Filming moves to Caerphilly

Saturday, 9 January 2010 - Reported by Marcus
Filming for the new series of Doctor Who has returned to Caerphilly Castle in South Wales. The castle has been used as a location for filming The End of Time as well as well as episodes of Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures.

See the spoiler section for more details on what occured.

The scenes appear to be from episode six, believed to be called Vampires of Venice. Filming took place in the great hall and include a scene where a number of female vampires (like those shown in the series 5 trail) were ambushing the Doctor, Amy, Rory and someone named Isobella. Amy was dressed in a pink bath robe and Rory was in period costume.

The vampires were crowding round a doorway and hissing a lot, though only one was showing her teeth. The Doctor behind the door and was shouting "Isobella, Isobella.. No... No!".

Elsewhere in the Castle grounds, there were lots of corridors that had been dressed and lit for filming.

Information and photos courtesy of ahremsee of Gallifrey Base.

FILTER: - Filming Reports - Series 5/31