New Titan Comics

Tuesday, 21 February 2017 - Reported by Marcus
Out 22 February 2017


Writer: Paul Cornell
Artist: Christopher Jones
COVER A: Andy Walker COVER B: Will Brooks COVER C: Brian Miller & Hi-Fi COVER D: Carolyn Edwards COVER E: Marc Ellerby

The Third Doctor’s Earth-bound exile has been lifted. But before he can set out on new adventures, an alien invasion appears to threaten Earth! It’s the devious work of an old enemy, Salamander, a former dictator with a startling resemblance to the Second Doctor! Now, forming an uneasy alliance with the Master, the Doctor and UNIT set out to stop him – but are they too late to stop his plans as he takes them all back into the past.
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Out 1 March 2017


Writer: Cavan Scott
Artist: Adriana Melo
COVER A: Cris Bolson & Marco Lesko COVER B: Will Brooks COVER C: Marc Ellerby

The Ninth Doctor, Rose, and Jack head to Brazil on the next stop of their transtemporal mystery tour. The Iara have long been thought a Brazilian myth, but when these unearthly mercreatures prove to be aquatic aliens making an unscheduled stop on planet Earth, the TARDIS team must establish their intentions and broker peace across the water barrier...!
Doctor_Who_The_Ninth_Doctor_10_Cover_A (Credit: Titan) Doctor_Who_The_Ninth_Doctor_10_Cover_B (Credit: Titan) Doctor_Who_The_Ninth_Doctor_10_Cover_C (Credit: Titan) Doctor_Who_The_Ninth_Doctor_10_Preview_1 (Credit: Titan) Doctor_Who_The_Ninth_Doctor_10_Preview_2 (Credit: Titan) Doctor_Who_The_Ninth_Doctor_10_Preview_3 (Credit: Titan)


Writer: Alex Paknadel
Artist: Simon Fraser
Colourist: Gary Caldwell
COVER A: Claudia Iannciello COVER B: Will Brooks - PHOTO COVER C: Marc Ellerby

More adventures with the Eleventh Doctor in Part 1 of "THE TRAGICAL HISTORY TOUR!"
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FILTER: - Comics - Eleventh Doctor - Ninth Doctor - Third Doctor