Series 8 to be released with additional content in Germany

Tuesday, 11 November 2014 - Reported by Pascal Salzmann
German DVD distributer Polyband announced on their Facebook page that they are postponing the release of the Series 8 boxed set from November 2014 to late February 2015.

Polyband originally planned to include the Christmas Special The Time of the Doctor on the Series 8 set. Due to unforeseen problems with the German dub of Series 8, they are now going to release the Special on its own in December.

The German Series 8 set will include all the UK special features. Additionally, the cinema prequel to Deep Breath and the yet-to-be-broadcast Christmas Special of 2014 will also be included, according to a statement by Polyband on Facebook.

Doctor Who: Die Zeit des Doktors (Time of the Doctor) will be released on 22nd December 2014 and can be pre-ordered from Amazon Germany on DVD and Blu-Ray.

FILTER: - Blu-ray/DVD - Germany - Series 8/34