US Midnight Screening

Saturday, 16 August 2014 - Reported by Marcus
BBC Worldwide, in association with Fathom Events, have announced a special Midnight screening of the Doctor Who season premiere Deep Breath, on Saturday night, in selected cinemas across the United States.

The event will feature bonus content exclusive to cinemas including a prequel before the feature presentation and 'behind the scenes' after.

Full details of participating theatres here.

The main nationwide showing of the story in the US is on Monday, August 25th. Full list here.

NB: Please note that attending in costume is fine, however masks, face-concealing make-up, fake weapons, tools, accessories (like sonic screwdrivers) as well as any costumes that conceal what you are carrying, your natural body shape or face are strictly prohibited.

Deep Breath is also screening in Cinemas around the world. Main details here.

In addition Spanish cinema chain Cinesa have announced that they will be showing Deep Breath in their Barcelona, Madrid, Oviedo, La Coruña, Sevilla, Bilbao, Valencia, Murcia, Valladolid, Zaragoza and Valencia theatres on Saturday 23rd August at 20:45pm. (with thanks to Papel Psíquico)

FILTER: - Cinema - Series 8/34 - Spain - USA