Brighton Exhibition Moves to Leicester

Thursday, 27 October 2005 - Reported by Shaun Lyon
According to a report this week on the website of the Leicester Mercury newspaper, the Doctor Who Exhibitioncurrently located in Brighton will be moving in November to this town in central England. "The time-travelling hero and the fearsome Daleks will be at the National Space Centre next month for a Doctor Who exhibition. Visitors will have the chance to get up close and personal with the creatures that have sent generations of youngsters diving for cover behind the sofa. As well as the Daleks, a host of famous characters, costumes and props from the latest BBC series will be on show at the exhibition. Fans will be able to meet the Slitheen, Autons, Jabe and the Moxx of Balhoon after catching a glimpse of legendary time-travelling machine the Tardis." Says Malika Andress, communications manager at the space centre, said: "This is a huge event in our calendar and we're so excited to be hosting this exhibition. The characters and costumes are all actual props from the BBC series and people will be able to get close to some of them."
The exhibition, which has been at the Brighton Pier for months and closes on November 6, will open on November 22 at the Space Centre, and will run until January 8. The article also notes that "experts from the series will show visitors how Daleks are made and will bring in some of the original models from the earlier TV series" on December 10-11, and that characters from "The Christmas Invasion," likely the Sycorax, will be put into the Exhibition on December 27. (Thanks to Del Shorley)

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