New Torchwood radio plays planned
Wednesday, 14 January 2015 - Reported by
Speaking during the 2015 Press Tour hosted by the Television Critics Association, as reported in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Metro and other media outlets, Barrowman indicated that plans are afoot to produce several BBC audio dramas based on the series, which was last on TV in 2011.
"My sister and I are discussing the possibility of writing one of them and whether or not that leads to something [on TV]," Barrowman said, though he noted that he is "full-time" on Arrow at the moment (though he also reiterated that the producers of Arrow have indicated their willingness to allow him to film a Torchwood special if the opportunity ever arises). His sister, Carole E. Barrowman, has co-written several novels with her brother, including the Torchwood novel Exodus Code. Barrowman says "three or four" plays are planned.
No timeframe for production or broadcast was offered by Barrowman, who likewise did not say whether or not other Torchwood cast members (past or recent) will participate beyond teasing that at least one story will feature "the whole" Torchwood team. However, he did say that Russell T Davies and Julie Gardner, producers of Torchwood (and, of course, former producers of Doctor Who) will be involved.