Time of the Doctor on DVD and Blu-Ray in Germany

Monday, 27 October 2014 - Reported by Pascal Salzmann
Die Zeit des Doktors (Credit: wvg.com)German DVD distributer Polyband is going to release Die Zeit des Doktors (Time of the Doctor) on DVD and Blu-Ray on 22nd December 2014. Additionally to the Christmas Special from last year, the disc will include over 100 minutes of special features.

Polyband orginally held back from releasing the Special after its german broadcast on FOX last year. They repeatedly stated on their Facebook page that they were planning to include it on the upcoming Series 8 boxed set. However, due to unforeseen problems with the German dub of Series 8, they had to pull back the release date of the boxed set and change their schedule accordingly.

Doctor Who - Die Zeit des Doktors can be pre-ordered from Amazon Germany on DVD and Blu-Ray.

FILTER: - Blu-ray/DVD - Eleventh Doctor - Germany - Matt Smith