Shearman on Eccleston

Wednesday, 24 March 2004 - Reported by Shaun Lyon
Last, but most certainly not least... Outpost Gallifrey spoke to Rob Shearman, one of the four new series writers announced recently, about his thoughts on the casting of Christopher Eccleston as the new Doctor. "About a year or so ago," Shearman told the Outpost, "my wife and I were spellbound watching The Second Coming on TV. 'This is by Russell T Davies,' I told her - and, in a vain attempt to convince her I was as good a writer by connection, said, 'He's a Doctor Who fan, you know.' My wife - who is not like you or I - grunted non-committally. At the first commercial break, I said, 'Wouldn't it be great if this was Doctor Who? Back on the telly?' and she grunted again. At the next break I sallied with a 'And wouldn't it be great if he was the Doctor?' And, to my surprise, she didn't grunt, but agreed. Because she'd realised as I had that Christopher Eccleston is the perfect choice to play the Doctor. Extraordinary - someone entirely 'other', who'll always stand out from the crowd. Charismatic - if he can pull off being a modern day Jesus, you know he can pull off a modern day Time Lord too. Capable of great passion, anger, and warmth. And, obviously, an astonishingly good actor. I can't tell you how delighted I am to be writing for such a talent. And my wife is jolly pleased too." You can read comments from the other three newly commissioned writers -- Mark Gatiss, Steven Moffat and Paul Cornell -- in the past few days' editions of the new series news column.

FILTER: - People