, but there are also some familiar old faces - of course Rhys and Andy are in it, but there'll be a few other surprises, including an appearance by someone who just has to be, has to be dead...
This new series of Torchwood will be released in three boxsets, the first being out in August. Torchwood Series 5.2 will follow in October and 5.3 will complete the season in the new year.

FILTER: - Big Finish - Torchwood

Knock Knock - Press ReactionBookmark and Share

Sunday, 7 May 2017 - Reported by Marcus
Knock Knock: Shireen (Mandeep Dhillon), Paul (Ben Presley), The Landlord (David Suchet), Bill (Pearl Mackie), Harry (Colin Ryan) (Credit: BBC/BBC Worldwide (screen grab))Press reaction to this week's Doctor Who episode Knock Knock is mixed. While many reviewers disagree about the strength of the writing, most are agreed on the quality of the performances in the story.

The Telegraph thought the acting plaudits belonged to the main guest star. "David Suchet playing the Landlord was brilliant casting. Just menacing enough as he mysteriously appeared without warning, smiling evilly in corners. Grey-haired and brown-suited, Suchet even looked ghostly. Never before has a tuning fork seemed so sinister."

Radio Times relished the creepy nature of the episode, but was disappointed by the ending. "For the first 35 minutes or so of Knock Knock I’m enthralled. Unfortunately, it showed signs of collapsing like a soufflé during the denouement...... I’d have been far happier with an unhappy ending. And yet I’m dismayed that, as the house crumbles, Bill loses all her knick-knacks, including the treasured photos of her mum that the Doctor sourced for her only weeks ago.

Den of Geek takes the opposite view, preferring the last third of the story. "Appreciating that some aren’t happy when Doctor Who goes emotional in its story wrap-ups, the fact that David Suchet’s mysterious landlord is actually the son of the woman we assumed to be his daughter is a very well earned, impactful piece of storytelling. I like that it works as a twist, but mostly, that it works because it adds real tenderness to the story."

The Mirror felt the episode to be the weekest of the season so far, feeling the character of The landlord was confusing. "Rather than allowing the bad guy of the week to be wonderfully creepy, he gets a 180 in the last few minutes to try and make us sympathise with him. But again, you can’t go killer madman to poor boy trying to save his mother in 3 minutes flat. Frankly, if you bag an actor of such calibre you can't waste him on a character that chops and changes."

Games Radar felt the writing was disapointing after last week's triumph. "The flat story is elevated slightly by David Suchet’s masterful acting, and Bill coming out as bluntly as possible does provide an air-punch moment. But even those stand-outs can’t redeem the overall limp writing. "

Flickering Myth disagreed. "When Doctor Who aims to frighten you, it really knows where those dark corners are in your mind, where you keep those little things you don’t like in your own cozy home, and brings them into light for everyone to see and to watch you leap two foot off your sofa. In this latest episode of Series 10, written by Mike Bartlett, you’re seriously going to be considering screwing down that creaking floorboard outside your bathroom by the end of it."

Carter Matt also enjoyed the story. "What was so fascinating about this story was that the more we saw of it, the more apparent that it became that this was not a story about good and evil; it was a story in some ways about a sacrifice, and what a father was able to do for his daughter. "

AV Club appreciated the style of the story. "Rarely does Doctor Who embrace another genre as completely as the first 30 minutes of “Knock Knock” does. For the first two thirds of its running time, tonight’s episode is a horror movie, with all the customary trappings. There’s the spooky haunted house with the still spookier landlord. There’s a bunch of thinly sketched young people who are all possibly idiots. There are loud noises and eerie music and windows and doors shutting all by themselves. If anything, it’s all a bit old-fashioned, in the best possible way."

Ars Technica praised the effects in the episode. "The storyline is a bit horror-by-numbers as one by one Bill's pals are bumped off by the alien woodlice. The on-screen effect is pretty grim, if thoroughly gripping, and reminds me of the carnivorous scarabs in The Mummy."

Digital Spy also felt the effects were well realised. "The episode is admirably daring when it comes to its scares, throwing up some genuinely disturbing visuals, particularly the sight of a pained Pavel (Bart Suavek) half-eaten by the house, and of a screaming Harry (Colin Ryan) being eaten alive by the Dryads."

Screen Rant looked at the themes behind the current series. "Weighing the life of one against the lives of many has been a recurring theme during Capaldi’s tenure as the Doctor, and with ‘Knock Knock’ the series places the Time Lord in a more intimate situation, almost like it’s a test to see what he’ll do when faced with a group of twentysomethings trapped in what appears to be a haunted house"

Nerdist also picked up the horror in the story. "One of the show’s main goals since the beginning was to scare people senseless. Monstrous aliens are part and parcel of the show’s success, and that often sends people “behind the sofa.” This week’s “Knock Knock” fits right in that genre…for good and ill."

IGN returned to the relationship between The Doctor and his new companion. "I enjoyed “Knock Knock” from the get-go, particularly -- as usual -- due to the Doctor’s interactions with Bill, as we see her here slightly embarrassed by the weird old fella around her new friends. This is her granddad helping her move, she insists, but no, he says, he’s her dad. Can’t we at least say I’m the dad?"

Link to Doctor Who News Review

FILTER: - Big Finish - Torchwood

Knock Knock - Overnight Viewing FiguresBookmark and Share

Sunday, 7 May 2017 - Reported by Marcus
Knock Knock The Landlord (DAVID SUCHET) (Credit: BBC/BBC Worldwide (Jon Hall))Doctor Who - Knock Knock had an overnight viewing audience of 4.32 million viewers, a share of 24.9% of the total TV audience, according to unofficial figures. Doctor Who increased its audience by half a million from the previous week.

Top for the day was once more the ITV variety show Britain's Got Talent with 9.35 million viewers. Doctor Who was top for BBC One for the evening, with Pointless Celebrities getting 4.20 million watching, while Casualty managed 4.02 million.

FILTER: - Press - Series 10/36

Philip Hinchcliffe Honoured by DWASBookmark and Share

Saturday, 6 May 2017 - Reported by Marcus
Philip Hinchcliffe receives an award from Jeremy Bentham (Credit: Nick Salmond / News in Time and Space Ltd)Former Doctor Who producer Philip Hinchcliffe has been honoured with an award for outstanding contribution to the programme, presented by the Doctor Who Appreciation Society, or DWAS.

Hinchcliffe was the producer of Doctor Who from 1975-1977, one of its most fondly remembered periods. He was producer while the DWAS was being formed by a group of students, anxious to discuss and celebrate their favourite programme.

Presenting the award at the DWAS convention, The Capitol, being held in Crawley, one of the founder members of the society, Jeremy Bentham spoke of the support the fledgling organisation had received from the Hinchcliffe and the BBC. That support helped enable the group to grow from a small college based club, to become a national society approved by the BBC. The group had been invited to visit the production office to meet the team and to discusses the series. A mention in the Radio Times in the listing for Masque of Mandragora, brought huge numbers of new membership applications.

Accepting the award Philip Hinchcliffe said.
I cherish this from true early fans. I remember Jeremy and his companions coming into my office. think I recognised their courage and the fact they had found something special in the programme. Thank you very much.
Script writer Bob Baker was also presented with an award for outstanding contribution to Doctor Who for his work on the series, in particular his creation of K-9, who celebrates his 40th Anniversary later this year.

FILTER: - Awards/Nominations - Classic Series

New K-9 Design revealedBookmark and Share

Saturday, 6 May 2017 - Reported by Marcus
The new design for The Doctor's favourite tin dog, K-9 has been revealed at the DWAS convention being held this weekend in Sussex.

The robot dog will feature in a new movie, TimeQuake, due to be released next year.

The new design was unveiled by the Robot's creator, Bob Baker and by Paul Tams, the producer of the upcoming film and one of the men behind the Australian TV series K-9

The new film will see the robot dog battle against Omega, another character created by Bob Baker along with his late partner Dave Martin.

The new design was created using a 3D printer using the films CGI model as a blueprint. It was unveiled at the Doctor Who Appreciation Society Event, The Capitol, being held in Crawley, West Sussex, this weekend.


Knock Knock - IntroductionsBookmark and Share

Saturday, 6 May 2017 - Reported by Marcus

Knock Knock: Known Broadcast Details
United KingdomBBC OneSat 6 May 20177:20pm BST
Middle EastBBC FirstSat 6 May 20179:20pm AST(Sat 7:20pm BST)
United States of AmericaBBC AmericaSat 6 May 20179:00pm EDT(Sun 2:00am BST)
CanadaSPACESat 6 May 20179:00pm EDT(Sun 2:00am BST)
FinlandYLE2Sun 7 May 201711:00am EEST(Sun 9:00am BST)
AustraliaABCSun 7 May 20177:40pm AEST(Sun 10:40am BST, also on ABC ME)
BrazilSyFySun 7 May 20178:00pm BRT(Sun 11:00pm BST)
Latin AmericaSyFySun 7 May 201711:00pm CDT(Mon 4:00am BST)
New ZealandPRIMESun 7 May 20177:30pm NZST(Mon 8:30am BST)

A special 3D sound mix of this week’s episode makes it feel as if you’re part of the action, according to a group of Welsh students.

Speaking at an exclusive screening of the binaural audio edition of episode four, Knock Knock, the students called it a great experience, saying the enhanced version sounds as if at any minute the monsters could be coming after you.

The enhanced binaural audio episode will be available on BBC iPlayer immediately after the adventure premieres on BBC One and BBC One HD from 8.10pm on Saturday, 6 May. Viewers can find it by searching Doctor Who Enhanced on BBC iPlayer or visiting:

The binaural edition creates a 3D surround soundscape for anyone wearing headphones, placing the audience at the heart of the action while the bumps, scrapes, shrieks and screams echo around them as if they were actually there. To create the enhanced version, the team used new software developed by BBC Research & Development to artificially mimic the subtle effect the shape of the viewer’s head and ears have on what they hear. This lets sound engineers give the impression of specific sounds like the creaks and groans of the old house in Knock Knock being in front, behind, or all around viewers.

Brian Minchin, executive producer, Doctor Who, said:
Mike Bartlett’s episode 'Knock Knock' is perfect for 3D sound as it’s set in a creepy house where creaks might kill you! What you can hear, and where it comes from is extremely important. The binaural audio edition enhances the fun and the scares throughout Knock Knock.
Catherine Robinson, audio supervisor at BBC Wales, said:
The software BBC R&D have created enables us to completely immerse viewers in this extremely atmospheric episode. People will be able to hear the surround sound mix the way our engineers hear it in the studio, without the need for acres of cables, speakers and stands in their lounge. And as they can watch with a normal pair of headphones, they can experience the 3D audio wherever they want to watch this episode

FILTER: - Production - Series 10/36

Doctor Who Official BlockBookmark and Share

Friday, 5 May 2017 - Reported by Marcus

Nerd Block, in association with BBC Worldwide, is launching the Doctor Who Official Block.

Subscribers will be able to receive exclusive and limited edition collectibles from their favorite Time Lords. The bi-monthly Block will include 5-7 mystery items each month, allowing fans to get their hands on official Doctor Who merchandise.

This month’s Block features an exclusive 6.5" Tenth Doctor figure, inspired by the Tenth Doctor's final episode The End of Time Part Two.

Doctor Who Official Block Lead Buyer Nicole Giffen explains her choice to include the figure in the first Block:
David Tennant is one of the most-beloved Doctors, so we couldn’t wait to include an exclusive variant figure of the Tenth Doctor in our Block. Showing the Doctor in his battle-worn state is an ode to the episode The End of Time Part Two, where he fights against the returning Time Lords. It’s one of my favorite scenes, and the figure captures the Doctor perfectly.
James Watson of Titan Merchandise had more details about the Battle Deco Tenth Doctor vinyl figure:
We're big David Tennant fans, and we wanted something special for the first Doctor Who Block. We wanted to give the fans something that would look great on a shelf (hence the larger scale) as well as pay tribute to an iconic moment in the show's history
Watson also talked about future plans for the project.
We will be announcing our next Doctor Who blind-box wave very soon. I can't say too much, but it'll cover the show's history and will feature some characters that we have been asked about for YEARS! I've seen the designs and I'm incredibly excited to reveal them. We're all colossal Doctor Who fans. There's a real joy in being able to produce actual physical pieces of all my favourite characters.
Visit to get more details.

FILTER: - Merchandise - Tenth Doctor