Anniversary Episode on New Zealand's Prime TV

Wednesday, 31 July 2013 - Reported by Paul Scoones
New Zealand's Prime television channel has posted a statement on Facebook regarding the 50th Anniversary Special.
Doctor Who fans! Fear not, we will be playing the 50th Anniversary Special. Phew. However, we are still awaiting details from the BBC which will determine when we can transmit. As soon as we have any more information, we'll be sure to pass it along.
BBC Worldwide issued a statement last week in which they announced an intention to simultaneously broadcast the Anniversary Special internationally.

What this means for New Zealand viewers is that if - hypothetically - the Special screens in the UK on Saturday 23rd November at 7pm, the episode would be seen on Prime on Sunday 24th November at 8am.

It remains unclear at this stage whether the episode will in fact screen at the same time in New Zealand. Prime has addressed this in a follow-up statement:
We haven't had any confirmation that simulcast is the BBC's plan - they have not confirmed that with us. If that is an option, we need to know the time and the content because if it comes in early morning, it needs to have a G rating, when usually Doctor Who has a stronger rating. As we said, we'll pass any new info on as it's confirmed.
In New Zealand, new series episodes of Doctor Who invariably receive a PGR (Parental Guidance Recommended) rating, which makes them unsuitable for an early morning timeslot on Prime.

FILTER: - Day of the Doctor - International Broadcasting - New Zealand - Broadcasting