North America DVD Update
Wednesday, 10 May 2006 - Reported by Shaun Lyon
Warner Home Video has announced two new DVD releases for the US and Canada coming this fall: Inferno starring Jon Pertwee and The Web Planet starring William Hartnell will both be out on September 5, 2006. "Inferno" is a two-disc set featuring commentary by Nicholas Courtney, John Levene, script editor Terrance Dicks and producer/director Barry Letts; "Can You Hear the Earth Scream?," a 35-minute "making of" documentary which includes interviews with Dicks, Letts, Levene, Courtney, Caroline John, Ian Fairbairn and stunt arranger Derek Ware; "The UNIT Family (Part One)", a 36-minute documentary featuring a look at the first half of the "UNIT family" from the Third Doctor's era with interviews with Letts, Courtney, Levene, Dicks, John, Ware and UNIT Creator Derrick Sherwin; "Visual Effects Promo Film," an excerpt from an early sales pitch from the BBC Visual Effects department featuring rare Doctor Who footage; "The Pertwee Years Intro," a short intro by Jon Pertwee originally included on BBC Video's "The Pertwee Years"; a Jon Pertwee radio announcement; a PDF of the 1971 Doctor Who Annual; Radio Times billings; plus photo gallery and production notes. "The Web Planet" features commentary by producer Verity Lambert, director Richard Martin and stars William Russell and Martin Jarvis, with Gary Russell moderating; a making-of featurette called "Tales of Isop" produced by Andrew Beech and edited by John Kelly, which features the four production people in the commentary, plus Maureen O'Brien (interviewed in France), Sonia Markham (make-up) and John Wood (designer); a reading by William Russell of the short story "The Lair of Zarbi Supremo" from the first Doctor Who annual (with the entire annual being made available on the disc in Adobe PDF format); an alternate soundtrack in Spanish for episode six; plus production notes and photo gallery. Cover illustrations are below; click on each thumbnail for a larger version.