Deep Breath for 8:00pm premiere in the UK?

Thursday, 10 July 2014 - Reported by Chuck Foster
German broadcaster FOX have now updated their online listings guide for August, and indicate that the first episode of the new series, Deep Breath, is scheduled for the 23rd August at 9:00pm. The BBC have yet to confirm the time that the episode will air on BBC One, but with FOX previously announcing their intention to simulcast the series alongside the United Kingdom, this would suggest that Doctor Who might well be back on the air at the prime time of 8:00pm!

It should be noted, however, that schedules may be subject to change as the broadcast date approaches, and that the 75 minute episode may not be simulcast as anticipated - for the 50th anniversary, the similarly feature-length The Day of the Doctor aired from 7:50pm in the UK with a ten minute delay before commencing in Germany (at 9:00pm local time).

FOX's schedules indicate that they plan to broadcast the final eleventh Doctor adventures The Name of the Doctor, The Day of the Doctor and The Time of the Doctor before the premiere itself, kicking off from 5:45pm local time.

FILTER: - Broadcasting - Germany - Series 8/34 - UK

FOX Germany announces Series 8 "simulcast" with BBC One

Tuesday, 3 June 2014 - Reported by Chuck Foster and Pascal Salzmann
FOX Germany have announced their intention to broadcast the next series of Doctor Who at the same time as or as near as possible to its transmission in the United Kingdom - making it the first station in the world to present a series alongside its traditional "home"!

The episodes, which will be available to watch in both a German-dubbed version or the original English soundtrack, will be aired as close to the actual transmission on BBC One as is practical - the UK schedules can vary from week to week depending upon other programming and events, whereas German schedules are less 'fluid' - as the press release cites, should the series air at 8:00pm in the UK then it would air at 9:00pm in Germany.

Marco de Ruiter, Managing Director for FOX, said:
Wir sind stolz darauf, gemeinsam mit der BBC Fernsehgeschichte schreiben zu dürfen und die Kultserie DOCTOR WHO erstmals als Globale Premiere in Deutschland, Österreich und in der Schweiz zeigen zu können - und zwar auf Deutsch und Englisch. DOCTOR WHO -Fans sind ähnlich leidenschaftlich wie THE WALKING DEAD-Fans, die jeder Tag schmerzt, den sie auf neue Episoden warten müssen. Wir freuen uns, ab sofort die Wartezeit gleich null setzen zu können.

We, together with the BBC, are proud to write TV history and broadcast the cult tv show DOCTOR WHO for the first time as a global premiere in Germany, Austria and Switzerland – in German and English. DOCTOR WHO-fans are as passionate as THE WALKING DEAD-fans, who are in pain every day they have to wait for the new episodes. We are very happy to reduce the waiting time to zero.

The actual premiere date and time in August has yet to be confirmed.

Back in November, the channel narrowly missed being part of the global simulcast of The Day of the Doctor, broadcasting the episode some ten minutes later at 9:00pm local time. Similarly, The Time of the Doctor was broadcast about an hour later in Germany, though FOX were the first to show the festive episode after the UK.

Doctor Who is a daily fixture on FOX, with this week seeing the run reach Series 4.

FILTER: - Series 8/34 - International Broadcasting - Germany

Germany DVD/Blu-ray update

Tuesday, 13 May 2014 - Written by Pascal Salzmann
Written by Pascal Salzmann
Pandastorm Pictures, a German media distributor, is planning to release "classic" Doctor Who on DVD. The distributor posted an appeal to fans on several German online forums, asking if there are people out there who had recorded the original German-dubbed broadcasts of Seasons 22-26, which aired on RTL Plus (1989/1993) and VOX (1995).

As the German-dubbed language tracks of some of the episodes are missing in the archives, Pandastorm is especially searching for the following episodes:

Since its appeal, Pandastorm sent out an email to anyone who has contacted it so far:
Liebe Doctor Who Fans,
für das überwältigende Feedback möchten wir uns sehr herzlich bedanken, damit haben wir nicht gerechnet. Wir haben als erstes den Luxemburg-Hinweis aus dem Forum aufgenommen und lassen gerade prüfen, ob sich die fehlenden Folgen dort im alten RTLplus-Archiv befinden. Einige von euch haben uns auch den Kontakt zum damaligen Verantwortlichen der Synchronisation geschickt, den wir danach angehen werden. Je nachdem was sich aus dieser Suche ergibt, werden wir uns dann bei einigen von euch melden, was die noch fehlenden Tonspuren angeht.

Dear Doctor Who fans,
Thank you very much for your overwhelming feedback, we did not expect this at all. We will first follow your advice on the forums to have a look at the RTLplus Archives in Luxemburg. Some of you sent us the contact details of the dubbing director back then. Whatever comes out of these options, we will then contact some of you for the still missing language tracks.

Pandastorm also posted on its Facebook page that it is still at the beginning stages and will have further news on the releases in 3 to 4 months. It cannot say yet if it is going to release season boxed sets or single story releases but it is trying to get the rights to every bonus feature available.

Meanwhile, the previously reported German (and right now the only European) Blu-ray release of An Adventure in Space and Time is now up for pre-order on Amazon DE. It contains all the bonus features of the British DVD release and the original English language track. A DVD version is also available.

An Adventure In Space and Time (German cover)Ein Abenteuer in Raum und Zeit (available for pre-order)

„Ein Abenteuer in Raum und Zeit“ reist zurück in das Jahr 1963, zurück zur Geburtsstunde eines Phänomens, zur Entstehung der bis heute laut dem Guinessbuch der Rekorde erfolgreichsten und am längsten laufenden Science-Fiction-Serie der Welt: DOCTOR WHO. Der BBC-Klassiker feierte am 23.11.2013 sein 50. Jubiläum. Großbritannien, 1963: Der neu berufene BBC-Drama-Chef Sydney Newman (Brian Cox) ist auf der Suche nach einem halbstündigen Samstag-Abend-Format, das sich an Kinder richtet, aber auch Erwachsene unterhält. Es wurde die Idee für eine Science-Fiction-Serie rund um einen mysteriösen Außerirdischen namens Doctor Who geboren. Kurzerhand befördert er seine ehemalige Assistentin Verity (Jessica Raine) zur Produzentin und betraut die junge, noch unerfahrene Frau mit dem ebenfalls noch jungen Regisseur Waris Hussein (Sacha Dhawan) mit der Produktion. Innerhalb der BBC glaubt anfangs niemand an die Idee des neuen Drama-Chefs. Die Einschaltquoten sind enttäuschend, aber Verity hat noch ein As im Ärmel ...

FILTER: - WHO50 - Classic Series - Germany - Blu-ray/DVD

German Blu-ray release for An Adventure in Space and Time

Tuesday, 8 April 2014 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Polyband, the German media distributor for Doctor Who, have announced the release of Ein Abenteuer in Raum und Zeit, aka An Adventure in Space and Time, on Blu-ray for the end of July.

The release marks the first time the high definition format of the 50th Anniversary drama will be available in Europe, and will feature both the English and an exclusive German language soundtrack made especially for this release - the drama did not air in Germany itself.

The set is also expected to include all of the special features present on the North American version, which is due to be released in May.

A press release was issued for announcement, tying into this week's BAFTA nomination for the drama.

(with thanks to Pascal Salzmann)

FILTER: - WHO50 - Germany - Blu-ray/DVD

The Time of the Doctor confirmed for Germany

Wednesday, 27 November 2013 - Reported by Chuck Foster
FOX appear to be the first channel to announce their broadcast of the Christmas adventure The Time of The Doctor, which is due to be seen in Germany at 9:35pm CET on Christmas Day.

In their press release for December highlights, the channel said:
Christmas Special 2013 - Promotional Image (Credit: BBC/Ray Burmiston)WHO LOVES CHRISTMAS: Das DOCTOR WHO - WEIHNACHTSSPECIAL
14., 21., 24 und 25. Dezember

DOCTOR WHO feiert Weihnachten mit einem besonderen Special. Für Matt Smith ist das zugleich sein letzter Auftritt in der Titelrolle. Vor diesem Weihnachts-Special zeigt euch FOX noch einmal alle Episoden mit Matt. Drei DOCTOR WHO-Staffeln werden innerhalb von drei Tagen gesendet: Staffel fünf beginnt am 14. Dezember ab 12.05 Uhr, Staffel sechs am 21. Dezember ebenfalls ab 12.05 Uhr und Staffel sieben ist geteilt auf den Heiligabend (ab 17.45 Uhr) und den ersten Feiertag (13.55 Uhr) zu sehen. Direkt im Anschluss folgt das Weihnachtsspecial (21.35 Uhr), das wir euch in deutscher Erstausstrahlung präsentieren.

Doctor Who celebrates Christmas with a special, which is also Matt Smith’s last appearance in the title role. Before this special, FOX will repeat all of Matt's episodes. Three Doctor Who seasons will be broadcast on three separate days: Series 5 begins on 14th December from 12:05, Series 6 on the 21st also from 12:05, and then Series 7 is split between Christmas Eve (from 17:45) and Christmas Day (13:55). This is directly followed by the Christmas special at 21:35, which we present to you as the German premiere.

The time should not be used as an indication that the UK premiere will be at 8:35pm, as there is no intention to simulcast the festive adventure as with the Anniversary last weekend. The actual broadcast time will certainly be confirmed within the next couple of weeks, as the Radio Times "legendary Christmas double issue" (21 Dec - 3 Jan) is due to be published in limited numbers on 7th December and countrywide from the 9th.

FILTER: - Specials - Time and the Doctor - Germany - Broadcasting

Series 7B premieres in Germany on 12th June

Wednesday, 5 June 2013 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Germany will become the latest country to enjoy the latest series of Doctor Who, with entertainment channel FOX premiering "Series Seven Part Two" on Wednesdays at 8:15pm, kicking off on Wednesday 12th June with Die Glocken von Saint John. The episode will also be repeated later in the evening at 1:15am and Sundays at 8:15pm.

Credit: Ray Burmiston/BBCDie Glocken von Saint John

Der Doktor ist ins gegenwärtige London gereist, um die verschwundene Clara zu suchen. Nachdem er sie gefunden hat, wartet auf ihn und seine neue Begleiterin gleich die nächste Mission - im Wi-Fi-Netzwerk der Stadt lauert eine Bedrohung. Etwas Böses versucht, über das Netzwerk Seelen aufzusaugen. Auch Clara wird fast zum Opfer, der Doktor kann sie gerade noch retten. Als die Betreiber des Alien-Netzwerkes davon erfahren, planen sie, die beiden auszuschalten. Sie lassen die Besatzung eines Passagierflugzeuges einschlafen - und es wird genau dort abstürzen, wo sich der Doktor und Clara befinden.

The series will be preceded by an evening of repeats of the first half of the series this coming weekend, with Der Dalek in Dir at 8:15pm, Dinos Im All at 9:05pm, Wilder Westen at 9:55pm, Zusammengewürfelt at 10:40pm and Die Macht Des Wortes at 11:25pm. The evening is finished off with the 2012 Christmas Special, Die Schneemänner at 12:10am.

Further details can be found from the FOX website and This Week in Doctor Who.

FILTER: - Germany - Series 7/33

Doctor Who returns to Germany

Thursday, 8 December 2011 - Reported by Marcus
  1. FÜNF VOR ZWÖLF (Five to Twelve)
  2. DER STERNENWAL (The Star Whale)
  3. SIEG DER DALEKS (Victory of the Daleks)
  4. ZEIT DER ENGEL ( Time of the Angels)
  5. HERZ AUS STEIN (Heart of Stone)
  6. DIE VAMPIRE VON VENEDIG (The Vampires of Venice )
  7. AMYS ENTSCHEIDUNG (Amy's Decision)
  8. HUNGRIGE ERDE (Hungry Earth)
  9. KALTBLÜTIG (In Cold Blood)
  10. VINCENT UND DER DOCTOR (Vincent and the Doctor)
  11. DER UNTERMIETER (The Lodger)
  12. DIE PANDORICA (The Pandorica)
  13. DER GROSSE KNALL (The big bang)
Doctor Who returns to Germany this December when Series Five begins broadcasting on the pay TV FOX Channel.

The first episode Fünf vor zwölf, which translates as Five to Twelve will screen on the channel on 21st December at 8.15pm CET with episode two following later the same evening. The network has launched a website to tie in with the series

Series 5 will also be made available on iTunes Germany in both German and English beginning December 22nd.

German fans have yet to see broadcast the third and fourth series starring David Tennant. has a report detailing the somewhat chequered history of Doctor Who broadcasts in Germany.

Meanwhile Televisió de Catalunya, has begun transmitting series 6 in Catalan on Canal 3XL. The series continues this Friday with La maledicció de la taca negra.

(with thanks to Aurélie Demonchaux)

FILTER: - Series 6/32 - Germany - Latin America - Europe - Series 5/31 - Spain