Creature from the Pit DVD

Thursday, 7 January 2010 - Reported by Marcus
Creature from the PitThe British Board of Film Classification has cleared the Fourth Doctor story The Creature from the Pit for release on DVD.

The story, originally broadcast in the Autumn of 1979, stars Tom Baker as The Doctor, along with Lalla Ward as Romana and David Brierley as the voice of K9. Others in the cast include Myra Frances as Lady Adrast, Eileen Way as Karela and Geoffrey Bayldon as Organon.

The story was written by David Fisher and directed by Christopher Barry.

Extras cleared for the story are
  • Christopher Barry: Director - 19'01"
  • Team Erato - 14'46"
  • Photo Gallery - 4'48"
  • Animal Magic - 2'34"

No release date has yet been confirmed.

FILTER: - Classic Series - Blu-ray/DVD