Australia Broadcast Date Set
Tuesday, 26 April 2005 - Reported by Shaun Lyon
Australian fans, take note: you've got a date in May! Saturday, May 21 is the official premiere of Doctor Who on ABC-TV in Australia, broadcasting every Saturday night at 7:30pm for 13 weeks. Australia is the third country to debut the series, after the UK and Canada. To differentiate between the 'classic' series and the new series the ABC are running the new series with the tag line - 'Adventures in The Human Race'. The first ABC program listing, for "Rose," is available at their website. The series will be followed by "Very Little Britain" at 8.15pm and then "The Bill" at 8.30pm. "The Bill" is currently the highest rated programme on Australian television in the 8.30 Saturday time slot, demonstrating how highly the ABC is regarding the new Doctor Who series. We'll have more information on Australian broadcasts as they become available. (Thanks to James Sellwood and everyone who emailed to tell us!)