Doctor Who, RiffTrax-style

Tuesday, 3 May 2016 - Reported by Chuck Foster
The latest BBC Insiders survey has been canvassing participants over the viability of running a live RiffTrax screening event in cinemas around the United States based around a story from 20th Century Doctor Who.

Following a brief video example utilising Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150AD, the survey then asks how interested the participant would be in attending an event based around such a presentation, with suggested stories including The Twin Dilemma, Warriors of the Deep, The Gunfighters, Robot, The Tomb of the Cybermen, The Five Doctors, Invasion of the Dinosaurs, Four to Doomsday, Timelash, Time-Flight, and The Horns of Nimon. There's also an option to say which stories shouldn't be "riffed"!

Please note that the survey request does not mean that such an event will take place, only that such an event is being considered.

RiffTrax Logo (Credit: RiffTrax)
RiffTrax are are series of comedy audio commentaries to accompany film releases, provided by the stars of the original Mystery Science Theatre 3000 programme, comedians Michael J. Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett.

(with thanks to Chris Kocher)

FILTER: - Cinema - Special Events - USA

The Husbands of River Song: when to watch update

Thursday, 24 December 2015 - Reported by Chuck Foster


ABC have confirmed that they intend to make this year's Christmas special, The Husbands of River Song, available in Australia staight after the United Kingdom on their iView service, from 5:15am (AEDT). This makes the country the first to be able to watch the story after its premiere (at least for early risers!).

FX in India have also confirmed that they will indeed show the special on Sunday in the usual Doctor Who premiere slot of 11:00pm IST.

The Husbands of River Song: Known Broadcast Details
United KingdomBBC OneFri 25 Dec 20155:15pm
AustraliaABC iViewSat 26 Dec 20155:15am AEDT(6:15pm GMT)
United States of AmericaBBC AmericaFri 25 Dec 20159:00pm EST(2:00am GMT)
CanadaSPACEFri 25 Dec 20159:00pm EST(2:00am GMT)
Asia PacificBBC EntertainmentSat 26 Dec 201510:00am SGT(2:00am GMT)
New ZealandPRIMESat 26 Dec 20157:35pm NZDT(6:35am GMT)
AustraliaABCSat 26 Dec 20157:30pm AEDT(8:30am GMT)
South AfricaBBC FirstSat 26 Dec 20156:00pm SAST
Europe (Benelux)BBC FirstSat 26 Dec 20158:05pm CET
IndiaFXSun 27 Dec 201511:00pm IST
United KingdomBBC TwoTue 29 Dec 20152:50am(British Signed Language)
FinlandYLE2Sun 3 Jan 20167:10pm EET
GermanyFOXThu 28 Jan 20169:00pm CET(dubbed into German)


As well as the small screen, The Husbands of River Song will have a number of cinematic screenings, with the presentation including an exclusive interview with Alex Kingston plus a 15-minute behind-the-scenes "making of" featurette:
  • In the United States, Fathom Events are showing the episode in cinemas all over the country over the course of 28th-29th December.

  • In Canada, Cineplex will be showing the episode in select cinemas on the 28th December.

  • In Denmark Cinemaxx are showing the package at 4:45pm and 7:00pm on the 28th December at their Copenhagen, Odense and Aarhus cinemas.]

  • In Germany, Cinemaxx will be showing the package on 28th January at the same time as its premiere on television on FOX (the cinema will be presented in its original English soundtrack); theatres showing the episode are in Augsburg, Berlin, Bielefeld, Bremen, Dresden, Essen, Freiburg, Göttingen, Halle, Hamburg-Dammtor, Hannover, Heilbronn, Kiel, Krefeld, Magdeburg, Mülheim, München, Offenbach, Oldenburg, Regensburg, Sindelfingen, Stuttgart an der Liederhalle, Trier, Wolfsburg, Wuppertal, and Würzburg. (updated 26 Dec)

  • In Austria, the Haydn English Cinema in Vienna will also be showing the episode on 28th January at 9:00pm.

FILTER: - Broadcasting - Cinema - International Broadcasting - Online - Series Specials

The Husbands of River Song to be shown in Danish cinemas

Tuesday, 1 December 2015 - Reported by Chuck Foster
The Doctor and River Song (Credit: BBC/Simon Ridgway)Cinemaxx in Denmark have confirmed that they will show this year's Doctor Who Christmas Special, The Husbands of River Song, on Saturday 26th December, with two showings at 4:45pm and 7:00pm in their Copenhagen, Odense and Aarhus cinemas.

As well as the hour long special the performances will also include an additional thirty minutes of bonus material: though unconfirmed at the time of writing it is expected that this will be the Alex Kingston interview and behind-the-scenes footage that has already been announced for the US screenings of the Special on the 28th/29th December.


Traditionen tro får alle Whovians også i år en ekstra julegave! ’Doctor Who’ er nemlig klar med sin Christmas Special 2015 –og som noget ganske særlig får du her i 2015 en enestående chance for at se dette særlige afsnit på det store lærred!

Det er juledag og the Doctor gemmer sig fra pynt og julesamler på en fjern menneske-koloni. Men heldigvis styrter et rumskib ned, og der er atter bud efter den kære doktor, som i samarbejde med River Songs hold kaster sig ind i en vild og hektisk jagt på tværs af galaksen.

Vil Nardole overleve? Og hvornår finder River Song ud af hvem the Doctor er? Alt dette og mere til vil blive afsløret, når the Doctor kaster sig ud i et rumeventyr af de helt store, som omfatter galaktiske superskurke og en destination, som the Doctor har forsøgt at undgå i rigtig lang tid…

Udover afsnittet, der er 60 minutter langt, vil der være 30 min. særlige ekstraoptagelser, der fordeles før og efter afsnittet, og som kun kan opleves i biografen, så husk at blive siddende til efter rulleteksterne.

Cinemaxx have previously shown The Day of the Doctor, Deep Breath and the 3D version of Dark Water/Death in Heaven in their cinemas.

FILTER: - Cinema - Denmark - Series Specials - Special Events

Christmas Special to be shown in US Cinemas

Wednesday, 11 November 2015 - Reported by Chuck Foster
BBC Worldwide have announced that the - as yet unnamed - Doctor Who Christmas Special is to be shown in cinemas across the United States in late December.


BBC Worldwide North America and Fathom Events announce the return of the longest running sci-fi television series, Doctor Who, to the big screen with a special theatrical event of the 2015 Doctor Who Christmas Special starring Peter Capaldi and featuring the return of Alex Kingston as River Song. The event will be in theaters on December 28 & 29, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. local time and feature an exclusive interview with Alex Kingston, as well as a 15-minute behind-the-scenes “making of” featurette starring Peter Capaldi, Steven Moffat and more.

Tickets for the 2015 Doctor Who Christmas Special can be purchased online beginning Friday, November 13 by visiting or participating theater box offices. The event is expected to show in nearly 300 movie theaters through Fathom’s Digital Broadcast Network. For a complete list of theater locations visit the Fathom Events website (theaters and participants are subject to change).

It’s Christmas Day in the future and the TARDIS is parked on a snowy village street, covered in icicles, awaiting its next adventure. Time traveler River Song meets her husband’s new incarnation, in the form of Peter Capaldi, for the first time this Christmas. River Song made her first Doctor Who appearances in 2008 in Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead and has appeared in 15 episodes to date.

Soumya Sriraman, EVP Film, Home Entertainment and Licensing for BBC Worldwide North America, said:
The return of River Song will be an incredible treat for Whovians heading to the theaters this December to celebrate the holiday season with their Doctor Who community.
Fathom Events CEO John Rubey said:
The Doctor Who fans always come out to movie theaters in full force and we expect nothing less for the first-ever big screen showing of the Christmas special. Experiencing this anniversary event as part of a community is the best kind of viewing party!

The Doctor Who Christmas Special premieres on Friday, December 25, 2015 on BBC AMERICA.

FILTER: - Cinema - Special Events - Specials - USA

BAFTA Cymru showing for Series Nine opener

Thursday, 27 August 2015 - Reported by Chuck Foster
The BBC have announced a special preview of the forthcoming series premiere will be taking place in Cardiff on the 10th September; the event will see both The Magician's Apprentice and The Witch's Familiar presented by BAFTA Cymru:

The Magician's Apprentice (Credit: BBC / David Venni)BAFTA Cymru presents an exclusive preview of the new series of Doctor Who.

The two-part story stars Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman and Michelle Gomez and was filmed in Cardiff earlier this year. Directed by Hettie McDonald, Produced by Peter Bennet and written by Steven Moffat, this is the only screening of both episodes ahead of their transmission on BBC One in September.

The double-bill screening will be followed by a panel Q&A session with Peter, Jenna and Steven, joined by Executive Producer Brian Minchin. Hosted by broadcaster Jason Mohammad.

Please note tickets are only available through this site and we request that you do not contact the BAFTA Cymru office when tickets have all been sold.

Tickets available from 5pm on Thursday 27 August.

Tickets can be booked via the event page.

FILTER: - Cinema - Premiere Events - Series 9/35 - Special Events - UK

Dark Water/Death in Heaven 3D cinema showings in Russia

Thursday, 20 August 2015 - Reported by Josiah Rowe
Russian "art collective" and distributor of international films CoolConnections has announced that on September 15 and 16, Russian cinemas will be showing Doctor Who's Series 8 finale Dark Water & Death in Heaven in 3D, as well as the Series 9 preview. Locations and times have not yet been announced. The episodes will be shown in English, with Russian subtitles.
Doctor Who: Dark Water and Death in Heaven 3D - Russian poster (Credit: BBC) «Доктор Кто» возвращается на экраны кинотеатров. Специальные показы финальных серий 8-го сезона «Темная вода» и «Смерть на небесах» теперь в 3D!

А также:
– Эксклюзивный приквел к 9-му сезону, «Медитация Доктора» (The Doctor’s Meditation)
– Интервью с Питером Капальди и Дженной Коулман, взятое актером сериала «Теория большого взрыва» (The Big Bang Theory , 2007) Уилом Уитоном

У загадочной Мисси свои планы на жителей планеты Земля, и теперь Доктор вынужден сделать непростой выбор. На улицы Лондона выходят киберлюди, старые друзья объединяются против старых врагов, а Доктор предстает в новой и необычной для себя роли. Впереди – трудное испытание, и чтобы преодолеть его, придется пойти на жертвы.

Показ «Доктор Кто: Тёмная вода / Смерть на небесах» проходит в рамках фестиваля «Британские сериалы в кино»

"Doctor Who" returns to cinema screens. A special screening of the final episodes of the 8th series, "Dark Water" and "Death in Heaven", now in 3D!

— Exclusive prequel to the 9th series, "The Doctor's Meditation"
— Interview with Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman, by "Big Bang Theory" actor Wil Wheaton

The mysterious Missy has her own plans for the people of planet Earth, and now the Doctor must make a difficult choice. Cybermen walk the streets of London, old friends unite against an old enemy, and the Doctor appears in a new and unusual role. Ahead, a difficult test, and to overcome it, sacrifices must be made.

The showing of "Doctor Who: Dark Water / Death in Heaven" is presented as part of the festival "British Television Series in the Cinema".

In 2013, Russian cinemas joined the international simulcast of the 50th anniversary special The Day of the Doctor.

Dark Water and Death in Heaven are also being shown in 3D in cinemas in the United States (Fathom Events), Canada (Front Row Centre Events/Cineplex Entertainment) and Denmark (Cinemaxx Cinemas). There are no plans to present the episodes in UK cinemas.

FILTER: - Cinema - Russia - Series 8/34 - Special Events

Dark Water/Death in Heaven 3D cinema outing for Denmark

Thursday, 13 August 2015 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Denmark is the latest country to have scheduled the 3D version of the Series 8 finale Dark Water & Death in Heaven in cinemas. The two episodes, plus the Series 9 preview, will be shown at Cinemaxx cinemas in Copenhagen, Odense and Aarhus on the 16th September (two showings at 6:00pm and 8:45pm).

Doctor Who: Dark Water and Death in Heaven 3D - poster (Credit: BBC)Er du fan af den udødelige engelske tv-serie 'Doctor Who'? Så er du det, man kalder en “whovian”, og der er godt nyt til dig! BBC og CinemaxX fortsætter deres samarbejde, når de onsdag den 16. september blænder op for en 3D-visning af de dramatiske sidste to afsnit af seriens sæson 8 samt en aldrig før vist "prequel" til sæson 9's første afsnit. Udover det bliver doktoren selv, Peter Capaldi, og den kvindelige hovedrolle, Clara, spillet af Jenna Coleman, interviewet af skuespiller Wil Wheaton.

'Doctor Who' er en institution i britisk kultur og er blevet kult i det meste af den vestlige verden. Serien blev skabt i 1963 og kørte uafbrudt indtil 1989. I 1996 blev den forsøgt genoplivet, men først i 2005 lykkedes det, og den nuværende serie kører altså nu på 9. sæson.

Selve figuren, som bare omtales som The Doctor, er et tidsrejsende rumvæsen i menneskekrop, en såkaldt Time Lord fra planeten Gallifrey. Han flygtede i en TARDIS tidsmaskine - "Time and Relative Dimension In Space" - som er en kamæleon-maskine, der kan påtage sig diverse lokale objekters udseende. Men på grund af en fejl i TARDIS' "kamæleon-kredsløb" ligner tidsmaskinen nu og for evigt en blå, engelsk politiboks - et af de ikoniske billeder fra serien.

Denmark joins the United States (Fathom Events) and Canada (Front Row Centre Events/Cineplex Entertainment) in presenting the episodes in 3D in cinema.

The episodes are not currently planned to be shown in the United Kingdom, with a quote from BBC Worldwide to Sci-Fi Bulletin stating: “Due to the number of events taking place for Doctor Who this year including the Symphonic Spectacular and the Doctor Who Festival, we decided against showing the episodes in UK cinema."

The 3D special is expected to be released on Blu-ray in North America on 22nd September:
Doctor Who: Dark Water / Death in Heaven 3D - Blu-ray  (Credit: BBC Worldwide)Doctor Who’s eighth season drew to a close with an epic 2 part finale. The Doctor finally comes face to face with the mysterious Missy, who has been laying the groundwork for a dastardly scheme. Left with no other choice, old friends must unite against old enemies as the Cybermen terrorize the streets of London. Own the thrilling conclusion to the record-breaking season – now combined into one spectacular feature-length 3D extravaganza!

Special Features:
  • Deleted scene
  • An exclusive prequel scene to season 9
  • An interview with Steven Moffat, Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman discussing the latest season, and what’s next for Doctor Who
A release of the story in the UK and other regions has yet to be announced (it is currently unknown if the North American version will be region-free).

FILTER: - Cinema - Denmark - Series 8/34 - Special Events

Cinema outing for The Magician's Apprentice

Wednesday, 22 July 2015 - Reported by Chuck Foster
A screening of the first episode of the new series, The Magician's Apprentice, will be taking place at the Filmhouse Cinema in Edinburgh as part of the Guardian's Edinburgh International Television Festival on 27th August 2015.

Doctor Who at the Edinburgh International Television Festival (Credit: BBC)The Magician's Apprentice
27th August 2015, 8:30pm
Starring Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman, Michelle Gomez
Directed by Hettie Macdonald, 45 minutes

Exploding with epic and thrilling adventures, don't miss the opportunity to see the opening episode of BBC One's new Doctor Who series 'The Magician's Apprentice', written by Steven Moffat, produced by Peter Bennett and directed by Hettie Macdonald.

The screening will be followed by a Q&A with guests to be announced later.

The event has sold out, but details can be found via the cinema website.

FILTER: - Cinema - Series 9/35 - Special Events

US Midnight Screening

Saturday, 16 August 2014 - Reported by Marcus
BBC Worldwide, in association with Fathom Events, have announced a special Midnight screening of the Doctor Who season premiere Deep Breath, on Saturday night, in selected cinemas across the United States.

The event will feature bonus content exclusive to cinemas including a prequel before the feature presentation and 'behind the scenes' after.

Full details of participating theatres here.

The main nationwide showing of the story in the US is on Monday, August 25th. Full list here.

NB: Please note that attending in costume is fine, however masks, face-concealing make-up, fake weapons, tools, accessories (like sonic screwdrivers) as well as any costumes that conceal what you are carrying, your natural body shape or face are strictly prohibited.

Deep Breath is also screening in Cinemas around the world. Main details here.

In addition Spanish cinema chain Cinesa have announced that they will be showing Deep Breath in their Barcelona, Madrid, Oviedo, La Coruña, Sevilla, Bilbao, Valencia, Murcia, Valladolid, Zaragoza and Valencia theatres on Saturday 23rd August at 20:45pm. (with thanks to Papel Psíquico)

FILTER: - Cinema - Series 8/34 - Spain - USA

Deep Breath in Denmark cinemas

Wednesday, 6 August 2014 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Peter Capaldi as the Doctor (Credit: BBC/Adrian Rogers)Danish cinema chain CinemaxX have announced that they will be showing series premiere Deep Breath in their Odense, Aarhus and Copenhagen theatres on Saturday 23rd August at 7:45pm.

Denmark's local time is one hour ahead of the United Kingdom's, which makes the above time effectively 6:45pm; however, the exact time in cinema should be clarified once tickets are on sale, from tomorrow (Thursday) at 4:00pm via the CinemaxX website. Update: the cinema website for the event cites 19:45.

There has been no news at present as to when the usual Doctor Who broadcaster DR might transmit the episode on television.

FILTER: - Cinema - Denmark - Premiere Events - Series 8/34