Radio Times looks forward to Series Nine

Tuesday, 15 September 2015 - Reported by Harry Ward
Radio Times: 19-25 September 2015 (Credit: Radio Times)Doctor Who once more features on the cover of this week's Radio Times, which is out in shops today.

The issue looks forward to the news series and talks to stars Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman, who discuss their on-screen relationship, the challenges of working on the series and the success of the show.

Jenna Coleman on the announcement of Peter Capaldi:
I’d no idea who would take over from Matt Smith, and when I was told it was Peter, it was one of those ‘aha, that makes sense – genius’ kind of moments. But the first thing he said to me was, ‘There will be no romance in the Tardis.’

Peter Capaldi on the challenges of working on Doctor Who:
It’s a difficult show to act. It goes from B-movie sci-fi to Freudian drama and tragedy. There’s romance, pantomime, humour and sadness, so you’re kept on your toes. I try not to be too romantic or sentimental. Sometimes Jenna will run down a corridor shouting, ‘Doctor, there’s a monster,’ and stuff. Part of the tradition is that sets wobble and you have to fight a giant spider made of rubber. I enjoy that. It’s not so well budgeted as viewers might think but it looks great because of the talent of the people working on it. 

Also in the new issue, Steven Moffat’s series 9 episode guide teases each of the twelve episodes in the new series.

NB: Later this month Frank Skinner will hosting a Doctor Who session at the Radio Times Festival at 7pm on Friday 25th September.

(with thanks to Radio Times)

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