Billie Speaks
Tuesday, 18 January 2005 - Reported by Shaun Lyon
During a radio promotion for the tsunami relief program "Radio Aid" on Monday, Billie Piper phoned in and spoke briefly about the new series. She confirmed that it will be starting, as far as she knows, "at the end of March" and when asked who would be doing the theme tune she said "as far as I know it will be the original". The question asked of her was quite confused at this point, with both radio presenters (Zoe Ball and Shane Richie) doing impressions of the theme, so it's possible that she meant it would be the original composition rather than meaning it would be the Delia Derbyshire version, but this remains uncertain. She also put forward the "hoody" she says she wore in the first two episodes to be auctioned on eBay as part of the aid appeal. (Thanks to Dave Dickinson)