The return of Erimem
Tuesday, 7 July 2015 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Thebes Publishing have announced a new range of books, based around the fifth Doctor's travelling companion Erimem, first introduced in the Big Finish Doctor Who adventure The Eye of the Scorpion in 2001.
Erimem's creator and Editor-in-Chief at Thebes Publishing, Iain McLaughlin told us:
The first book in the series, The Last Pharoah, is written by Iain and Claire Bartlett, and also features an introduction by the original voice of the character, Caroline Morris:
The Last Pharoah
Written by Iain McLaughlin and Claire Bartlett
Foreword by Caroline Morris
Cover artwork by Paul Mudie
Published June 2015
After a freak electrical storm that seems to happen indoors, a young woman is found in the Egyptian exhibit of a London museum, and she seems to look exactly like the face on the death-mask of the uncrowned Pharaoh Erimem...
What is she doing inside the exhibit? How did she get there? Is she really a Pharaoh from 1400BC? And just who is willing to search time and space to find and assassinate her?
THE LAST PHARAOH is the first in a series of novels, novellas and short story anthologies taking Erimem, a former companion of the 5th Doctor, on a new set of adventures travelling to the past, the future and into deep space. THE LAST PHARAOH takes Erimem and a group of 21st century students far into the past, to Actium in Greece where Erimem meets the famed Cleopatra VII on the eve of a vital battle which could end Egypt’s existence as a free country and condemn it to life as a Roman province. Two great rulers of Egypt come into conflict over what Egypt needs to do in order to survive, and both Erimem and Cleopatra face their own personal battles for survival.
The book is available to purchase either in digital or physical format from the Thebes Publishing website.
Looking ahead, the second publication in the series will be a novella, also written by Iain:
The Beast of Stalingrad
Written by Iain McLaughlin
Cover by Dorina Petco
Published August 2015
In 1942, with German forces relentlessly bombarding Stalingrad, the people are freezing and starving... and worse, there are stories of a demon or a beast, stalking the ruined streets of the besieged city, devouring anyone it meets. When Erimem arrives she finds a city under attack both from the invading German armies and from a dark force in the shadows.
Submissions are currently being solicited for the third publication, Into The Unknown, which will form an anthology of twelve adventures. If you wish to pitch a story for the collection you can contact the publishers for further details (closing date 31st July).
Into 2016, and two further publications are currently scheduled: Prime Imperative, a novella by Julianne Todd; and the previously-mentioned A Pharoah Of Mars from Jim Mortimore.
Erimem's creator and Editor-in-Chief at Thebes Publishing, Iain McLaughlin told us:
Originally I wrote the last scene (in The Eye Of The Scorpion) as a bit of cheek in the hope I might get to bring her back maybe with a different Doctor. I had a story called Valley of the Dying Sun in mind with the Sixth Doctor. However, that went out of the window when Gary (Russell, then-producer of the Big Finish audios) asked if I had any objection to Erimem staying aboard for a while. Gary was brilliant to work for, I am forever grateful to him for giving me the chance he did.
Erimem is a character who is always going to be looking for adventure and her biggest challenges are still ahead of her. I'm glad to be tagging along. It's exciting to be taking her off on these adventures where she doesn't have the safety net of the Doctor backing her up. I have to admit I'm hugely excited about Jim Mortimore's novel, A Pharaoh of Mars. I've admired his work for years and I'm so looking forward to this one. The next novel after Jim's... I know who I want to write it and we've discussed it... we just need to sign things off, I'm really buzzed by the possibilities of the series.
Erimem is a character who is always going to be looking for adventure and her biggest challenges are still ahead of her. I'm glad to be tagging along. It's exciting to be taking her off on these adventures where she doesn't have the safety net of the Doctor backing her up. I have to admit I'm hugely excited about Jim Mortimore's novel, A Pharaoh of Mars. I've admired his work for years and I'm so looking forward to this one. The next novel after Jim's... I know who I want to write it and we've discussed it... we just need to sign things off, I'm really buzzed by the possibilities of the series.
The first book in the series, The Last Pharoah, is written by Iain and Claire Bartlett, and also features an introduction by the original voice of the character, Caroline Morris:
Written by Iain McLaughlin and Claire Bartlett
Foreword by Caroline Morris
Cover artwork by Paul Mudie
Published June 2015
After a freak electrical storm that seems to happen indoors, a young woman is found in the Egyptian exhibit of a London museum, and she seems to look exactly like the face on the death-mask of the uncrowned Pharaoh Erimem...
What is she doing inside the exhibit? How did she get there? Is she really a Pharaoh from 1400BC? And just who is willing to search time and space to find and assassinate her?
THE LAST PHARAOH is the first in a series of novels, novellas and short story anthologies taking Erimem, a former companion of the 5th Doctor, on a new set of adventures travelling to the past, the future and into deep space. THE LAST PHARAOH takes Erimem and a group of 21st century students far into the past, to Actium in Greece where Erimem meets the famed Cleopatra VII on the eve of a vital battle which could end Egypt’s existence as a free country and condemn it to life as a Roman province. Two great rulers of Egypt come into conflict over what Egypt needs to do in order to survive, and both Erimem and Cleopatra face their own personal battles for survival.
Looking ahead, the second publication in the series will be a novella, also written by Iain:
Written by Iain McLaughlin
Cover by Dorina Petco
Published August 2015
In 1942, with German forces relentlessly bombarding Stalingrad, the people are freezing and starving... and worse, there are stories of a demon or a beast, stalking the ruined streets of the besieged city, devouring anyone it meets. When Erimem arrives she finds a city under attack both from the invading German armies and from a dark force in the shadows.
Submissions are currently being solicited for the third publication, Into The Unknown, which will form an anthology of twelve adventures. If you wish to pitch a story for the collection you can contact the publishers for further details (closing date 31st July).
Into 2016, and two further publications are currently scheduled: Prime Imperative, a novella by Julianne Todd; and the previously-mentioned A Pharoah Of Mars from Jim Mortimore.
We are able to offer a subscription to the first five publications in the series to three winners, courtesy of Thebes Publishing. In order to be in with a chance to win, please answer the following question:In the Big Finish series, Erimem parted company with the Doctor when she remained on Peladon to marry King Pelleas - but which historical character did she very nearly marry during her travels in the TARDIS?
Send your answers along with your name, address and where you heard about the competition (news site, news app, other website, etc.) to with the subject "Travel broadens the mind" - please also state whether you'd prefer to have a physical or digital subscription to the publications. The competition is open world-wide, closing date: 31st July 2015. Only one entry per household will be accepted.