New Third Doctor Comic

Tuesday, 10 January 2017 - Reported by Marcus
This Wednesday sees Titan release their fourth comic featuring the Third Doctor.


Writer: Paul Cornell
Artist: Christopher Jones
Cover A: Andy Walker Cover B: Photo Cover C: Claudia SG Iannicello

Menaced by an unexpected megalomaniac, the Third Doctor and Jo Grant join the forces of UNIT to repel dangers from within and without! Can the Doctor and his allies triumph over a foe who seemingly knows the Doctor better than he knows himself? And we don't mean the Master!
DOCTOR WHO THIRD DOCTOR #4 Cover_A (Credit: Titan) DOCTOR WHO THIRD DOCTOR #4 Cover_B (Credit: Titan) DOCTOR WHO THIRD DOCTOR #4 Cover_C (Credit: Titan) DOCTOR WHO THIRD DOCTOR #4 Page_1 (Credit: Titan) DOCTOR WHO THIRD DOCTOR #4 Page_2 (Credit: Titan) DOCTOR WHO THIRD DOCTOR #4 Credits (Credit: Titan)

Two previously announced titles, Doctor Who: Eleventh Doctor Year Three #1 and Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor Year Three #1 are also out this week.

FILTER: - Comics - Third Doctor