Doctor Who: Ninth Doctor #14

Monday, 10 July 2017 - Reported by Marcus
This Wednesday, July 12, sees a brand-new arc from Titan in the continuing comic adventures with the Ninth Doctor.

Doctor Who: Ninth Doctor #14

Writer: Doctor Who: Ninth Doctor #14 (Credit: Titan)
Artist: Cris Bolson, Adriana Melo
Cover A: Simon Myers ​cover B: Photo – Will Brooks Cover C: Arianna Florean​​​

With some knowledge of his past life apparently restored, Jack is determined​ ​to put right his misdeeds as a Time Agent – in particular, stopping his past​ ​self from erasing the criminal Zloy Volk from the timeline, using an Eradicator​ ​gun. But... Zloy Volk is very much alive. How?! Even worse, in the process of​ ​stopping his past self from erasing Volk all over again, JACK was seemingly​ ​erased! The Doctor, Rose, and Tara are on the scene...
Doctor Who: Ninth Doctor #14 Cover A (Credit: Titan / Simon Myers )Doctor Who: Ninth Doctor #14 Cover B (Credit: Titan / Will Brooks)Doctor Who: Ninth Doctor #14 Cover C (Credit: Titan / Arianna Florean​​​)Doctor Who: Ninth Doctor #14 (Credit: Titan)Doctor Who: Ninth Doctor #14 (Credit: Titan)Doctor Who: Ninth Doctor #14 (Credit: Titan)Doctor Who: Ninth Doctor #14 (Credit: Titan)Doctor Who: Ninth Doctor #14 (Credit: Titan)

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