Doctor Who News
Saturday, 19 September 2015 - Reported by Marcus
Immediately after the UK broadcast of The Magician's Apprentice, we will release a review of the episode, on Doctor Who Reviews. This will contain spoilers from the episode and should be avoided until after you have managed to watch the episode.
NB: The site already contains over 2000 reviews from episodes throughout the show's history as well as Big Finish Audio adventures and Titan Comics.
We will avoid spoilers from each episode on the News page until Sunday morning, by which time the episode will have been broadcast in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, as well as in the UK. A full list of the broadcast times can be found on This Week in Doctor Who
We hope to have initial ratings information on Sunday morning, with consolidated figures following a week later. Full ratings information for the whole series can be found in the Doctor Who Guide. The guide also contains a full cast for the series, and this will be updated shortly after transmission to include details of each character in the story.
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