Title of Episode 4 revealed

Monday, 28 March 2011 - Reported by Harry Ward
Doctor Who Magazine have confirmed the title of Neil Gaiman's Doctor Who episode. Episode 4 of the new series, which guest stars Suranne Jones (Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa's Revenge) as Idris and Michael Sheen, will now be called The Doctor's Wife.

There had been speculation of the title on a number of fan sites and this evening SFX was given permission by the BBC to reveal the title.

Speculation began yesterday when Steven Moffat Tweeted to Gaiman:
Ohh, just watched your one again! It's really good, isn't it? And look who it is! LOOK WHO IT IS!!!

Today, Gaiman told his Twitter followers:
Yes, Doctor Who Ep 4's title has made it onto the internet. Because the title is a spoiler, I will let you find it yourself.

Edward Russell, Senior Brand Executive for Doctor Who Tweeted in reply to Gaiman:
in retrospect, we should have hung on until Friday [April] 1st... Then no one would have believed us!"

Director of the episode, Richard Clark was surprised to have learned that the episode title had been released so soon:
Ep4 title is out there. How is that possible? [adding] The title was only signed off a couple days ago. Anyone know what date Ep4 is transmitted?

Gaiman told Doctor Who Magazine:
Idris is someone who is beautiful, and who bites, and who might just turn out to be an old acquaintance with a new face... [adding] it starts in void-space, with something – or someone – we have not seen since The War Games, and a knock on the TARDIS door...
Steven Moffat described the episode as:
a beautiful poem of an episode" and says that Suranne Jones "will change the way you see Doctor Who forever forever – and that’s a hand-on-heart promise.
The Doctor's Wife was originally used as a fake title by John Nathan-Turner to discover possible leaks in the production office back in the 1980s.

FILTER: - Series 6/32 - Production