Deep Breath cinema tickets on sale in UK from 1st August

Thursday, 31 July 2014 - Reported by Chuck Foster
The Doctor is annoyed that Clara booked her cinema ticket before him... (Photo Credit: BBC/Adrian Rogers)The BBC have reported that tickets to the cinematic outing of the Doctor Who new series premiere Deep Breath will go on sale from tomorrow morning (1st August) from 11:00am.

As well as the episode itself, cinemas will also be showing an exclusive five minute video that features on a future Doctor Who DVD release, plus a ten minute behind-the-scenes film covering the making of the episode (which viewers at home will also be able to see via the BBC Red Button).

In addition to cinemas around the country, there will be a special showing at London's Odeon Leicester Square which will also include a live Q&A with guest stars from the story. Limited tickets for this event can be purchased from Odeon tomorrow from the earlier time of 10:00am. Viewers at other cinemas will also be able to see the Q&A via a live stream.

Stephen Davies, Director for Live Events, said:
Following the tremendous success of the 50th anniversary screenings, this is another wonderful opportunity for fans to get together to celebrate another major milestone and enjoy the amazing opening episode of the Peter Capaldi era on the big screen.

Deep Breath has been rated PG, with the cinema events expected to end between 10:00-10:30pm.

FILTER: - Cinema - Premiere Events - Series 8/34 - Special Events