Bonhams Auction: The Aftermath
Wednesday, 24 February 2010 - Reported by Chuck Foster

Of the costumes, the Tenth Doctor costume from Voyage of the Damned fetched £5,040, whilst Astrid Peth's reached £3,120; Rose's costume from Rose achieved £1,020; the costume for the 'Next Doctor', Jackson Lake, reached £3,120.
Other items of interest include: a sarcophagus cover from Pyramids of Mars fetching £4,800; a Chancellery Guard uniform from The Deadly Assassin (as mentioned on The One Show) for £2,280; and the Malus from The Awakening at £3,000. The oldest prop from the series, the brontosaurus model from Invasion of the Dinosaurs, went for £1,320.
The cheapest item was a speaker from The Runaway Bride, which fetched £42.
You can view all of the props and their final bids below. The catalogue is currently available to see on the Bonhams website.
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