Invasion, Tenth Planet Audio Press Release

Tuesday, 20 December 2005 - Reported by Shaun Lyon

The BBC Press Office today posted a press release officially announcing the audio releases of the classic Doctor Who stories "The Invasion" and "The Tenth Planet", which we previously reported as being in release in January 2006. The press release also mentions the February release of "The Reign of Terror," what it says is "the last of the lost television soundtracks restored for release on BBC Audiobooks." The press release is below. (Thanks to Steve Tribe)
Patrick Troughton and William Hartnell star in these soundtrack adventures from BBC Audiobooks

Doctor Who: The Invasion: Patrick Troughton's Doctor encounters the Cybermen in London in this classic soundtrack adventure, narrated by Frazer Hines.

Arriving on Earth in 1975, the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe discover that the component manufacturers International Electromagnetics has a vice-like grip on the world's technology. When he encounters the firm's company director, the Doctor realises that there is something very odd about Tobias Vaughan...

Vaughan is in fact in alliance with the Cybermen, and together they are masterminding an aggressive invasion of Earth. If the Doctor and his friends are to defeat them, they must risk life and limb in an adventure of epic proportions.

In an exclusive bonus interview, Frazer Hines - who also narrates the soundtrack adventure - recalls his experiences of playing Jamie in Doctor Who.

Doctor Who: The Tenth Planet: The Cybermen make their first ever appearance whilst William Hartnell's Doctor nears the end of his first incarnation, in this classic soundtrack adventure with linking narration by Anneke Wills.

The year is 1986, and at the South Pole the crew of the Snowcap Base have detected a new planet on their radar. The arrival of the Doctor, Ben and Polly at the Base coincides with another landing - that of a spaceship whose humaoid passengers have used cybernetics to replace their limbs and vital organs.

Battling alongside the humans to save their planet, the Doctor appears to weaken and age before the eyes of his companions. An ultimate collapse appears to signal his death - but then..

In an exclusive bonus interview, Anneke Wills - who also narrates the story's soundtrack - recalls her memories of making The Tenth Planet.

FILTER: - Audio - William Hartnell - Classic Series