Titan Comics Announce Variant Covers

Monday, 21 December 2015 - Reported by Dan Collins

Titan Comics have announced a series of variant covers for three of their ongoing Doctor Who comics. The variants are drawn by Japanese artist Question No. 6. She has previously worked on Doctor Who comics at a fan level, being involved with a webcomic adaptation of AM Audio Media’s award winning Doctor Who Dark Journey audio play.

The comics featuring Question no. 6’s art will be available early next year. The Tenth Doctor Adventures Year Two #2.6 and The Twelfth Doctor Adventures Year Two #2.2 will be available January 13th, 2016 with The Eleventh Doctor Adventures Year Two #2.6 hitting shelves on February 3rd, 2016.

Titan Comics: The Tenth Doctor #2.6 (Doctor No. 6 variant cover) (Credit: Titan/Doctor No. 6) Titan Comics: The Eleventh Doctor #2.6 (Doctor No. 6 variant cover) (Credit: Titan/Doctor No. 6) Titan Comics: The Twelfth Doctor #2.2 (Doctor No. 6 variant cover) (Credit: Titan/Doctor No. 6)

(with thanks to Droids Canada)

FILTER: - Comics - Eleventh Doctor - Merchandise - Tenth Doctor - Twelfth Doctor