A Small Problem?

Wednesday, 12 January 2005 - Reported by Shaun Lyon
A report in today's Daily Mirror (echoed by other services) say that the new series has been hit by a shortage of dwarf actors because of the filming of two films, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and the next Harry Potter film. "It's very difficult to employ persons of restricted growth when, as our producer Phil Collinson says, `Bloody Gringotts and the Chocolate Factory are filming at the same time'," executive producer Russell T Davies has been quoted by the Mirror as saying. Outpost Gallifrey has learned that this is, in fact, simply a quote from the latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine and, in fact, is from the filming sessions several months ago (which we reported on with photos taken from an on-location shoot.) (Thanks to Paul Engelberg, Steve Tribe, Chuck Foster, Sean Bradshaw, Kenny Smith, David Collins)

FILTER: - Press