Canadian DVDs Go Forward, US Plans Unchanged - Update
Friday, 13 January 2006 - Reported by Shaun Lyon
Outpost Gallifrey has learned that, while the planned DVD release of the first season of the new Doctor Who series has been delayed until July due to the acquisition of the series by the Sci-Fi Channel, fans in Canada can rest assured: the Complete First Series Boxed Set will be released there on February 14 as originally planned. (Obviously, eager fans in the US will still be able to import it.)
We've also now been told that there will be no change to the release plans in the US and Canada for the classic series titles -- which will continue to be released in March (which is the already-announced release of "The Beginning Boxed Set" containing the first three stories), June, September and November; the new series set has no effect on that whatsoever.
Also, below are thumbnails of the Complete First Season Boxed Set (the style that will be used in both the US and Canada): both the outer cover (which we've printed before) and the inside packaging; click on each for a larger version. (Thanks to Steve Manfred at the North American DVD/Video FAQ for the news)