2010 Characters Revealed

Wednesday, 10 February 2010 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Actress Neve McIntosh has revealed in an interview in the Perthshire Advertiser that she will be appearing in a two-parter for the next series of Doctor Who - the interview also mentions the role she will be playing, although characters are yet to be officially announced.

On the role:
Edinburgh-raised Neve (38) will be appearing in two episodes of the next series of Dr Who beside new time-traveller Matt Smith. It’s a dream-come-true for the sci-fi fan, who reckons the latest occupant of the Tardis has the potential to out-strip his predecessors Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant.

She said: “I think he’s going to be really good, the best yet out of the new guys.
“The stories have got a bit darker. I play twins, and they’re big lizardwarrior women. They’re one of the Silurian tribes that have been undisturbed under the earth. And of course we get disturbed. It’s the first time I’ve worn prosthetics but I’m still recognisable if you know me well enough.
Neve is also revealed as a Doctor Who fan herself:
Neve, who also appears alongside Welsh actor Robert Pew and The Kumars at No 42’s Meera Syal, impresses as a genuine Who expert. She confessed: “I remember the end of Jon Pertwee and the awesome Tom Baker, who were bridged by Sarah-Jane. A friend gave me a copy of the first Silurian story with Jon and the Sea Devils, and they came back later with Peter Davison. It’s great. I love Dr Who.”

The two-parter itself has yet to be formally announced, but is believed to comprise episodes eight and nine; the Silurian-sounding titles are rumoured to be:
8. The Ground Beneath Their Feet
9. Cold Blood

Filming and photos for these episodes were reported on the news page back in October.

FILTER: - Guest Stars - Series 5/31