Doctor Who wins Ally Award for LGBT inclusiveness
Friday, 20 October 2017 - Reported by Marcus
The award was collected by Pearl Mackie, who played Bill Potts in the most recent series, accompanied by the outgoing executive producer Brian Minchin.
Since the return of the series in 2005, Doctor Who has featured a string of one-off and recurring LGBT characters.
In the first series Russell T Davies introduced the omnisexual Captain Jack Harkness, played by John Barrowman, who traveled with the Doctor on and off until the regeneration of the Tenth Doctor. This year Steven Moffat gave us Bill Potts, played by Pearl Mackie, who became the series first openly gay companion.
Speaking to PinkNews, Mackie said:
It’s lovely to be able to accept this Award on behalf of Doctor Who. I feel quite honoured to even have been invited, let alone for Doctor Who and the character of Bill.
It’s testament to how well she was received. I met a couple of young girls who were BAME, and talked to me about how watching Bill on Doctor Who enabled them to come out and feel comfortable with their own sexuality. For me, that’s a massive achievement.
The thing that I liked most about Bill was that she wasn’t grappling with her sexuality, she didn’t need to come out, it wasn’t an issue! It was always just about, I’m gay and happy and this is who I am, this is who I like and this is who I’m in love with.
The PinkNews Awards celebrate the contributions of politicians, businesses and community groups towards LGBT equality in the UK and around the world. It’s testament to how well she was received. I met a couple of young girls who were BAME, and talked to me about how watching Bill on Doctor Who enabled them to come out and feel comfortable with their own sexuality. For me, that’s a massive achievement.
The thing that I liked most about Bill was that she wasn’t grappling with her sexuality, she didn’t need to come out, it wasn’t an issue! It was always just about, I’m gay and happy and this is who I am, this is who I like and this is who I’m in love with.
The event was attended by British Prime Minister Theresa May, Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn and Mayor of London Sadiq Khan.