Charity Book's Publication Is Delayed

Friday, 28 September 2012 - Reported by John Bowman
Problems with printing the charity book Behind The Sofa have delayed its publication.

Due out yesterday, it won't be available now until Friday 12th October.

The book, which is being produced to raise money for Alzheimer's Research UK, features more than 100 celebrity reminiscences about Doctor Who, with many of the contributors having close connections to the programme, either in front of or behind the cameras.

Steve Berry, the man whose brainchild it has been, said the final proof files of the book had been signed off by the printer a number of weeks ago but "somewhere along the way, the files were accepted without being checked" and this "led to the last-minute discovery that the book was unsuitable to go to press."

Blaming the production hitch on both his inexperience in preparing a two-colour book for the early production stages of printing and the printer assuming that the book had been correctly supplied by Matador Self-Publishing, Berry has apologised to people who have placed orders and told of his disappointment, saying:
Thank you so much for your patience. I really hope that when the book finally arrives, you agree with me that it was worth the wait.
He added:
I have been working flat-out with the publisher to get the printing under way with corrected proof files. A quick, public thank-you is owed to Gary Wales and Jill Phythian, both of whom offered advice about removing duplicate Pantone colours, and converting CMYK and spot colours to the correct format. Gary, in fact, was on holiday in Montenegro at the time, so him giving up his time is doubly appreciated.
Earlier this year, there were problems between Berry and PayPal following uncertainty about the book's funding but they were resolved, with PayPal apologising to Berry.
(With Thanks To Vitas Varnas)

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