DWAS Auction in memory of Verity Lambert
Saturday, 2 August 2014 - Reported by Chuck Foster
The Doctor Who Appreciation Society have sent details about an auction they are running, proceeds of which will be used for the recent commemoration of Doctor Who's first producer Verity Lambert and to the Breast Cancer Campaign.
Following the unveiling last week of a heritage plaque to commemorate the life and career of Verity Lambert, which was celebrated with a free-to-enter screening of An Adventure in Space and Time at Riverside Studios, DWAS is now running an auction via its eBay site. The auction is to raise funds towards the cost of the plaque and the launch event at Riverside. Additionally, 10% of the final selling price of every item will be donated directly to the Breast Cancer Campaign in memory of Verity, as will any funds raised in excess of the heritage costs.
Lots of people and businesses have been very generous and as such we have a wide range of items, many of which should be within the reach of most people. There are a substantial number of signed photographs, signed DVDs and Blu Rays and a couple of very special items, including a VIP Package for two at next year’s ‘Who at The Hilbre 3’ convention in West Kirby (donated by Fans Like Us) and a unique collection of ‘Audio Visuals’ items (donated by Miwk Publishing).
The plaque itself has attracted a lot of interest and remains on display at Riverside Studios. If this fund raising is successful, then with the support of Fandom, DWAS would hope to undertake a similar project in the future..
A link to the auction can be found via the DWAS website.
Lots of people and businesses have been very generous and as such we have a wide range of items, many of which should be within the reach of most people. There are a substantial number of signed photographs, signed DVDs and Blu Rays and a couple of very special items, including a VIP Package for two at next year’s ‘Who at The Hilbre 3’ convention in West Kirby (donated by Fans Like Us) and a unique collection of ‘Audio Visuals’ items (donated by Miwk Publishing).
The plaque itself has attracted a lot of interest and remains on display at Riverside Studios. If this fund raising is successful, then with the support of Fandom, DWAS would hope to undertake a similar project in the future..
A link to the auction can be found via the DWAS website.