Rights Issues Explained

Thursday, 21 August 2003 - Reported by Shaun Lyon
The BBC Rights Group has commented to BBCi about the current state of affairs regarding the rights to produce a new series of Doctor Who. Speculation has existed over the past two years that the show's rights were signed away (at least partially) during the making of the 1996 movie; now Worldwide insists they hold full rights to the trademark internationally, though of course individual writers from the show retain rights to various characters they created. "Nothing is standing in the way of the BBC making a new TV series, but, as far as we know, there is currently no movement to do so," says the statement... which leads Outpost Gallifrey to once again challenge the BBC on its indecision to do so during the programme's 40th anniversary year! "The BBC is developing a film," it goes on, "but it should be stressed the project is still in its very early stages" (which of course, it has been doing since 1989). (Thanks to BBCi)

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