The Ninth Doctor Revisited On BBC America
Sunday, 8 September 2013 - Reported by John Bowman
The stories, which formed the finale of the show's first series on its return to TV, marked the end of the Christopher Eccleston era, and saw his Doctor - aided by companions Rose, played by Billie Piper, and Captain Jack Harkness, portrayed by John Barrowman - taking on the might of the Daleks.
Preceding the episodes will be the special documentary Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited – The Ninth Doctor, featuring Steven Moffat, Neil Gaiman, Noel Clarke, and Barrowman among the participants discussing Eccleston's portrayal of a no-nonsense, hard-hitting, and straight-talking Doctor. The documentary will air at 8pm ET/PT.
The stories, written by Russell T Davies and directed by Joe Ahearne, originally aired in June 2005.
The Doctors Revisited: The Ninth Doctor (via YouTube)