DWAS Series 11 Launch Party

Monday, 17 September 2018 - Reported by Marcus

The Doctor Who Appreciation Society, known as DWAS, is holding a party to mark the arrival of the brand new series of Doctor Who, complete with a radical new look and a brand new Doctor.

Doctor Who returns to BBC One on Sunday 7th October 2018, and all fans are invited to celebrate the new series and the new Doctor, at a special party as Saks Bar, Clifftown Road, in Southend-on-Sea.

The venue is opposite the main railway station in the Essex town. The main bar will be open and the Underground club has been reserved, where the episode will be projected onto the big screen. The venue is open from 5pm.

Tickets are free but need to be booked online at Event Brite. Fans are asked to support the event by buying a few drinks at the venue.

You do not need to be a member of the society to attend, but anyone who wishes to join can do so online.

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