Doctor Who Encyclopedia Updated For iPads

Monday, 17 December 2012 - Reported by John Bowman
A revised and updated iPad app is being released for the Doctor Who Encyclopedia later this week.

Developed by Brandwidth with BBC Books, the app has up-to-date information on every episode since the show returned to our TV screens in 2005. New entries and images cover The Doctor, The Widow, and The Wardrobe, the first five episodes of Series 7, and mini-episodes such as Pond Life. In addition, four of the 11 portals have been updated.

  • Scroll your way through a complete A-Z of the show. You'll discover the Doctor's fiercest enemies and closest allies as well as key places and objects, and have the chance to preview and buy episodes.
  • There are 3,200 entries. Additionally, each entry has an episode reference, allowing you to search the encyclopedia by episode or series.
  • It contains 11 portals, with those for Amy, Rory, River Song, and the Daleks having been updated to reflect recent episodes.
The app is now optimised for iOS6, and BBC Books says that no more in-app purchasing is needed.

The updated app will be released on Wednesday 19th December.

FILTER: - Merchandise - Books - BBC