The End of Time - French translation

Thursday, 22 April 2010 - Reported by Chuck Foster
The first week in March saw the recording of the French translation of David Tennant's final adventure, The End of Time. The recording took place at the Dubbing Brothers studios in Brussels, Belgium, with dialogue written by François Dubuc, and the session directed by David Macaluso.

The role of the Doctor was assumed by David Manet, who has played both the Ninth and Tenth Doctors throughout the series' return. However, the Eleventh Doctor finds a new 'voice' in the form of Belgian stage actor and dubbing artist Marc Weiss. Similarly returning is Franck Dacquin as the Master - he has been John Simm's 'alternative' since Life on Mars.

The principle cast in the story have been dubbed by the following artists:
CharacterActorVoice Artist
The Tenth DoctorDavid TennantDavid Manet
The Eleventh DoctorMatt SmithMarc Weiss
Wilfred MottBernard CribbinsDaniel Dury
The MasterJohn SimmFranck Dacquin
The Narrator / Lord PresidentTimothy DaltonPatrick Donnay
Joshua NaismithDavid HarewoodClaudio Dos Santos
Abigail NaismithTracy IfeachorRaphaelle Bruneau
AddamsSinead KeenanFanny Roy
RossiterLawry LewinFrédéric Haugness
Lucy SaxonAlexandra MoenCécile Boland
Donna NobleCatherine TateCarole Baillen
Sylvia NobleJacqueline KingIoanna Gkizas
Shaun TempleKarl CollinsAlexandre Crepet
Rose TylerBillie PiperGeraldine Frippiat
Jackie TylerCamille CoduriNathalie Hons
Martha Smith-JonesFreema AgyemanMélanie Dermont
Mickey SmithNoel ClarkePhilippe Allard
Captain Jack HarknessCaptain Jack HarknessSébastien Hébrant
Sarah Jane SmithElisabeth SladenJacqueline Ghaye
Luke SmithThomas KnightGauthier de Fauconval
Verity NewmanJessica HynesFabienne Loriaux
MinnieJune WhitfieldNicole Shirer
Other roles include: Nicole Shirer (Woman); Romain Barbieux (Oods+Ood Sigma); Robert Guilmard (Ood elder+Winston); Jean-Paul Landresse (Oliver); Frederic Meaux (Mr Danes); Jean-Marc Delhausse (President)

There is currently no information as to when The End of Time (or its predecessor The Waters of Mars) will be broadcast in France.

FILTER: - Specials - France - Series 4/30 Specials - International Broadcasting - Europe