Fan Productions roundup

Wednesday, 29 August 2012 - Reported by Harry Ward
Fish Fingers and Custard - Issue 11
  • Tributes to Caroline John and Mary Tamm
  • The Boy Who Kicked Pigs: LIVE! - a review of Tom Baker's book, performed on stage
  • Meet The Fanziners - we chat to a couple of fanzine editors about the state of fanzines and fandom in general
  • The Krotons - Is it as bad as it looks?
  • Is the TV Movie better than the RTD era?
  • Plus, much, much more
Ian Levine, Doctor Who Script Consultant (1980-1986), gave a rare interview to the DWO WhoCast. [Part 1, Part 2].

The Minute Doctor Who Podcast recreated a scene from The Five Doctors.

Aeronaut Productions designed a TARDIS console for their friend's son. The full story of how they made it can be read here.

YouTube user "livefortodaydiaries" has recorded a metal guitar version of Owen's Theme from Torchwood.

FILTER: - Fan Productions