Tom Baker Wins Fans Poll as Favourite Doctor
Thursday, 21 November 2013 - Reported by Marcus
Baker, who played the Fourth Doctor between 1974 and 1981, stormed home in the best Doctor vote attracting nearly double the number of votes of his nearest rival, David Tennant, the Tenth Doctor. Patrick Troughton, who played the Second Doctor in the 1960’s, came third just behind Tennant, but ahead of current incumbent Matt Smith, who was placed fourth in the vote. Jon Pertwee came in fifth place.
Elisabeth Sladen, who played Sarah Jane Smith, initially alongside Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker between 1973 and 1976, and then reprised the role twice in the 1980’s, before returning to appear alongside David Tennant in 2006 and then starred in The Sarah Jane Adventures for five series, was voted favourite companion. With nearly 25% she scored more than double her nearest rival, actress and Comedian Catherine Tate, who played Donna Noble alongside David Tennant . Sophie Aldred, Sylvester McCoy's companion, Ace was voted third, whilst Patrick Troughton Companion Jamie McCrimmon, played by Fraser Hines, was fourth.
Other winners in the poll were:
- Favourite Story: The Talons of Weng-Chiang (1977)
- Favourite Monster: The Daleks
- Favourite Writer: Robert Holmes
- Favourite Director: Graeme Harper.
Founded in 1976, The Doctor Who Appreciation Society is the longest running Doctor Who fan club in the world, with members across the globe.
To celebrate 50 Years of Doctor Who, Thursday 21st November will see the publication of the Anniversary Special issue of Celestial Toyroom (CT). CT is the World's longest running publication based on a television programme.
(with thanks to DWAS)