New Year Location Filming
Monday, 10 January 2005 - Reported by Shaun Lyon
We've received a brief report from the folks at TIMELESS, the Cardiff branch of the Doctor Who Appreciation Society, concerning filming in Cardiff this weekend on location for the new series. Click on the spoiler tags to check it out (with thanks to Timothy Farr for the info!)
On the afternoon of Sunday 9th January 2005, the two ends of Womanby Street (one in Quay Street and the other opposite Cardiff Castle) were sealed with traffic cones and security people in yellow reflective waistcoats. Shortly before 7pm, Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor and Billie Piper as Rose Tyler were performing a sequence in which they run into an alley off Womanby Street opposite The Gatekeeper pub. The alley was dressed with washing hanging to dry from lines between the buildings and looked not unlike the closing credits to 1960's editions of soap opera Coronation Street, albeit in colour. This prompted speculation among onlookers that these scenes are intended for the rumoured storyline in which Rose finds herself in a time when her deceased father was still alive. There was one strong overhead light source on set shining into the Alley from Womanby Street all evening, suggesting both a moonlit scene and that all shots being recorded were taking place in the Alley. There was a break in recording at 9pm and Billie Piper left at this time. Sources on set claim that recording is set to continue through until 3am.