Doctor Who Adventures 4
Friday, 12 May 2006 - Reported by Shaun Lyon
Issue #4 of Doctor Who Adventures from BBC Magazines, the children's magazine for fans of the show, will be out on 17 May, and we have a preview below; click on the thumbnail for a larger version. (Thanks to Naomi at BBC Magazines)
Doctor Who Adventures #4
To celebrate the return of the metal monsters, the fourth issue of Doctor Who Adventures is a fantastic Cyberman special! There's a look at the Cybermen past, present and parallel. In an interview with the actor who plays the Cybercontroller, Paul Kasey, you'll find out, amongst other things, how Cybermen go to the toilet! You can even upgrade yourself with a cut-out Cybermask. The Doctor and Rose lose the TARDIS in an exciting new comic strip written by Alan Barnes. We preview The Age of Steel and The Idiot's Lantern, and also take a look at School Reunion. Be prepared with our cut-and-and-keep guide to the menacing Clockwork Droids. All this plus brilliant posters, puzzles and prizes. The magazine comes with a free mini radio (unless you buy your magazine in Tesco, where will get a TARDIS clock instead due to Cyber intervention...). Issue 4 is out Wednesday 17 May, priced 1.99. And prepare to be dazzled by the shiny cover!
To celebrate the return of the metal monsters, the fourth issue of Doctor Who Adventures is a fantastic Cyberman special! There's a look at the Cybermen past, present and parallel. In an interview with the actor who plays the Cybercontroller, Paul Kasey, you'll find out, amongst other things, how Cybermen go to the toilet! You can even upgrade yourself with a cut-out Cybermask. The Doctor and Rose lose the TARDIS in an exciting new comic strip written by Alan Barnes. We preview The Age of Steel and The Idiot's Lantern, and also take a look at School Reunion. Be prepared with our cut-and-and-keep guide to the menacing Clockwork Droids. All this plus brilliant posters, puzzles and prizes. The magazine comes with a free mini radio (unless you buy your magazine in Tesco, where will get a TARDIS clock instead due to Cyber intervention...). Issue 4 is out Wednesday 17 May, priced 1.99. And prepare to be dazzled by the shiny cover!