Peter Capaldi Ponders Future

Wednesday, 7 December 2016 - Reported by Marcus
The Return of Doctor Mysterio  - Doctor Who (PETER CAPALDI) (Credit: BBC)
Peter Capaldi has been talking about his future in Doctor Who and has revealed he hasn't decided yet whether to stay on for a fourth series.

Talking to Wales Online the actor was asked about his plans for the future.
I've been asked to stay on and I haven't made my mind up about that yet, mainly because I don't want to have to make that decision. I'm trying to avoid it!
Capaldi returns this Christmas in The Return of Doctor Mysterio, followed by a twelve part series, to be shown next Spring. Next year's Christmas special will be the last story under the aegis of current show-runner Steven Moffat.

New showrunner Chris Chibnall will take over for the 2018 series, but Capaldi has not yet decided whether to stay for the transition.
Doctor Who does take a lot of time, but it's a wonderful use of it. It's special. I'm lucky enough to be in touch with other Doctors, and we all agree how extraordinary it is to be in this position. To decide to leave is a tough decision for everybody. [It was] very tough for Steven, so I'm just putting it off for as long as possible.
Capaldi has already been seen in 28 episodes of Doctor Who, with another 13 in production.

In comparison, Matt Smith has, so far, appeared in 46 episodes and David Tennant in 49. All have a long way to go to catch the record of the longest-serving Doctor, Tom Baker, who has ranked up 174 episodes.

Actor Statistics
Source: Wales Online

FILTER: - Peter Capaldi